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مثال علي التورق المصرفي. أهم المنتجات المالية الاسلامية. أهم المنتجات المالية الاسلامية. Equity based financing Profit Loss Sharing. Hawalah (Transfer of Debt) الحوالة .
Hawalah (Transfer of Debt) الحوالة . In literal terms, hawalahmeans assignment, bill of exchange, or promissory note. In the juristic sense, it is a special type of security contract which simply means debt assignment Essential Elements of Hawalah • Muhal: The creditor/person to whom the transfer is made • Muhil: The transferor or debtor who assigns the debt • Muhal‘alayhi: The transferee of the assigned debt • Al-Muhalbihi: The transferred debt, assigned from one debtor to another • The debt owed by the transferee to the principal debtor • Form of contract. The contract concludes with an offer from the principal debtor and acceptance by transferee & creditor
Application of Hawalah The modern application of hawalah comprises: • Bills of exchange (السفتجة) • Issuance of cheques against current account • Endorsement of a negotiable instrument • Transfer of money or remittance (الصرف)
شروطالشركات • النشاط حلال • رأس المال معلوم مع حصص الشركاء • تقسيم الارباح معلوم ومتفق عليه • نصيب كل شريك من الربح مشاع وليس مبلغ مقطوع • لا يجوز ضمان الربح او رأس المال • الخسارة علي رأس المال حسب نصيب كل واحد • كل ما يجوز بيعه يجوز رهنه
شركة العنان مفهوم شركة العنان مشاركة بين اثنين أو أكثر مشاركة بالمال والجهد تقاسم الربح والخسارة
شركة المضاربة مفهوم عقد المضاربة بين اثنين او اكثر احدهما برأس المال والاخر بالجهد والعمل تقاسم الربح الخسارة على رأس المال
عقود المشاركة • الشركة في اللغة المقصود بها الاختلاط ، • الشركات في الفقه الإسلامي عدة أنواع ، منها : • شركة العنان • شركة المضاربة • شركة الوجوه • شركة الأبدان. ويهمنا بشكل اكبر هنا شركة العنان والمضاربة.
شركة العنان • وهي اشتراك أثنين أو أكثر في المال ، والربح. • من صور هذه الشركةاليوم : • الشركات المساهمة • الصكوك • اغلب الشركات
المشاركة المتناقصة • من صور هذه الشركة في المصارف الإسلامية اليوم ما يسمى بالمشاركة المتناقصة ، سواء كان ذلك بغرض الاستثمار ، او بقصد تمويل الأفراد أو المؤسسات وذلك لتوفير إحتياجاتهم. • ومن أبرز أشكال هذا النوع من التمويل ما هو منتشر اليوم في كثير من الدول الأوربية مثل بريطانيا ، وهو تمويل شراء المساكن للأفراد ، و من الممكن أن يكون هذا العقد لغرض تجاري مثل المشاركة في شراء عقار أو ما يمكن تأجيره بشكل عام ويتولى طالب التمويل عملية دفع قسط الايجار للمصرف بقدر نصيبه في العقار او ان يتولى ادارة العين المملوكة ، • ويعطي المصرف قسطه من الأجرة او الربح حسب الاتفاق ، و • من ثم يعمل طالب التمويل على دفع مبلغ إضافي كل شهر على سبيل المثال ليتملك حصة المصرف خلال مدة معينة.
Musharakah (Partnership Contract) المشاركة • Musharakahis a word of Arabic origin meaning ‘sharing’ • Itis a form of shirkat al-amwal where all partners invest capital into the joint-venture • Musharakah emphasises practical participation of parties in the partnership business • Musharakah is a form of partnership between two or more parties based on mutual trust
Musharakah(Partnership Contract) • The return of the investors is based on actual profit of the joint-venture • The parties must agree at the time of initiating the contract on the proportion of profit due to each partner • Losses are shared in accordance with the capital investment of each of the partners • Musharakah is considered the most viable Islamic finance product in modern banking
Musharakah (Partnership Contract) المشاركة Legality of musharakahcontract is established in the Qur’an, Sunnah & the practices of the companions and predecessors of the Prophet (PBUH) Modern application of musharakahMusharakahcould be used effectively: • Stocks and funds • For small and medium enterprise (SME) • In the primary Islamic capital market (where sukuk certificates are issued)
Musharaka (Sharing, Equity/Business partnership, Joint Venture( Two or more parties come together and contribute funds in a partnership. Partners share in the profit or loss of a joint venture. The profit-ratio is determined according to the agreement of the partners and not necessarily according to their capital contribution. This could depend on how much each partner contributes to the partnership beyond their capital share. However, the losses must be determined according to the percentage of one’s share in the investment. Scholars agree (Ijma’) on the equal division of loss in accordance with the ratio of each investor. The profit returned to each partner should reflect the actual profits made by the enterprise as opposed to a set income. Partners may contribute cash or assets towards the partnership. Their contribution ratio should be determined according to the value of the assets.
Musharaka (Equity partnership, Joint Venture) $2.5mil Profit Investor A 25% $10mil (25%) Business Venture Profit 10mil Investor B $30mil (75%) 75% $7.5mil Profit
Musharaka - example Profit arrangement ratio is pre-agreed at the start (10/30/60 or it could be eg. 15/30/55) based on investors involvement in the business management and other relevant factors (eg. experience, skills and so on). However, loss must be shared in proportion to contributed capital (in this case 10/30/60) and can not be changed.
Home purchase Diminishing Musharaka– This method can be used in purchasing property or assets such as machinery for a factory. For example, under a diminishing Musharakah contract, the bank (or financier) and the client become partners. The client must provide a significant amount of funds e.g. 20% to purchase the house with the bank. The bank in this case owns the other 80% which the client will pay over time in installments. Since the client will be living in the house, they will pay (on top of the installments) a certain percentage (e.g. 8%) in rent (ijarah) to the bank for the share the bank owns. Over time, the client will own more equity in the house until it is completely bought, while the rent will decrease as the bank’s share diminishes.
Diminishing Musharaka (المشاركة المتناقصة) Home Purchase Bank Customer Transfer of ownership Payment for piece of property (eg. 10%) Rent % Rent % Price 80% Price 20% Bank’s participation diminishes over time until customer becomes sole owner of the property.
MusharakahMutanaqisah (Diminishing Partnership)المشاركة المتناقصة ... is long-term financing; a bank’s share in the ownership of a property decreases gradually due to the continuing sale of its shares to the customer against the payment of predetermined instalments MusharakahMutanaqisahis a chain of three contracts: • Joint ownership between a client and an enterprise (financier) • A contract of lease between the financier and the client under the joint ownership • The client partner concludes another contract with the financing partner
المضاربة • شركة بين اثنين أحدهما بالمال ، والآخر بالعمل • وهذا النوع من العقود يدرجه بعض الفقهاء ضمن عقد الشركة بشكل عام وبعضهم يجعله عقد مستقل. • وله عدة تطبيقات في المصارف اليوم مثل أن يدفع المصرف مالا الى من يرغب في انشاء مصنع ، او لديه رغبة في الزراعة ، او يمكن ان يدخل المصرف كشريك في شركة استثمارية قائمة عبر تمويلها ومن ثم تقاسم الارباح حسب الاتفاق بينهما : • الصناديق الاستثمارية • المحافظ • الودائع الاسلامية
المضاربة (القرض الحسن ) • هذا النوع من العقود ركز عليه الدكتور النجار في تجربة بنوك الادخار المحلية. • عقد القرض والمقصود به القرض الحسن ، وهذا النوع من العقود غرضة تبرعي وليس استثماري بمعنى ان المصرف لا يحقق عائدا مباشرا منه ، ولكن يمول منشأة معينة لفترة ما على اساس ان ترد المؤسسة المبلغ المقترض دون زيادة ، خلال مدة متفق عليها. • وهذا النوع من العقود تطبيقاته قليلة في المصارف اليوم وذلك لأنها لا تحقق عائدا للمصرف الا انها من الممكن ، أنه من الممكن تقديم مثل هذا النوع من القروض بهدف ربحي غير مباشر وهو كخدمة لعملاء البنك الخاصين مثلا. وهذا يمثل عامل جذب للعملاء.
Mudaraba (Trustee or Investment Partnership) Such a contract requires one partner with the funds, known as Rabb-ul-Mal (Owner of Wealth), and one partner is the Mudarib(Entrepreneur, Fund Manager). There can be more than one Mudarib to work together as partners with the Rabb-ul-Mal. If the business or project is a success, the profit is shared according to a pre-agreed ratio. Typically, the Rabb-ul-Mal bears the risk of losing money, while the Mudarib loses time and effort if the project does not bear fruit. The Rabb-ul-Mal may specify where they want the Mudarib to invest their money (Al-Mudaraba Al-Muqayyada – specific or restricted Mudaraba, eg. Specific type of business of place). Otherwise, the Mudarib is free to invest where they best see fit (Al-Mudaraba Al-Mutlaqa – unrestricted or general investment (Mudaraba), unrestricted by time, place, activity and so on).
Mudaraba (Investment Partnership) Share of profits Investor Business Venture Profit capital Mudarib (entrepreneur) management Share of profits Profit can not be a fixed amount (for PLS financing) but must be determined by a pre-agreed ratio. In case of loss, the investor loses capital and the mudarib loses time and effort. In the case of proven negligence by the mudarib, the mudarib may be liable for capital as well.
Equity based financing Under Islamic Banking there are two main fields of financing. One is Equity Based Financing and the second is Debt Based Financing. These modes of financing primarily differ from conventional financing due to their voidance of interest. Equity Based Financing - profit-and-loss sharing (PLS) Musharaka(Sharing, Equity/Business partnership, Joint Venture) Mudaraba (Trustee/Limited/Investment Partnership)
Partnership Contracts in Islamic Finance Concept of Equity-Based Contract • The equity-based contracts generally involve some sort of partnership • Partnership contracts which have been transformed into financial instruments are • Mudarabah (trust financing) • Musharakah (joint-venture partnership) • Mmharakahmutanaqisah (diminishing partnership)
Mudarabah (Trust Financing) المضاربة • Mudarabah is a form of partnership where one party (rab al-mal) provides the funds and the other party (mudarib) assumes the role of the entrepreneur through effective management • While rab al-mal is the sleeping partner in the partnership contract, the mudarib is directly involved in the day-to-day running of the business • The parties share the profit of the business venture based on agreed percentage and bear any loss incurred • In the event of losses the entrepreneur loses his/her labour and the financier loses the capital
Mudarabah (Trust Financing) المضاربة Legality of MudarabahThe legality of mudarabah contract is established in the Qur’an, Sunnah, practices of companions, and ijma Types of Mudarabah • Restricted (مقيدة) • Unrestricted (مطلق) Termination of the Mudarabah Contractual Relationship Either of the parties can terminate the contractual relationship at any time subject to notice given to the other party within a reasonable time prior to contract termination
Modern application of Mudarabah Mudarabah in Islamic banking & finance is being used in: • Venture capital • Project financing • Unit trust • General Investment Account (GIA) • Specific Investment Account (SIA)
Differences between Musharakah & Mudarabah Contracts • Sources of financing the business • Rights of partners to participate in the management of the business • Sharing profits and losses • Liability of the partners • Ownership of assets
Rahn (Collateral/Pledge) Acollateral, pledge or mortgage offered as security for a debt that allows the creditor to take away the debt from such security in the event of any default on the part of the debtor • The legality of rahn (mortgage) contract is established in the Qur’an and Sunnah • The significance of rahncontract is that it is a voluntary charitable contract (tabaru’) • The modern application of rahn contract employed in contracts involving credit transactions such as deferred sale or loans from IFIs