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The CBC in Pediatrics: A closer look. David Hilmers March 19, 2007. Objectives. How do we get a CBC? What are the artifacts that can cause erroneous values? What do the indices mean? What information can we obtain from CBC beyond HgB and Hct? Some example cases. Coulter Counter.
The CBC in Pediatrics: A closer look David Hilmers March 19, 2007
Objectives • How do we get a CBC? • What are the artifacts that can cause erroneous values? • What do the indices mean? • What information can we obtain from CBC beyond HgB and Hct? • Some example cases.
How does a Coulter Counter Work? • Blood is suspended in a weak electrolyte solution • Drawn through a narrow aperture separating two electrodes through which electric current flows • Voltage between electrodes creates “sensing field” • As particles pass through the field they increase the impedance between electrodes • Change in impedance is recorded • Change in impedance is directly proportional to volume of particle (MCV) • Analyze distribution of particles to get a size distribution (RDW) • Can distinguish platelets, RBC’s, WBC’s, reticulocytes • Measures hemoglobin (by optical densitometry), RBC count, MCV, RDW, all else is calculated
Other Indices • Hct = MCV x RBC • Actually, of little value • MCH = Hgb / RBC • Gives idea whether cells are hypochromic • MCHC = Hgb / Hct or Hgb / (MCV x RBC) • Gives idea of surface area per unit volume of RBC’s
Artifacts in Electronic Cell counting • Cold aggluntinins (such as from Mycoplasma) • Decrease RBC count, increase MCV, MCH • Hyperglycemia causes cells to swell • Increases MCV and hematocrit and decreases MCHC • Hypernatremia also causes cells to swell • Increases MCV and hematocrit and decreases MCHC • Leukocytosis causes counts to increase and increases the average size of cells • Increases hemoglobin, hematocrit, RBC, and MCV • Triglyceridemia causes increased hemoglobin reading • Increases hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC
Case #1 • Newborn infant (term twin B) with the following indices • Hgb 10.2 • Hct 33.2 • MCV 94.8 • RDW 14.0 • RBC 3.5 M Could this be iron deficiency anemia? Why or why not?
Iron deficiency in newborn • Most likely due to blood loss, such as twin-twin transfusion • Newborn infants will take all the iron that they need from mother even if mother is iron deficient • Average amount of iron in body at birth is 250 mg (80 ppm) • At 6 months iron concentration will decrease to 60 ppm and infant becomes at risk for iron deficiency, especially if not taking iron-enriched foods or formula • Remember to supplement exclusively breast-fed babies at six months with iron
Impact of iron deficiency anemia on mental development • In one study, infants with Hgb < 9.5 at 8 mos had decreased locomotor and hand-eye coordination • Infants with low ferritin levels, later had decreased language ability, and a 3.3 times increase in the odds of having an IQ < 70 by age 5
Case # 2 • You are given the following CBC from a newborn African-American male infant: • Hb 14.9 • MCV 93 • MCH 31 • MCHC 33 • RDW 14 • RBC 5.7 • Retic 4 • Platelets 220 • Spleen 1 cm • T bili 8.9, day 3 • What is your diagnosis, if any?
Alpha thalassemia • Predominant hemoglobin at birth is hemoglobin F composed of alpha and gamma chains • Hemoglobin A consisting of alpha and beta chains is not predominant until 6 months of life • Iron deficiency is not present at birth • Therefore, low MCV (<98) at birth is almost always due to alpha thalassemia • In African Americans is almost always benign, consisting of single gene deletion (1 of 4) • In Asians, however, may be more serious with multiple gene deletions. Should be investigated. • May be only opportunity to easily detect alpha thalassemia since after 6 months, can only detect beta thalassemia on HgB electrophoresis (elevated hemoglobin A2). Would need to do genetic studies to discover alpha thal.
What is a low MCV? • By age 1 lower limit of normal • MCV = Age (yrs) + 70
Case #3 • Newborn Caucasian baby boy, born via C-section • HgB 17 • MCV 107 • MCH 32 • MCHC 33 • RDW 14 • RBC 5.3 • Retic 4 • Platelets 220 • Spleen not palpable • Infant pale HR 200, weak pulses
Blood loss • Baby had bled out during delivery • Not hemodiluted yet • Needs circulatory support
Case #4 9 month old Caucasian boy. Hb 9.7 MCV 76 MCH 33 MCHC 38 RDW 18 RBC 4.7 Retic 8% Platelets 340 Spleen 1 cm palpable Bilirubin 18.7 on day of life 3 What is going on?
Hereditary Spherocytosis • Caused by loss of spectrin and/or ankyrin giving cytoskeletal instability and surface area loss • Best test is osmotic fragility test • When MCHC is high, gives perspective on surface area to volume of cells. Highest when spheres present. • Other possible diagnostic use of MCHC is with autoimmune hemolytic anemia which causes the generation of microspherocytes
Case #5 • 18 month old Caucasian male with Tetralogy of Fallot • Hb 17.2 • MCV 66 • MCH 30 • MCHC 32 • RDW 17 • RBC 5.8 • Retic 1.7 • Platelets 110 • Spleen palpable 2 cm • What is the diagnosis and what does this child need?
Fe deficiency in patients with polycythemia • Needs iron or will stroke out!!! • Iron deficiency state gives higher viscosity • Combination of polycythemia and iron deficiency can cause stroke
Case #6 • You are following a 16 year old male who is a top-notch cross-country runner, who has been feeling tired and not up to par this year • His indices are: • Hgb = 11.7 • Hct = 35% • MCV = 80 • MCH = 28.9 • RDW = 16 • What is your diagnosis and why?
Jogger’s anemia and anemia of highly-trained athletes • Boyadijev N. et al: Br J Sports Med 34:200-204, 2000. • Compared indices of highly trained pubescent athletes with controls • Athletes had lower HgB, RBC count, and MCV than controls • Additionally, there is a phenomenom called “runner’s anemia” with blood loss from continued microtrauma, usually asx, but may have increased fatigue • Get plasma expansion with running and hemolysis from pounding of feet on pavement and hemoglobinuria • Should be considered when mild anemia is well-tolerated by an avid runner but may be symptomatic
Use of MCV and RDW • MCV ↓ RDW ↑ • Fe deficiency • PPV = 97.8% • Best test for IDA is CHr (concentration of HgB in reticulocytes), not yet generally available but coming soon • Trial of iron can be used as diagnostic tool with 2-3 mg/kg/d of elemental iron (FeSO4 is 20% elemental) • Should see retics increasing in 48-72 hours • HgB will increase at 0.2-0.3 g/dl per day in first 3 weeks • MCV ↓ RDW nl • Thalassemia trait • MCV nl RDW nl • Acute anemia/chronic intercurrent illness • Transient erythrocytopenia (TEC) • MCV nl RDW ↑ • Blood loss • Hemolytic anemia
Use of MCV and RDW • MCV ↑ RDW ↑ • Newborn • Incr retics • B12/folate def • Hypothyroidism • Liver disease • MCV ↑ RDW nl • Preleukemia • Leukemia • Aplastic anemia • Diamond-Blackfan syndrome • Down’s syndrome • Smoking
Take home points • Coulter counter accurate but can give erroneous values under conditions like hypernatremia or hypertriglyceridemia • Only measured values are HgB, RDW, RBC, cell counts, and MCV • Remember to look closely at MCV/RDW as well as other indices for early diagnosis of major hematologic problems