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The process of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) involves combining an egg with sperm outside of the body. If you are looking for the best infertility clinic in Kolkata then Miracle Fertility clinic is the best option for you. To know more visit our website.<br>
Do You Know How InVitroFertilization Works? By MiracleFertitity www.miraclefertility.in
During In Vitro Fertilization, an Egg and SpermAreCombinedOutsidethe Body Fertility treatmentincludes assistedreproductive technology (ART) such as IVF. There are several types of ART,butIVFisthemostpopularandsuccessful.Look for a high-quality infertility clinic in Kolkatathat has been highlyratedandreviewedbymanypeoplebefore you undergothistypeoftreatment.
Assisted reproductiontechnologiessuchasIVF andgestational surrogacy are used to treat infertility and to carry a pregnancy to term. Whenfertilizedeggsareimplantedintoasurrogate'suterus,the resultingchildisgeneticallyrelatedtobothmotherandfather. Inalaboratory,spermfertilizesovumorova(eggs)aftertheyare removed from the ovaries of a woman and monitored and stimulated to helptheovulatoryprocess. Embryotransferinvolvesimplantingthefertilizedegg(zygote)intothe sameoranotherwoman'suterusafterbeingcultured for twotosixdays. . HowDoesIVFWork?
HowCanIVFBeUsed? A problemwiththefallopiantubesmaycausefemaleinfertility, which can be overcome with IVF. Additionally, it may be used to overcome male infertility caused by low sperm count or motility, or byantibodiestosperm. A couple withanunknownor unexplained cause of infertility can also benefit from IVF. An egg, sperm, or uterine lining problem could beresponsibleforthis. Treatment costs for IVF inKolkata depend on a varietyof factors, butmostlyonthetypeofclinicortreatmentcenterthatyouchoose.
WhatAretheSuccessRatesof IVFTreatment? It was 1978 when the first successful IVF baby was born. Thousands of couples have been helped have children by IVF worldwide since then. Currently,IVFis themost expensive assisted reproductive technology, and its success rate varies depending on a variety of factors. A number of steps are involved in IVF, including ovulation induction,whichisacomplexandcostlyprocedure. IVF success rates depend on many factors, including the woman's age, the cause of her infertility,and the quality of her eggs and sperm.About40%ofIVFattemptssucceed,witharangeof27-43%.
ContactusifyouneedanykindofGynecologyrelatedtreatment includingpregnancy Address Website Phoneno. Email 33SantoshpurAvenue, NearTrikonPark,Kolkata, India,WestBengal raypiya@hotmail.com www.miraclefertility.in +918902235337