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What Are The Advantages Of Laparoscopic Surgery?

There are only a few small incisions in the abdomen during laparoscopy. Cameras and instruments are inserted through these incisions during surgery. By reading this, you will learn everything you need to know about laparoscopic surgery in Kolkata.<br>

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What Are The Advantages Of Laparoscopic Surgery?

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  1. WhatAreThe Advantages Of Laparoscopic Surgery? By MiracleFertility

  2. Surgical procedures with a laparoscope canbeperformedforanumberof conditionsaffectingtheabdominal organs, including gallbladder conditions, hernia repairs, appendicitis, and ovarian cysts.

  3. HAVINGFEWER PAINS Withalaparoscope,surgeonscanperformmany typesof surgeries without making large incisions. Laparoscopic surgery is appropriateforthosewith previous abdominalsurgeries, adhesions (scar tissue), or severe obesity. This typeof surgery isknownasminimallyinvasivesurgery,and ithasmany advantages over traditional open surgeries. With this procedure, youwillexperiencelesspain,a fasterrecovery, ashorter hospitalstay,andalowerriskofinfection.

  4. SHORTER HOSPITALSTAYS Laparoscopy involves inserting a tube with a tiny video cameraintoapatient's bellybutton.The surgeon views the inside of the abdomen using the camera. Oncethesurgeonlocatesthe problem area,anydiseasedtissueisremovedandthe woundisstitchedup.

  5. FASTERRECOVERY It is common to perform laparoscopic surgery as an outpatient. After an operation, patients may need to stay in the hospital overnight.An abdominalincisionismade to access internal organs. Laparoscopic surgery in Kolkatacauses less pain and scarring than open surgery. Furthermore, open-surgery patients have longer recovery times and a higher risk of complications. The recovery time for laparoscopic surgery is usually shorter thantherecoverytimeforopensurgery.

  6. COMPLICATIONRISKS LOWER This procedure involves making a large incision in the abdomen andremovingtumors or repairing damagedorgansusinginstruments.A laparoscopyisgenerallyconsideredsaferthan opensurgery.Tubesandcamerasareinserted into thebodythroughtinyincisionsduringthis typeofminimallyinvasivesurgery.

  7. CONTACTUS Email: raypiya@hotmail.com Phno:+918902235337 Website: www.miraclefertility.in Address: 33SantoshpurAvenue,Near TrikonPark,Kolkata,India,WestBengal

  8. THANKYOU ABreakthroughintheTreatment

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