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What Are The Benefits Of Ultrasound Exams During Pregnancy?

Discover the best pregnancy ultrasound options in Kolkata. Learn about the various ultrasound procedures for monitoring maternal health and fetal development. <br>

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What Are The Benefits Of Ultrasound Exams During Pregnancy?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WhatAreTheBenefits Of Ultrasound Exams DuringPregnancy? BY MIRACLEFERTILITY

  2. Overview Ultrasoundexamsareprenatalgame- changers, offering vital insights into fetal healthanddevelopment.Learnaboutthe typesusedinKolkataformonitoringyour baby'swell-being.

  3. Transabdominal Ultrasound The common pregnancy transabdominal. Gel, ultrasound – and images on a monitor to monitor fetal transducer, growth,checkforanomalies,andestimate duedates.Typicallydonein thefirst trimester.

  4. Transvaginal Ultrasound For detailed images, especially in early pregnancy,atransvaginalultrasoundis used.Asmalltransducerinsertedvaginally providesclearerimages,idealforearly- stagepregnancies

  5. Doppler Ultrasound Doppler ultrasound in thebest ultrasound centerinKolkataexaminesbloodflowinboth the mother pregnancies preeclampsia. and baby, aiding high-risk and conditions like

  6. 3Dand4D Ultrasound 3D and 4D ultrasounds offer remarkable pre-birth glimpses, capturing the baby's features and movements. Although not medical, theybringemotionaljoyto parents.

  7. Fetal Echocardiography Fetal echocardiography is a focused ultrasound for assessing the baby's heart, and detecting defects. Recommended for hearthistoryorsuspectedissues.

  8. GetInTouch Email raypiya@hotmail.com Phone +918902235337 Address 33SantoshpurAvenue, NearTrikonPark,Kolkata, India,WestBengal Website www.miraclefertility.in

  9. Thank You. ForYourAttention

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