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CECV Intervention Framework Module 5c Learning & Teaching PROGRAM SUPPORT GROUPS. Also referred to as Student Support Group (DEECD). 1. Purpose of this Module. As a result of participating in this module, you will :
CECV Intervention FrameworkModule 5cLearning & TeachingPROGRAM SUPPORT GROUPS Also referred to as Student Support Group (DEECD) 1
Purpose of this Module As a result of participating in this module, you will: Increase your understanding of the role and purpose of a Program Support Group (PSG) Review the link between the PSG process and the development of a Personalised Learning Plan (PLP) Briefly explore the links between the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and PSGs and PLPs 2
Who will have a PSG? The Program Support Group is available to any student with additional learning needs. A PSG process is independent of funding. The PSG is a group of people who come together to form a co-operative partnership to support students with additional learning needs. 3
Co-contributors All members of the PSG will have particular areas of expertise therefore listen to all ideas with an open mind A parent will have valuable knowledge to contribute about their child. Other members of the group will have their own perspective and expertise and therefore, may offer different ideas. 4
Positive Education Planning Developing a positive partnership Establishing a Program Support Group Understanding the child as a learner Developing a Personalised Learning Plan and setting clearly articulated goals Identifying and implementing supports Measuring the child’s progress Adjusting the PLP following evaluation 5
Aims of the PSG • Ensure that those with the most knowledge of, and responsibility for the student, work together to establish shared goals for the student’s educational future. Plan reasonable adjustments for the student to access the curriculum. • Provide educational planning that is ongoing throughout the student’s school life and monitor the progress of the student. 6
Responsibilities of PSG Identify the educational and social needs of the student. Determine an appropriate learning program to meet the established goals. Identify modes of implementation. Provide advice concerning the educational needs of the student. Review and evaluate the student’s program. 7
Responsibilities of PSG cont’d • Identify the student’s needs • Determine curriculum adjustments • Plan an appropriate educational program • Develop a Personalised Learning Plan Discuss with teachers and provide support in implementation of learning plan Provide advice to the Principal re: additional learning needs of the student and the types of resources required to meet these needs 8
Responsibilities of PSG cont’d • Review and evaluate the student’s program on a regular basis as determined by the group, and at other times if requested by any member of the group. Refer to the Curriculum and Assessment section of the students with Disabilities website for further information www.education.vic.gov.au/healthwellbeing/wellbeing/disability/assessment/default.htm 9
Cooperation It is essential that a cooperative working relationship is developed and maintained within the Group and with the school. The Program Support Group represents a partnership in the educational planning process between the parent/guardian/ carer(s), the student and the school. 10
Parent or guardian or caregiver of the student Teacher or teacher(s) nominated as having responsibility for the student Parent advocate if requested by the parent Chair: Principal or nominee Student where appropriate Consultants as agreed by the group 11 PSG Members
Consultants to the PSG Input from any other person with knowledge of the student How many and choice of consultants should be agreed to by all members of the PSG Information provided by the consultants will be for the consideration of the group when decision making Consultants do not have a role in the final decision-making process of the group 12
Dual Enrolments Where a student is attending two schools, the PSG should be convened by the school where the student attends the majority of time. The Principal (or nominee) of the other school may also be a member of the PSG. Where a student is being assessed through the Year 6-7 Review Process, the secondary school in which the student anticipates enrolling should be invited to join the PSG. 13
Effective Meeting Protocols Ensure that there is clarity regarding the processes in place for establishing and maintaining PSG processes. Ensure that these are clearly understood and documented. Ensure that all parties are fully aware of these including meeting protocols, roles and responsibilities of members 14
Meeting Protocols Plan meeting times and duration Clarify members Clarify processes for inviting guests Set the agenda Revisit minutes and amendments Consider how/when additional meetings are scheduled Consider communication within the school 15
Medical Care Plans These need to be clearly documented and finalised following consultation with a medical practitioner who has fully informed the plan and has signed to indicate medical endorsement. Processes for communicating the medical needs, storage and administration of medication need to be clearly documented and communicated. 16
Consider Compliance There is an obligation on schools to use the A to E reporting system. Where a student’s progress is not adequately reflected in this reporting system, the PLP takes on the role of acting as the report to parents. It needs to clearly articulate the goals, any progress towards the goals and achievement. 17
Professional Development Planning by the Program Support Group provides an opportunity to identify staff skills and training requirements, responsibility for tasks for teachers, learning support officers (aides), parents and the student, where appropriate. 18
Student Behaviour Schools have a responsibility to support students to behave appropriately. Detailed planning by the Program Support Group can identify specific goals and strategies to assist students who have difficulties understanding instructions or managing classroom routines. This may include the development of a behaviour support plan. 19
PSG Minutes By the end of the meeting there should be a written summary or plan of agreed actions. These should include the issue, action, person responsible and when the action is to be completed. See sample record at: http://www.education.vic.gov.au/healthwellbeing/wellbeing/oohc/support.htm 20
PSG Minutes cont’d (1) Agreed actions should be read back to the group at the end of the meeting. All members of the group should receive a copy of the minutes. It is the responsibility of the PSG to make recommendations to the principal. It is the Principal’s decision whether to accept the recommendations. 21
PSG Minutes cont’d (2) Ensure that the notes are legible. New pages will need to be numbered to maintain sequence. Ensure minutes are finalised at the conclusion of the PSG and signed on the day. If an entry is recorded post the event, the signature should also denote the date of the entry. 22
PSG Minutes: Language Used Record only key statements and the source. Ensure information relates only to the student’s needs or situation. Record facts, not opinions. Clarify with the group regarding what is recorded. 23
Concerns re: PSG Protocols Concerns regarding processes used by the PSG, the management of resources and the planning processes should be discussed and resolved where possible at the school with the involvement of the Principal. Where this is not possible, the CEOM could be consulted for support. 24
Record Keeping Consider a running sheet of contacts made outside PSG formats Date: It is important to record the date the contact occurred or the date a report / resource was sent/received Title: Each contact should have an accurate title describing the form of contact e.g. phone call, PSG, assessment, programming session, therapy session, e-mail etc. Do not record information on Post-it-Notes or other loose material. 25
Initial all entries and in this case ask Mrs May to also initial. 26
Action Items Record the person responsible for carrying out the action, e.g. teacher, parent. Action items need to accurately reflect the agreed action and who is responsible for completion by when. 27
Legal Implications for Schools Schools are responsible for the educational program provided for the student regardless of the provision of additional services. The referral process further informs the school’s processes but also the school’s responsibilities. All actions to support students must be clearly documented. 29
Obtaining Information When considering an adjustment, a school is entitled to information about a student’s disability, provided the information is directed towards: Assessing the nature of the adjustment, and Assessing the student’s ability to comply with course requirements. 30
Collection of Information Privacy Policy and Health Records Act Collection Notice Use and disclosure Ensure that parents are fully aware of the information you are providing to a third party and ask them to sign a release for the information specifying the documents provided. 31
Students with Additional Learning Needs How do we identify students with additional learning needs? How do we decide when to intervene? How do we decide what to do when we intervene? How do we evaluate progress? How do we decide when a student’s intervention is no longer required? 32
School Responsibilities Ensure that appropriate processes are in place prior to the referral procedure (as outlined in the Intervention Framework). Ensure that PSG minutes are accurately kept for all PSGs. Include a review of key actions undertaken, all key recommendations and an evaluation of progress against the specified goals. 33
Discussion Activity 1 What are your school’s recording processes like? If a parent maintained that the school had not done enough to support their child, what evidence could you supply? 34
Discussion Activity 2 • How might the information presented in this session assist your current work? • Are there challenges in/to your current practices that have emerged as a result of the information presented in this session? 35
Further Reading • Program for Students with Disabilities 2012, DEECD, Student Support Group Guidelines 36