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“ FELIX ET FUR”. p. 92. Post canem Quintus rogav it , “ pater , cur Felix nunc est libertus ? Olim erat servus tuus .”. After dinner Quintus asked , “Father, why is Felix a freedman? Once he was your slave.”. (am, is, are) (was, were) (has, have, did, - ed ).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “FELIX ET FUR” p. 92

  2. Post canem Quintus rogavit, “pater, cur Felix nuncestlibertus? Olimeratservustuus.” • After dinner Quintus asked, “Father, why is Felix a freedman? Once he was your slave.” (am, is, are) (was, were) (has, have, did, -ed)

  3. Tumpatertotamremnarravit. • Then the father told the whole story. (am, is, are) (was, were) (has, have, did, -ed)

  4. Caecilius: Felix olim in tablinoscribebat. Felix eratsolus. • Felix once was writing in the study. • Felix was alone (was, were) (was, were)

  5. Clemens et Grumiocibum in foroquarebant. • Clemens and Grumiowere looking for food in the forum. (was, were)

  6. Metellaaberat, quod sororemvisitabat. • Metellawas away, because she was visiting (her) sister. (was, were) (was, were)

  7. Felix: patertuusaberat, quod argentarium in foroadministrabat. • Your father was away, because he was looking after the banker’s stall in the forum. (was, were)

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