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New Product Development. TM NYU-SCPS x50.9252 Sec. 1 Final Presentation 11/04/07 SHOWPOPR, POP IT, Showpopr graphics, logos, designs, and page headers are trademarks of Showpopr, Inc. Introduction. New Website and Network Extend the Concert Experience Beyond the Show
New Product Development TM NYU-SCPS x50.9252 Sec. 1 Final Presentation 11/04/07 SHOWPOPR, POP IT, Showpopr graphics, logos, designs, and page headers are trademarks of Showpopr, Inc.
Introduction New Website and Network Extend the Concert Experience Beyond the Show Connect Fans With Artists and Discover More Self Expression, Community, Individuality
Background Incorporated 2007 Privately Held (Seed Stage) Based in NYC Launched BamboozleTV January 2007 (partner) Phase 1 “Showpopr.com” under development
Our Goals (12 month) Establish a strong, growing membership 5,000 registered by May 2008 100,000 registered by January 2009 Revenue Advertising/Sponsorship $750/day by January 2009 Services $10,000/month by January 2009 Secure financing within 12 months time Grow from 1 to 5+ full time staff 12 Software Development Releases in 2008
The Challenge: Limited resources (human and $$$) Very fluid marketplace Tons of ideas (apps, features, functions, revenue) Use the Stage-Gate process to prioritize and turn ideas into manageable Products
1 Discovery Stage-Gate Process for New Product Development 2 Scoping Gate 1 3 Build Business Case Gate 2 4 Development Gate 3 5 Testing & Validation Gate 4 Launch Gate 5 Review
STAGES Parallel activities performed by various functional silos Gather information for next decision point, or “Gate” GATES A “Gate” is go/stop decision point, Consists on three components… 1.Deliverables:results from previous Stage 2. Criteria: against which the project is judged parameters project must meet to go forward 3. Output: decision to go/stop/hold plan for next stage list of deliverables for next gate
Who are the evaluators? • Showpopr Board of Advisors • Four to Six members • Represent functional areas • Meet once a quarter • Define and evaluate criteria • Assist in stage/gate process
Stage 1 DISCOVERY Discover / Uncover Opportunities Generate Ideas Gather Ideas Examples… Idea Bank User Feedback Technology Partners Content Partners Community Competitors Solve problems Generate Revenue Meet a Market Demand
Social Bookmarking Sites flagged are tagged as event/news/ story/video/podcast/URL Code runs on 3rd party sites for all popular social networking sites ‘window’ pops up from Showpopr.com to ask quick organizing information and authenticating if needed Submitted item enters news queue Required: title/ description / URL Events - upcoming calendar of events, slick interface always present festivals are a group of events, with several stages easy to import / add events FROM other sites easy to show showpopr events ON other sites (e.g. Tye’spicks) photos venue and stage manager (slick add/remove) discussions Ratings date(s) time(s) ticket prices band or support act(s) descriptions and tag(s) URL Full contact info (e.g. link a person in, one or more) Videos Can customize preferences for what event genres or locations or bands show in profile page What is Required for phase I? Venue capacity location contact(s) Profiles Band profile Name, description, photo(s), categories Person profile Username, password, email URL, bio, image(s) Zip code for geo locating events for them Or how does gruvr.com do it? Venue profile Genre profile All profiles X linked and displayable to the user on rich interface pages Track and show recent activity on profile Shows I’m going to editor News / Site / Video simple promotional text about item URL Link Name POPIT! Comment on it Rate it Topics Tag it Friends Invite friends show friends info on your profile page (e.g. top 10) view / connect with friends Emailing functionality there needs to be a robust email template system for controlling communications email news / events to a friend invite friends other email template needs / triggers? 3rd party site displayer display code for showing various personal info on other sites, e.g. ‘upcoming shows I’m going to’ or ‘my top 10 …’ Web 2.0 Interface needs POPIT! for ‘events’, display of most popular Tag adder / tag cloud comment / rate on events bookmark events for others to se e auto-fill filters for quick access to events / bands category filter time filter popular filters comment filters friend filters tag cloud breadcrumbs genre location most popular personalized top 10 extend the concert experience beyond the show – HOW? I’m going / I’m not going Flag for admin removal Featured events Google Ads Interfacing techniques inspired by digg.com and ilike.com BLOG from showpopr.com Keyword search. Search results Screen needs: home page fully filterable my profile page very customized event profile page band profile page venue profile page (how different are these for phase I?) social bookmarking popup screens news events videos (the above 3 are very similar / same?) festival my profile management sign in / up editing / remove everything Image handling manage photo library auto thumbnailers Management needs profile management (simple for phase I) events / band profiles / venues can be ‘open’ e.g. anyone can edit or ‘closed’ e.g. no one can touch my stuff only that person can edit a person profile e.g. ‘open’ not available. Featured event, with thumbnail, link to profile page Complete CMS, managing everything… User types: Site Administrator Can ban user or content Edit all site content, irrespective of origin Registered User Can edit their profile and events they have submitted Can edit other peoples events if they are ‘open’ Can create band profiles, event profiles, etc Guest IDEAS
Gate 1 The Idea Screen Deliverables: Ideas from Idea Bank Criteria: Strategic Alignment ? Project Feasibility? Market Opportunity and Attractiveness? Showpopr resources expertise? Major Risks or Complicated? (flag if yes) Use Checklist This is a broad and gentle screen Output: All Ideas checked “Yes”, even the flagged ones Ideas are now called “Projects”
Stage 2 SCOPING Preliminary investigation of each project from Gate 1 Activities: Preliminary Market Assessment Internet Landscape Survey Survey Competitors Talk To Key Users Talk To Key Partners Output: Market size, potential, acceptance, broad product definition Activities: Preliminary Technical Assessment Talk To Technology Partners about cost and feasibility Risky and Complicated (flagged projects) Output: Technical Feasibility, Rough Dev time and Cost, Dev and Legal Risk
Gate 2 Second Screen Does evidence suggest product can win in the marketplace? Deliverables: One Sheet Assessments from Scoping (Stage 2) Criteria: Checklist from Gate 1 (repeat) Use Checklist Use Scoring Model More Rigorous Screen Output: Projects checked “Yes” AND highest scoring
Stage 3 BUILD BUSINESS CASE Critical Homework Stage Output: Business Case Product Definition Functional Specification Project Justification Project Plan Activities: Competitive Analysis Market Analysis Technical Assessment Ops Assessment Financial Analysis Product Definition Legal/Risk Assessment Concept Testing Conducted by project leader with input from functional resources Timeline: Two weeks
Gate 3 Deliverables: Business Case for Project Criteria: Checklist from Gate 2 (repeat) Prioritization Criteria (scored) Strategic: project aligns with strategy Product Advantage: unique benefits to user Market Attractiveness: size, growth, competition Synergies: core competencies Technical: complexity, uncertainty, gap Risk/Reward: profitability, ROI, payback, certainty, Output: Projects checked “Yes” AND highest scoring
Stage 4 DEVELOPMENT Activities: Detailed Design and Development Begins Agile Development Rapid Prototyping Alpha Builds In-House Testing Design Operations and Production Process Develop Marketing Plan Project Management: On Time, On Budget Test and Validation Plan
Gate 4 Deliverables: Functioning Prototype Marketing Plan Ops Plan Testing and Validation Plan Criteria: Checklist from Gate 3 (repeat) Prioritization Criteria from Gate 3 (review) Output: Project checks “Yes” Go To Testing
Stage 5 TESTING & VALIDATION Activities: In-House Product Testing Trial in Production Environment User Acceptance Field Trial Test Market (geo, demographic) Revise Business Analysis (new revenue/cost data) Output: Product Test Results Marketing Test Results Business Plan
Gate 5 Deliverables: Product Test Results Marketing Test Results Business Plan Criteria: Checklist from Gate 4 (repeat) Prioritization Criteria from Gate 4 (review) No Critical Errors? Output: Project checks “Yes” Go To Launch
Stage 6 LAUNCH Activities: Implement Full Technology Deployment Implement Full Marketing Plan Implement Full Ops Plan Develop Post Launch Review Process Output: Post Launch Review Plan
Stage 7 POST LAUNCH REVIEW Activities: Review Product Performance Compare to Projections Assess Strengths and Weaknesses (What Was Learned, What Can Be Done Better?) Output: Product Review Assessment
SHOWPOPR, POP IT, Showpopr graphics, logos, designs, and page headers are trademarks of Showpopr, Inc.