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Vocabulary . Muhammad – the founder of Islam Islam - the monotheistic religion of Muslims founded in Arabia based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Koran (religious text) Muslim – people who follow the Islamic religion Mecca – the birthplace of Muhammad and Islam
Vocabulary • Muhammad – the founder of Islam • Islam - the monotheistic religion of Muslims founded in Arabia based on the teachings of Muhammad as laid down in the Koran (religious text) • Muslim – people who follow the Islamic religion • Mecca – the birthplace of Muhammad and Islam • Medina – location of Muhammad’s tomb; second holiest city for Muslims
What do you know? • List everything you know about Islam in your notebook
Who? Muhammad and Muslim followers
What? Arab people united to spread Islam
Geography and Life in Arabia 7.2.1 • The Big Idea • Life in Arabia was influenced by the harsh desert climate of the region. • Main Ideas • Arabia is mostly a desert land. • Two ways of life—nomadic and sedentary—developed in the desert.
The Arabian Peninsula lies near the intersection of three continents, so it is called a “crossroads” location. Africa Asia Europe Arabia’s location has shaped its physical features. Main Idea 1: Arabia is mostly a desert land.
Where? • The Islam religion spread from Medina to Mecca, to most of Arabia, to the northern part of Africa, through the Roman empire, and as far west as Spain
Arabia lies in a region with hot, dry air. The climate makes it hard for plants and animals to survive. Huge sand dunes, or hills of sand shaped by the wind, cover large parts of Arabia. Water exists mainly in oases, wet, fertile areas that are scattered across the deserts. Physical Features
In a nomadic life, people moved from place to place within tribes for protection and as the seasons changed. Sedentary people settled in oases, where they could farm. These settlements often became towns. Towns became centers of trade. Many had a souk, a market or bazaar, where goods were traded. Main Idea 2: Two ways of life—nomadic and sedentary—developed in the desert.
When? • 7th century C.E. (common era)
Origins of Islam 7.2.2 • The Big Idea • Muhammad, a merchant from Mecca, introduced a major world religion called Islam. • Main Ideas • Muhammad became a prophet and introduced a religion called Islam in Arabia. • Muhammad’s teachings had similarities to Judaism and Christianity, but they also presented new ideas. • Islam spread in Arabia after being rejected at first.
How 1) Muhammad was born in Mecca and became a merchant
A man named Muhammad taught a new religion to the people of Arabia. Muslims believe that God spoke to Muhammad through an angel and made him a prophet. The messages he received were the basis for Islam and were collected in the holy book of Islam called the Quran. Main Idea 1: Muhammad became a prophet and introduced a religion called Islam in Arabia.
How • Muhammad was born in Mecca and became a merchant • He believed he was the prophet that communicated with God. • The messages he received were written in the Quran (holy text).
Muhammad taught that there was only one God, Allah, which means “the God” in Arabic. This is similar to Christianity and Judaism. Muslims also recognize many of the same prophets as Christians and Jews. Muslims don’t believe that Jesus was the son of God. Arabs were used to worshipping many gods, so many of them rejected Muhammad’s teachings. Muhammad said the rich and poor should be equal. Many wealthy merchants did not like this idea. Main Idea 2: Muhammad’s teachings had similarities to Judaism and Christianity, but they also presented new ideas.
How • Muhammad was born in Mecca and became a merchant • He believed he was the prophet that communicated with God. • The messages he received were written in the Quran (holy text). • Muhammad taught that there was only one God name Allah.
How 5) Arabs were used to worshipping many gods, so many of them rejected Muhammad’s teachings.
Islam spread from Mecca to Medina. Rulers of Mecca began to threaten Muhammad and his followers with violence as Islam started to influence more people. Muhammad left Mecca and went to Medina. This departure became known in Muslim history as the hegira, or journey. Islam thrived in Medina, and other Arab tribes in the region accepted Islam. Main Idea 3: Islam spread in Arabia afterbeing rejected at first.
Islam Spreads from Medinato the Rest of Arabia • Muhammad’s house became the first mosque, or building for Muslim prayer. • He reported new revelations about rules for society, government, and worship. • Mecca finally welcomed Muhammad back to the city and accepted Islam as its religion.
How 5) Arabs were used to worshipping many gods, so many of them rejected Muhammad’s teachings. 6) He moved from Mecca to Medina and spread the word of Islam. 7) Islam grew very big and Mecca welcomed back Muhammad years later.
Other Interesting Facts
Other Facts • Islam is one of the world’s major religions. • Islam is Arabic word which means “to surrender to the will of God.” • The people who follow the Islam religion are called Muslims.
Other Facts • Islam began in 610 A.D. when a man named Muhammad said he had a vision from God and was told to become God’s messenger and prophet. • Islam started in the desert city of Mecca, which is in modern day Saudi Arabia. • Islam began with one man, but now is one of the fastest growing religions with almost one billion followers.
Expository Paragraph • Has a topic sentence • Has supporting sentences which give details or facts about the topic • Has organization • Hasa conclusion
Example • Islam is one of the world’s oldest religions. It was founded by a man named Muhammad who lived in Arabia in the 7th century C.E. He believed he was the prophet of God and acted as a messenger to his followers. After the people of Mecca rejected his ideas, he traveled to Medina which is now know as the “pilgrimage”. In Medina Muhammad’s house became the first mosque, or place of Islamic prayer. After many years, Mecca welcomed Muhammad back and Islam became its official religion. Although Islam is not the oldest religion in the world, today it is one of the largest.
Create a Poster in your Notebook • Must describe the rise of Islam • Use pictures to describe the who, what, when, where, and how • Explain what each picture represents • Use your guided notes to complete the assignment
Warm-Up Finish the expository paragraph about the “Rise of Islam” Make to sure to include: • Introduction sentence • Supporting sentences • Closing sentence
Saying “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is his prophet” Praying five times a day Giving to the poor and needy Fasting during the holy month of Ramadan Traveling to Mecca at least once on a hajj The Five Pillars of Islam
What are the Five Pillars? Muslim people (who follow Islam) have five duties which are called the Five Pillars of Islam. Every Muslim tries to carry out these five things, and it helps them to feel that they are members of the worldwide Muslim community.
This Pillar is believing and saying the words. “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”. Muslims say this when they are praying Pillar 1: SHAHADAH
This Pillar is praying five times a day. There are set prayers which Muslims should say, and all Muslims should face Mecca in Arabia when praying, and should pray on a prayer mat. People should wash before they pray. Pillar 2:SALAH
Pillar 2 video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSLv798pNKg Start at 1:20 – 4:05
Each year, Muslims are supposed to give some of their savings for charity such as helping the poor. In this way, they believe that their wealth is “made pure” Pillar 3: ZAKAH
Pillar 3 video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp6Gxmx7f2c
Muslim people must not eat food and drink during the month of Ramadan during daylight hours. 2012: started on July 20th and continued for 30 days Pillar 4: SAWM
Pillar 4 video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM5TUVMqfbw
This is making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life, if it can be afforded. Pillar 5: HAJJ
Pillar 5 video http://app.discoveryeducation.com/player/?assetGuid=1B1705B5-A015-4FD5-8A0E-F51BBC1DFB8E&fromMyDe=0&isPrinterFriendly=0&provider=&isLessonFromHealth=0&productcode=US&isAssigned=false&includeHeader=YES&homeworkGuid=
Traveling to Mecca http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwK9nK6PlIs
Poster • GROUP WORK • Drawing on the information you gathered and recorded on the guided notes as a resource each poster must include: • a listing of the Five Pillars • a description of each of the practices and how people fulfill these obligations • illustrations or images that relate to each of the pillars
Rubric for Poster • Includes a listing of the 5 Pillars, a description of each pillar, how people fulfill the obligations, and illustrations and descriptions/captions that relate to each pillar = 10 points • Includes a listing of the 5 pillars, a description of each pillar, how people fulfill the obligations, but NO illustrations and descriptions/captions that relate to each pillar = 9 points • Includes a listing of the 5 pillars, a description of each pillar, but NOT how people fulfill the obligations and NO illustrations and descriptions/captions that relate to each pillar = 8 points • Includes a listing of the 5 pillars, but NO descriptions of the pillars, but NOT how people fulfill the obligations and NO illustrations and descriptions/captions that relate to each pillar = 6 points • Poster does not include any full requirements as stated = 5 points • Poster does not get handed in = 0 points
Exit Ticket • Take out a piece of paper from your notebook • List the Five Pillars of Islam in your own words and create an illustration for each
Warm-Up • List the 5 Pillars of Islam. • Explain who Muhammad was.
Poster • GROUP WORK • Drawing on the information you gathered and recorded on the guided notes as a resource each poster must include: • a listing of the Five Pillars • a description of each of the practices and how people fulfill these obligations • illustrations or images that relate to each of the pillars
Rubric for Poster • Includes a listing of the 5 Pillars, a description of each pillar, how people fulfill the obligations, and illustrations and descriptions/captions that relate to each pillar = 10 points • Includes a listing of the 5 pillars, a description of each pillar, how people fulfill the obligations, but NO illustrations and descriptions/captions that relate to each pillar = 9 points • Includes a listing of the 5 pillars, a description of each pillar, but NOT how people fulfill the obligations and NO illustrations and descriptions/captions that relate to each pillar = 8 points • Includes a listing of the 5 pillars, but NO descriptions of the pillars, but NOT how people fulfill the obligations and NO illustrations and descriptions/captions that relate to each pillar = 6 points • Poster does not include any full requirements as stated = 5 points • Poster does not get handed in = 0 points