Supplemental Figure 4: Interleukin 6 (IL-6) and IL-6 receptor (IL-6R) immuno- reactivity (IR) in temporal lobe/hippocampal resections in cases of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). A-D: Strong IL-6 IR in the hippocampus (Hip) (A-C) and temporal lobe (TL) (D). D, inset: Merged image of IL-6-IR in a GFAP+ glial cell. E: Merged image of IL-6-IR in NeuN+ neurons. F: Merged image of IL-6-IR in NF200+ neurons. G, H: Weak IL-6R IR in Hip (G) and TL (H). I: Merged image of co-locali- zation of IL-6R with NF200 in TL. J-L: Double labeling of IL-6R (green, J) with GFAP (red, K) shows co-localization (yel- low; L) in astrocytes. Sections counterstained with hematox- ylin (A-D, G, H) and Hoechst 33258 (E, F; insert in H; I, L). Scale bars: A, 400 μm; B-D, G, H, 20 μm; G, F, I-L, 10 μm.