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Devil physics The baddest class on campus IB Physics

Devil physics The baddest class on campus IB Physics. Tsokos Lesson E-3 Stellar objects. IB Assessment Statements . Option E-3, Stellar Distances: Parallax Method E.3.1. Define the parsec . E.3.2. Describe the stellar parallax method of determining the distance to a star.

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Devil physics The baddest class on campus IB Physics

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  1. Devil physicsThe baddest class on campusIB Physics

  2. Tsokos Lesson E-3Stellar objects

  3. IB Assessment Statements Option E-3, Stellar Distances: Parallax Method E.3.1. Define the parsec. E.3.2. Describe the stellar parallax method of determining the distance to a star. E.3.3. Explain why the method of stellar parallax is limited to measuring stellar distances less than several hundred parsecs. E.3.4. Solve problems involving stellar parallax.

  4. IB Assessment Statements Option E-3, Stellar Distances: Absolute and Apparent Magnitudes E.3.5. Describe the apparent magnitude scale. E.3.6. Define absolute magnitude. E.3.7. Solve problems involving apparent magnitude, absolute magnitude and distance. E.3.8. Solve problems involving apparent brightness and apparent magnitude.

  5. IB Assessment Statements Option E-3, Stellar Distances: Spectroscopic Parallax E.3.9. State that the luminosity of a star may be estimated from its spectrum. E.3.10. Explain how stellar distance may be determined using apparent brightness and luminosity. E.3.11. State that the method of spectroscopic parallax is limited to measuring stellar distances less than about 10 Mpc. E.3.12. Solve problems involving stellar distances, apparent brightness and luminosity.

  6. IB Assessment Statements Option E-3, Stellar Distances: Cepheid Variables E.3.13. Outline the nature of a Cepheid variable. E.3.14. State the relationship between period and absolute magnitude for Cepheid variables. E.3.15. Explain how Cepheid variables may be used as “standard candles”. E.3.16. Determine the distance to a Cepheid variable using the luminosity-period relationship.

  7. Objectives • Describe the method of parallax, d (in parsecs) = 1/p (in arcseconds), the method of spectroscopic parallax and the Cepheids method for determining distances in astronomy • Define the parsec • State the definitions of apparent brightness, b = L/4πd2 , and apparent and absolute magnitude, b/b0 = 100-m/5 = 2.512-m

  8. Objectives • Solve problems using apparent brightness and luminosity • Use the magnitude-distance formula

  9. Parallax Method • When an object is viewed from two different positions, it appears to move relative to a fixed background • We can use this fact to measure distances to stars

  10. Parallax Method • Make two measurements of a star six months apart • The distance between the two positions is equal to the diameter of the earth’s orbit around the sun • The distance to the star, d, is given by

  11. Parallax Method • Since the parallax angle is very small, tan p ≈ p where p is measured in radians

  12. Parallax Method • Parallax angle is the angle from the position of the star that subtends a distance equal to the radius of the earth’s orbit of the sun

  13. Parallax Method • The radius of the earth’s orbit is defined as one astronomical unit (AU) • 1 AU = 1.5 x 1011 m

  14. Parallax Method • Parallax angle measurements are quite accurate provided the angles are not too small • Parallax angles down to 1 arcsecond (1” = 1/3600 of a degree) are easily measured from earth

  15. Parallax Method • Parallax method fails if the angle is less than 1 arcsecond • Parallax allows measurements up to 300 ly (≈ 100 parsec) from earth • Satellites can measure distances greater than 500 parsecs

  16. Parallax Method • 1 parsec = 3.26 ly = 3x1016 m • 1 parsec = 1 parallax second • One parsec is the distance to a star whose parallax is one arcsecond

  17. Parallax Method

  18. Parallax Method 5 stars nearest to earth

  19. Apparent Magnitude • Apparent magnitude (m) derived from a scale devised by ancient astronomers • The higher the apparent magnitude, the dimmer the star • Classification based on a factor of 100 using apparent brightness

  20. Apparent Magnitude • What is the apparent magnitude of a star whose apparent brightness is 6.43 x 10-9 W/m2?

  21. Apparent Magnitude • What is the apparent magnitude of a star whose apparent brightness is 6.43 x 10-9 W/m2?

  22. Apparent Magnitude • What is the apparent brightness of a star whose apparent magnitude is 4.35?

  23. Apparent Magnitude • What is the apparent brightness of a star whose apparent magnitude is 4.35?

  24. Apparent Magnitude • Magnitude scale is defined so that the larger the magnitude, the dimmer the star!

  25. Absolute Magnitude • Apparent magnitude is based on view from earth • Two stars may have the same apparent magnitude but very different actual brightness depending on their distances from earth

  26. Absolute Magnitude • Absolute magnitude (M) is equal to the apparent magnitude the star would have if it were 10 parsecs from earth • Comparison of apparent and absolute magnitude is given by where d is given in parsecs!

  27. Apparent and Absolute Magnitude Apparent Absolute

  28. Spectroscopic Parallax • Using the star’s luminosity and apparent brightness to determine its distance • Parallax is not involved – it’s just there to mess with your head • Luminosity is the power output of a star and is based on temperature and surface area

  29. Spectroscopic Parallax • So how do you determine luminosity? • From the emission spectrum, we can determine temperature using Wien’s Law • From temperature and the HR diagram (knowing what kind of star) we can determine luminosity

  30. The Cepheids • Stars whose luminosity varies periodically over time • Periods range from days to months • Brightness increases rapidly and fades gradually

  31. The Cepheids • The interaction of radiation and matter in the outer layers of the star’s atmosphere causes it to expand (brightest) and contract (dimmest)

  32. The Cepheids • The longer the period, the larger the luminosity • Measuring a Cepheid’s period allows you to determine luminosity which in turn allows you to determine distance

  33. The Cepheids • The period of the Cepheid in the lower diagram is about 22 days • The luminosity from the upper diagram is 7000 solar luminosities or 2.73 x 1030 W

  34. The Cepheids • The peak apparent magnitude (m) from the diagram is 3.7 • Apparent brightness (b) is found to be

  35. The Cepheids • So the distance is,

  36. The Cepheids • Once you know the distance to the Cepheid, you can approximate the distance to the galaxy it is in • Using Cepheids to determine distance is useful up to a few Mpc and that is why they are referred to as ‘standard candles’

  37. Summary Review • Can you describe the method of parallax, d (in parsecs) = 1/p (in arcseconds), the method of spectroscopic parallax and the Cepheids method for determining distances in astronomy? • Can you define the parsec? • Can you state the definitions of apparent brightness, b = L/4πd2 , and apparent and absolute magnitude, b/b0 = 100-m/5 = 2.512-m?

  38. Summary Review • Can you solve problems using apparent brightness and luminosity? • Can you use the magnitude-distance formula

  39. IB Assessment Statements Option E-3, Stellar Distances: Parallax Method E.3.1. Define the parsec. E.3.2. Describe the stellar parallax method of determining the distance to a star. E.3.3. Explain why the method of stellar parallax is limited to measuring stellar distances less than several hundred parsecs. E.3.4. Solve problems involving stellar parallax.

  40. IB Assessment Statements Option E-3, Stellar Distances: Absolute and Apparent Magnitudes E.3.5. Describe the apparent magnitude scale. E.3.6. Define absolute magnitude. E.3.7. Solve problems involving apparent magnitude, absolute magnitude and distance. E.3.8. Solve problems involving apparent brightness and apparent magnitude.

  41. IB Assessment Statements Option E-3, Stellar Distances: Spectroscopic Parallax E.3.9. State that the luminosity of a star may be estimated from its spectrum. E.3.10. Explain how stellar distance may be determined using apparent brightness and luminosity. E.3.11. State that the method of spectroscopic parallax is limited to measuring stellar distances less than about 10 Mpc. E.3.12. Solve problems involving stellar distances, apparent brightness and luminosity.

  42. IB Assessment Statements Option E-3, Stellar Distances: Cepheid Variables E.3.13. Outline the nature of a Cepheid variable. E.3.14. State the relationship between period and absolute magnitude for Cepheid variables. E.3.15. Explain how Cepheid variables may be used as “standard candles”. E.3.16. Determine the distance to a Cepheid variable using the luminosity-period relationship.

  43. Questions?

  44. Homework #1-17

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