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WWW Reflection . By Bushra Shaikh. Day 1 Team Building Activities .
WWW Reflection By Bushra Shaikh
Day 1 Team Building Activities Today we played games in the gym based on team building activities and working together to complete a task. The first game that we played was a game about working in a team to figure how to fit all the people in an area of a hoop. In this the teams were boys and girls of one class. First two people from each group were out and the rest had to hold the hoop and run at the first blow of the whistle. At the other blow we had to stop and get into the area of the hoop. This pattern continued and the next game we played was about how we could work out how we could all sit on each other’s thighs, arranged in a circle. We had some difficulty in this game but could figure it out easily. After that was a game about collaboration and what we had to do was, four people had to go on two planks of wood and had to step at the same time to get to the other side. There were also many others that we played. We had lunch at CMU and then went home at 2:10
Day 2 Capital Cities Competition Today we had the capital cities competition in which we competed in out advisory groups. The objective of this competition was to get to as many capital cities as possible by earning air miles, kilometers and land miles to travel. We earned them by doing sports activities and writing reviews on the capitals that we visited. In this competition it was compulsory that we went to South/North America, Asia, Africa and Europe. We decided to travel in a way which would make it easier to travel to different continents in the easiest and fastest way possible. We did sports like swimming, cycling, rowing, running and also writing reviews on the cities we had visited. After each sport is finished we give our kilometers to the controller who calculates the points. In the end of the day we rounded up all the points and my class had the highest although the competition wasn’t finished. With the extra kilometers we had left we needed to use them and then the points will be finalized.
Day 3 Public Service Announcement Today we had to get into our poster groups to do a public service announcement about recent natural disasters. For this we had one of the teachers who had experienced a Tsunami while on vacation in Sri Lanka. His name was Mr. Hounsell. After hearing about his survival we went into our groups to pick our topic. My group and I chose to do one of the most recent disasters, the Tsunami which struck in Japan in the past few months. We had almost one day and to work on this project. In our groups we had to choose the tasks and positions of all the group members. I was director/graphic artist along with my group member Brianna. At the end of the day we nearly finished with the essential elements and just had to finish the little touches in the few minutes that we were going to be provided the next day. For lunch today we went to the Georgetown University. After we had out meal we were divided into groups and went for a treasure hunt. Our guide was called Patrick. At the end we watched a quick presentation about flags and purpose and discussed about the topic too.
Day 4 Brain Games Today we competed against other groups in games where we had to use our verbal skills to conduct our group members to do different types of tasks such as moving things or going from place to place. The poster groups were divide into groups of fours and one group of five in each class. The game that my group and I played was about using the ability to direct your group members in moving the little cotton balls (ships) around the different obstacles. In my group I was the captain and the rest of my group were sailors. I found it annoying sometimes since my group members did not understand what I was saying and ended up doing something else. Later we went to the physical games where the classes were divided into 4 or 5 groups and each played a game. The games were basketball, dodge ball, playing with a big ball and some other games. My group played dodge ball, it was very fun and I also got out a few times. For lunch we went to Georgetown and did some flag making activities. The activity was about making a flag which represented ourselves. After that we had lunch the on our way out we got some presents and later went home.
Day 5 Celebration Day This was the final day of week without wall and was also our turn to go to the QSTP (Qatar Science and Technology Park). There we watched a presentation about the future of robotic surgeries and how the world has changed because of this. Then we went to try out some of the robotic surgery tools and felt what it would be like if we were surgeons operating on patients. I also discovered about a new type of robotic surgery tool called the Da Vinci robot in which you put your hands into the machine and there is a camera view of where you are operating, with your hands your control the machine but really you are translating the movements on to the real surgery. I found this really interesting and fun to learn about. After we came back we and a big celebration of the last day of the week without walls with lots of fun activities. At the end we got to a treat of pizza and ice cream sundaes. It was a great ending to the week because it was nothing to do with work and we got a treat.