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Codex Ikan Tuna Kaleng. CODEX STANDARD FOR CANNED TUNA AND BONITO CODEX STAN 70-1981 . Rev.1995 berasal dari Italia, direvisi di Norwegia ( digunakan di Eropa , Malaysia, Australia) Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Rev. 2008 National standard of People’s Republic of China.
Codex Ikan Tuna Kaleng CODEX STANDARD FOR CANNED TUNA AND BONITO CODEX STAN 70-1981 . Rev.1995 berasaldari Italia, direvisidiNorwegia (digunakandiEropa, Malaysia, Australia) Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Rev. 2008 National standard of People’s Republic of China
Codex Standar (Eropa) HYGIENE AND HANDLING Bebasmikroba yang dapatberkembangtidak normal Dalamsampelmaksimal 20 mg histamin/100g Tempatpenyimpanantidakmembuatreaksi yang merusakmakanan Zataditif yang bolehditambahkan
Blansiradalahperlakuanpanaspendahuluan. Prosesblansirdapatdilakukandengancaramenceluppotongan-potonganbuahdalam air mendidihselama 5–10 menit. Prosesblansirinibergunauntukmembersihkanjaringandanmengurangijumlahmikrobaawal, membuangudara yang masihadadidalamjaringan, menghilangkan rasa mentah, mempermudahprosespemotongandanpengupasan, danmemberikanwarna yang dikehendaki Kaleng yang telahdiisidenganbuahdan syrup kemudiandilakukanproses exhausting. Tujuan exhausting adalahuntukmenghilangkansebagianbesarudaradan gas-gas lain. Ruanghampa yang ditetapkansekitar 1/10 daritinggikaleng. Exhausting mengurangikemungkinanterjadinyaprosespengkaratankalengdanreaksi-reaksioksidasilainnya yang akanmenurunkanmutu. Exhausting dilakukanmisalnyadenganmelakukanpengisianprodukkedalamkalengpadasaatprodukmasihdalamkondisipanas, memanaskankalengbesertaisinyadengantutupkalengmasihterbuka (suhu 80 – 90oC selama 8-10 menit), atausecaramekanikdilakukanpenyedotanudaradengansistemvakum.
Sterilisasi pada proses pengalengan biasanya dilakukan dalam retort. Suhu sterilisasi standar yang digunakan adalah 121.1oC . Mikroba yang terutama harus dimatikan adalah mikroba anaerobik yang tumbuh pada pH di atas 4.5. Hal ini disebabkan kondisi dalam kaleng adalah vakum dan produknya tergolong bahan pangan berasam rendah (low acid food). Salah satu mikroba yang harus dimatikan tersebut adalah Clostridium botulinum. Setelah sterilisasi, dengan cepat produk didinginkan (misalnya dengan cipratan air).
CODEX STANDARD FOR CANNED FRUIT COCKTAIL , CODEX STAN 78-1981 • Canned Fruit Cocktail definition : a canned product prepared from a mixture of small fruits and small pieces of fruits (peach, pear, pineapple, cherry, grape) • Processed by heat in an appropriate manner before or after being sealed in a container • Packed with water or other suitable liquid packing medium (e.g. fruit juice), and which may contain seasonings or flavourings appropriate for the product
Quality Control StandardsCODEX STAN 78-1981 Colour - Canned Fruit Cocktail shall have normal colour except that a slight leaching of colour from the coloured cherries is acceptable. Flavour - Canned Fruit Cocktail shall have a normal flavour characteristic for each fruit and for the entire mixture. Texture - The fruit ingredients shall not be excessively firm nor excessively soft, as is appropriate for the respective fruit. Blemished fruit pieces - (consisting of pieces of fruit with dark surface areas, spots penetrating the fruit, and other abnormalities) less than 20% m/m CONTAMINANTS Lead (Pb) 1 mg/kg Tin (Sn) 250 mg/kg calculated as Sn Microorganism : free from potential pathogenic microbes
Codex Standard for Canned Mushrooms Codex Stan 55-1981 *The United States, Argentina, Brazil, Hungary, Indonesia, Malaysia, and most other country in the world has given full acceptance of Codex Standard for Canned Mushrooms 55-1981
Product Definition • Canned mushrooms is the product: • prepared from fresh mushrooms conforming with the characteristics of cultivated varieties (cultivars) of the genus Agaricus (Psalliota), including A. bisporus, which mushrooms shall be in good condition and after cleaning and trimming shall be sound; • packed with water and/or juice exuding from the mushrooms or other suitable liquid medium, seasonings, and other ingredients, appropriate to the product; and • processed by heat in an appropriate manner, before or after being sealed in a container, so as to prevent spoilage.
Quality Criteria Color : The mushroom portion of the product shall have normal color characteristics of the variety of the canned mushrooms. Canned mushrooms of special types and containing special permitted ingredients shall be considered of characteristic color when there is no abnormal discoloration for the respective ingredients used. The liquid medium in "Regular or Natural Pack" shall be either clear or slightly turbid and yellow to light brown in color. Flavor : The mushrooms shall have a normal flavor and odor free from flavors or odors foreign to the product. Canned mushrooms with special ingredients or sauces shall have the flavor characteristic of that imparted by the mushrooms and the other substances used. Texture and Character : The mushrooms in the "Regular or Natural Pack" shall be firm and substantially intact. In the styles of "Buttons" and "Whole" mushrooms, not more than 10% by count of the mushrooms may have caps which show total or complete breakage of the veil. In the styles of "Buttons" and "Whole" and "Grilling" mushrooms 5% by count of the mushroom units may be detached caps or stems
Hygiene • When tested by appropriate methods of sampling and examination, the product: • - shall be free from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard to health; • - shall be free from parasites which may represent a hazard to health; and • - shall not contain any substance originating from microorganisms in amounts which may represent a hazard to health. • The product shall have received a processing treatment sufficient to destroy all spores of Clostridium botulinum. Labelling • The name of the product shall be "Mushrooms“ • The following shall be included as part of the name or in close proximity to the name: • The style (button, sliced, whole, etc) • A declaration of any special sauce and/or seasoning or flavoring which characterizes the product
Essential and Compositions Factors • Compositions • suitable nutritive material • Vitamins and minerals selected from the Advisory Lists of Mineral Salts and Vitamin Compounds for Use in Foods for Infants and Children (CAC/GL 10-1979) • [Na] < 200 mg Na/100 . The addition of salt (NaCl) to fruit products and dessert products based on fruit is not permitted.
Prohibitions : shall not have been treated by ionizing radiation. • Contaminants : Pesticide residues, Hormones, Antibiotics. • Packaging : safeguard quality of food, nitrogen and carbon dioxide may be used as packing media.