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A E W F. Comenius: four elements, from early philosophers to renewable energies. THE FOUR ELEMENTS IN OUR REGION. AIR.
AEWF Comenius: four elements, from early philosophers to renewable energies
Our region has mild climate: the summer is sultry, very hot and there are few thunderstorms; the winters are cold and there are rare snowfalls; during the spring the temperature is cool and there are various rainfalls; in autumn the first cold starts and the rain is intense. Fortunately the air is clean and there is not so much pollution because we live in a rural area.
The earth has always had and still has a very important role because it is very fertile and different kinds of plants have been grown for generations. Passing through the small villages near Motta di Livenza you will see a lot of fields with wheat, corn, soybeans, barley cultivations and a lot of vineyards., too. Even if this is not a sismic risk area sometimes we are victims of weak earthquakes that may frighten us.
It is very common for people here to have their own vegetable garden where tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, salad, raspberries, strawberries are grown, and plant fruittrees, such as apricot, pear, cherry, apple, pomegranate, melacaco trees, etc.
Motta di Livenza developed near a small river: Livenza is its name. This resource has been used since ancient times to irrigate the fields and it was used as a way of communication when people did not move very easily and quickly. The river Livenza originates in the region called Friuli Venezia Giulia and it runs about 110 km before reaching the sea. Itisrich in fishes and for thisreasonitis common to seepeoplefishing.
Motta is also crossed by another river: the Monticano. It originates in the mountain Piaiand after following its way for about 50 km, it flows into Livenza river at Motta
Unfortunatelythe Livenza may become a danger in the periods of heavy rains: the risk of floods for our town and for the nearby villages is high.
In prehistory times fire allowed the survival of humankind; thanks to it man has been able to warm up in the harsh winters of the ice age. Later, fire has been used in lightning because in the past there was no electricity and therefore people lit up the streets and houses with torches and candles placed on special candelabras. Firehasalsobeenused in medicine to treatwounds and in agriculture to fertilizefields. Thanks to ityou can cook the food and makeit more healthy. We are stillused to organize parties with friends and relatives with barbecues. Anotheropportunity for people to meetaround a fireis the 5° Januarywhenwe celebrate the day of «Pan e Vin».
HISTORY The tradition of “panevin” dates back to V century B.C. and it is a Celtic tradition. In the past it indicated the lengthening of days after the winter solstice and it was celebrated on 25th December. Later, in the Middle Ages, the “panevin” took a religious meaning. In fact it was celebrated on 5th January to remind The Magi that brought presents to Jesus and according to the legend the numerous Pan e Vin in Veneto helped them to find the way to Bethlehem. The panevin consist s on piles of wood with the “vecia” on the top. The “vecia” is a puppet that people prepare with a wooden cross and old clothes and it symbolizes the year that has just passed.
LEGEND On the way to Bethlehem the Magi were lost in the countryside of the Veneto. The wind was blowing and the snow came down, covering trees, houses, streets, fields from the Dolomites to the Adriatic Sea. The Magi could not see the road and didn’t know how to go forward and they were sad and discouraged. The angels spoke to the peasants. The farmers lit many fires that illuminated the PianuraPadana from the Dolomites to the sea. The fires marked a shining road and the Magi could safely arrive to Jesus
BELIEF • «falivea matina, tol su elsaco e va a farina» • «se le falive le va a sera, de polenta piencaliera» • «se le falive le va a garbintolsu elcaro e va al mulin» • If the sparks go to east, it will be a year of famine; • If the sparks go to west it will be a year with a good harvest; • If the sparks go to north there will be much harvest and you will need a handcart to take it home.