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Advertising. Unit 7. Advertising: Overview. OVERVIEW : Unit 7 Advertising will give you opportunities to use your creative talents. The possibilities are endless! Create a community bulletin board for businesses to advertise products and services.

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  1. Advertising

    Unit 7
  2. Advertising: Overview OVERVIEW: Unit 7 Advertising will give you opportunities to use your creative talents. The possibilities are endless! Create a community bulletin board for businesses to advertise products and services. Send copies of The Town Crier to people in the community. Have a real Strawberry Festival, and involve the SW band. Hold the Western Roundup Days to promote community involvement. Tape live radio or television commercials.
  3. Advertising: Overview Conduct The Clothes Closet’s Summer Style Show. Run a contest in which managers are asked to create a design for new denim apparel. Create banner advertising on the Internet for Pettisville businesses. Invite people from the community to observe Mean Jeans.
  4. TIMING Review the steps for using clip art so that you are familiar with its use before your design ads. Clip art can be found on the shareable drive in each business folder.
  5. Business Forms Clip art
  6. 7.1 Writing Classified Advertising Managing Tip The word count for the OFFICED Manager want ad is 43. The word count for the PAINT STORE want ad is 41.
  7. 7.1 Writing Classified Advertising Helping Managers Be prepared to research the Internet to find suggestions for qualifications for jobs. The following positions advertised in The Towne Crier are listed in alphabetical order by business name (18 Wheeler Truck Lines, Buckeye Equipment, etc.). Omit Pettisville Bank.
  8. 7.1 Writing Classified Advertising Truck driver Mechanic Fashion coordinator Art director Production clerk Stock control clerk Activities director Financial analyst Bookkeeper Postal clerk Sewing machine operator Sales associate Reporter Cable splicer
  9. 7.1 Writing Classified Advertising Helping Managers The Towne Crier will prepare the layout for the first issue of the newspaper. The Towne Crier is published on July 9 July 16 July 23 July 30. The manager will need to start a day or two before these dates to prepare the layout.
  10. 7.1 Writing Classified Advertising Managing Tip Managers of all Pettisville businesses except Pettisville Bank will write want ads and hire a new employee during the simulation. The July 9 issue of the newspaper will include a coupon for $2.50 off on the cost of a want ad. You are encouraged to clip the coupon and use it when you place a want ad in The Towne Crier.
  11. 7.2 Preparing Display Advertising Managing Tip All businesses have folders containing electronic clip art. Clip art sheets may also be printed from the Business Forms in order to cut and paste display ads.
  12. 7.2 Preparing Display Advertising Helping Managers On July 5, the manager of Popular Designs will be told to create a button design promotion Western Roundup Days to be distributed to Pettisville businesses.
  13. 7.2 Preparing Display Advertising Career Paths The concepts and skills taught in Unit 7 would be essential for success in the following careers: Advertising agent Commercial artist Computer artist Graphic artist Internet specialist Photographer Public relations specialist Radio announcer Television announcer
  14. 7.2 Preparing Display Advertising Managing Tip There are two sets of steps on page 288 – one is manual and the other electronic. Carefully read the captions and directions before you begin.
  15. 7. 3 Creating Electronic Advertising Business Ethics False advertising is against the law and forbids misleading customers in a way that could influence a purchase or use of a product. Better Business Bureaus and local, state, and federal laws have been established to combat dishonest and unfair practices. Advertisers must be able to prove all claims made about their products and services.
  16. 7. 3 Creating Electronic Advertising Business Ethics Long-term business success is based on honesty and fairness. It does not pay to destroy the confidence of customers by stretching the truth. In the long run, a satisfied customer is the best advertisement for a business.
  17. 7. 3 Creating Electronic Advertising Managing Tip You will get creative ideas for the commercials by browsing Internet sites, magazines, and newspapers. Two businesses in Pettisville write television and/or radio commercials – Creative Advertising and The Clothes Closet. You are encouraged to write commercials as well for the other businesses
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