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  3. AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS: INTRO TO A SUPPLIER’S PERSPECTIVE What is Automation? Automation seeks to remove the human interaction from normal operations by granting computer systems control over tasks that are repetitive and complex. What are the benefits of automation? Reduces the risk of human errors Improves mission efficiency What are the risks of automation? Increases consequences of error Over-reliance in automation and decline in manual skills AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 3

  4. AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS: INTRO TO A SUPPLIER’S PERSPECTIVE GMV has integrated automation into two levels of Flight Dynamics System design: 1. Autofocus: Automation of Flight Dynamics Operations – Complete hands-off approach to operating satellites, including orbit determination, maneuver planning, collision monitoring, and more. 2. focusART: Automatic Regression Testing – Granting both internal testing team and operators with access to complete system test verification seamlessly. As will be presented in the following presentation, both tools aim to increase the benefit while limiting the risks by means of progressive automation. Both tools are currently used operationally at multiple sites. AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 4

  5. Introduction to GMV Introduction to focusSuite Automation of Flight Dynamics Operations: Autofocus Automatic Regression Testing: focusART Lessons Learned Questions Demos AGENDA AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 5


  7. GLOBAL REACH, GLOBAL PRESENCE Global Locations • GMV staff permanently located in 7 countries • GMV systems deployed in 5 continents, 18 countries • European Headquarters with pronounced world business • US subsidiary (ITAR OK) • Main Customers • Space Agencies • Industrial Primes • Integrators • Commercial Satellite operators • Space App. Communities AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING

  8. OUR OFFER Mission Analysis studies and mission analysis tools (station keeping, collocation, launch window analysis, …) Operational systems for satellite control (inc. on-station and LEOP): Real-Time TM/TC M&C Flight Dynamics MissionPlanning and Scheduling Special operational needs (e.g. collision prediction/analysis, rendezvous, interstellar) Satellite capacity management: Satellite capacity management Payload Reconfiguration CFDP Operations support AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 8

  9. INTRODUCTION TO focusSuite

  10. focusSuite is an off-the-shelf product, which supports multi-mission, multi-satellite flight dynamics operations and mission analysis focusSuite’s benefits include functionality, reliability, flexibility and user friendliness focusSuite provides full lifecycle (assessment to launch to de-orbiting)flight dynamics operations support through a collection of flight provenmission independent and mission/spacecraft specific functionality focusSuite provides high degree of configurability allowing to provide custom solutions focusSuitealso provides a generic framework that allows for extensibility of product development and evolution focusSuite includes an Open API which increases productivity, stability, and accessibility, including integration into a service oriented architecture (SOA) FLIGHT DYNAMICS: focusSuite PRODUCT LINE focus SUITE AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 10

  11. focusSuite: A COMPLETE PRODUCT LINE • FDS product line • focusSuite: advanced multimission, multisatellite FD infrastructure providing core functions • focusGeo: GEO operations • focusLeop: LEOP operations • focusLeo: LEO operations • focusCn: satellite constellations • focusCloseap: collision risk prediction • and more • visualfocus: 2D/3D FD visualization • autofocus: FD operations automation • focusART: Automatic Regression Testing for all of the above operational products • Selected to operate over 120 satellites AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 11

  12. Three-tier architecture, to promote flexibility and modularity, allow distribution and scalability: 1st Tier: Presentation (clients) 2nd Tier: Process management 3rd Tier: Data management / Computation. Normally includes legacy code based on reliable flight dynamics algorithms Advanced API for interaction with Process Manager Operator Manual Access (GUI) Automatic Procedures (Autofocus) External Applications (including SOA) focusSuite: ARCHITECTURE GUI Autofocus External App. focusAPI Process Manager Event Manager Data Manager focusSuite Modules focusGEO Modules focusLEO Modules focusCn Modules AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 12


  14. AUTOMATED OPERATIONS • A growing number of space missions are now based on mission design approach of unattended, autonomous operations. • The desire to achieve this approach is to • remove the need for the operations team • to perform low-level tasks, which the • software can already do better and faster, • and allows them to focus on mission-critical • matters, such as spacecraft health and safety. • Benefits of an automated design are: • Reduced operational staffing • Reduced riskof human error • Increased mission efficiency AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 14

  15. AUTOMATION ISSUES • The basic requirements which must be met for current operations automation are: • Control and modify all system input variables based on absolute or relative data • Execute system functions • Read and react based on system outputs • Perform all above tasks based on a fixed schedule AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 15

  16. AUTOMATION ISSUES (cont) • Additional abilities which supplement the automation are: • Adapt to changing operational concepts (soft algorithm design) • Publish system awareness and automation status • Recover from non-critical faults • Inform user of critical faults and react accordingly • Inform user of system output through reports and graphs • Perform all above tasks based on a relative, periodic, and responsive schedule AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 16

  17. Purpose: To fully automate Flight Dynamics How: By supporting soft procedures written in a high-level, simple scripting language: SOL – Spacecraft Operations Language Procedures: User defines the sequence of execution of individual tasks and the data flows Enable configurable pre-condition & post-condition verification for each task Enable post-processing after each task Absolute time or relative time execution Environments: SOL editor: Edit procedures and validate without need to recompile system Agenda: Schedule information about all current running and planned procedures Autofocus: OVERVIEW • Dynamics operations AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 17

  18. Client-Server Architecture Multiple clients can run simultaneously Accessprivileges for execute/plan/view Server automatically executes procedures Hot and Cold start mode to reduce down-time Decoupled from other tiers (API) 100% Tcl/Tk code Highly portable (OS independent) Provides full capabilities for GUI, communications, parsing, etc. (homogeneous) Easy to learn, easy to prototype, fast development cycle (extensible) In line with other focusSuite components Multi-satellite support Simultaneous control procedures associated to a single satellite or an entire family of satellites Autofocus: ARCHITECTURE SOL Autofocus Client 2 SOL Autofocus Client 1 Autofocus Server focusAPI Process Manager focusSuite Modules AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 18

  19. Procedural language designed by GMV in collaboration with satellite operators (EUTELSAT) especially for satellite operators Multiple data types are supported: Numeric, text, Boolean Special support for date/time types (Relative/Absolute, today keyword, calendar format), for example: Execution flow Procedures can be nested focusSuite flight dynamics functions can be called from procedures Loops, conditions, error/fault handing (operator/service messages) Extensive support for mathematical functions: Trigonometric, hyperbolic, logarithms, power, logical Procedure create its own input, visible in real time, to observe status of automation Autofocus: SOL - SPACECRAFT OPERATIONS LANGUAGE set endEpoch to today + maneuverDuration increment eclipseDuration by 0.5 hours AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 19

  20. Autofocus: SOL # ... Update COLLOC input file update COLLOC & inputs are & set i_assess to 1 & set t_epoch to today & set t_enddate to today + 2 & set i_plots to 0 & set i_mark to 1 # ... Execute program COLLOC execute procedure COLLOC & set PRINT to FALSE & outputs are & set COLLOC_HEALTH_STATUS to status # ... Verify termination status if COLLOC_HEALTH_STATUS <> 0 then write output "COLLOC ended abnormally" fail "COLLOC ended abnormally" otherwise write logger info "COLLOC SUCCESSFUL" write output "COLLOC SUCCESSFUL" end if Inputs and outputs of FD functions can be modified from SOL procedures Direct generation of events for logger and messaging service AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 20

  21. Autofocus: PHASED AUTOMATION Implementing an automation for new missions can be risky. • Operators are unfamiliar with system • Operators do not know how to react to critical situations As a way to ease the transition into automated approach, Autofocus uses a phased automation approach that allows operators to do the following: Phase 1: Procedures are run in high level of caution and stops at every breakpoint to all low level tasks, such as a completion of the orbit determination Phase 2: Procedures are run in medium level of caution and stops only at medium breakpoint for all medium level tasks, such as a need for a station keeping maneuver Phase 3: Procedures are run in low level of caution and stops only at high level breakpoints, such as an impending close approach

  22. View available procedures and create new or edit procedures Embedded compiler of procedures validation Impacts detected on all cascading procedures from modifications Procedures require validation before execution, thereby ensuring no error during operations Autofocus: DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 22

  23. Gantt chart shows Procedures can be immediate execution deferred execution periodic execution relative execution Status of scheduled procedures provided in real-time dynamic output Procedures can be paused, stopped, restarted (both manual and automatic) Autofocus: AGENDA all scheduled procedures scheduled for: AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 23

  24. APPLICATIONS (I): EUTELSAT Orbital Operations EUTELSAT One of top 3 operators of GEO satellites Over 20 satellites from 8 different buses (axis stab. and spinners) All spacecrafts controlled by focusGEO Usage Automatic Operations with Autofocusis the nominal approach Manual intervention only for special situations (e.g. relocation, de-orbiting) Automated tasks: E/W & N/S maneuver planning Pointing maneuver planning (spinner) Post-Maneuver assessment  Ranging data pre-processing Mass consumption estimation Collocation monitoring System administration tasks (e.g. backups) source: EUTELSAT AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 24

  25. APPLICATIONS (II): GLOBALSTAR Orbital Operations GLOBALSTAR NEW GENERATION Global constellation of 55 satellites for communications LEO orbits in different planes GMV providing entire FDS Usage Orbit determination automation with Autofocus performed for entire constellation at one time, which minimizes error of ground stations Automated maneuver control Galileo FDS (30+ MEOs) using a similar approach AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 25

  26. Design Concept Off-the-shelf product for collision avoidance (space debris & other satellites) Automated by Autofocus as a subset of focusGEO AutomaticProcess Download latest TLEs from the Internet from SPACETRACK Get ephemeris for operator’s satellites from SCC Identify close approaches, violation of safety volumes Reports sent by e-mail/ftp to operators focusCloseAp APPLICATIONS (III):focusCloseAp Close Approach Prediction AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 26

  27. Design Concept Precise OD based on real-time tracking data able to estimate orbit state, maneuver, and station bias Automated by Autofocus as a subset of focusGEO AutomaticProcess Continuous monitoring for available tracking data (rng/az/el, GPS) Once detected, data is processed (statistical verification) OD performed to update spacecraft orbit state Additional estimated parameters are solved Graphical display and status reports shows convergence results APPLICATIONS (IV):SEGORD Real-Time Orbit Determination AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 27


  29. QUALITY ASSURANCE Current Software Engineering requirements are based on standardized development rules and Quality Assurance Standards (ISO9000, CMMI) to promote a process-based approach to increase effectiveness and reduce risk. GMV includes a set of proven, systematic, Quality Assurance activities that guarantee fulfillment of the mission requirements. GMV is CMMI Level 3. We conduct complete multi-level testing to verify compliance: • Unit Testing: White box and black box • Integration Testing: Function-by-function • System Testing: Covering all system requirements • Regression Testing: Verify non-impact o • Unit Testing: White box and black box • Integration Testing: Function-by-function integration • System Testing: Complete system testing, covering all requirements and scenarios • Regression Testing:Verify non-impact of modifications on operational software AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 29

  30. REGRESSION TESTING DILEMMAS • While other testing steps evolve along with the development, Regression Testing requires recall of functionality to be tested. This increases time required for testing re-initialization. • While other testing steps occur on developing environments, Regression Testing often happen with operational software. This increases the risk and critically of testing. • While other testing steps deal only with new development, Regression Testing deal with customization and corrections. This increases pressure in demonstrating the customization as well as proving that corrected actions did no hinder any previous functionality. Development/Testing Regression Testing Operational System AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 30

  31. focusART: OVERVIEW • Purpose: • To fully automate regression testing • How: • Define system tests that are set for a baseline (accepted) system and automatically run for each new build • Sequences: • Testing team define sequence test to execute function testing • Greatly decreases repeat of validation: test procedures don’t change so only set once • New patches trigger complete testing run • Functions tested alone or in succession • Environments: • Test definition: Initial definition of system tests, procedures, input data, and validation/comparison tests • Comparison results: Graphical display of testing results AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 31

  32. Allows testing team to define regression tests, which vary based on: Procedures Input data Other dependencies Easy to add new tests due to new test cases, software enhancements & bug fixes Detailed status about testing progress and any errors found in execution Comparison tests can be focusART: TEST DEFINITION • defined to test for ASCII or Binary output AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 32

  33. focusART: OUTPUT COMPARISON RESULTS • Pie chart providing overall status of tests: • Passed: No regression found • Failed in comparison: New test ran, but comparison failed • Failed in execution: New test failed run • Failed intrinsically: Failed test call • Color-coded display of test status • Review output files of reference data vs. comparison data • Track changes between ASCII or BINARY output files AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 33

  34. APPLICATIONS (I): EUTELSAT focusGEO Testing • EUTELSAT • On going projects for 12 years • Request for upgrades requested regularly • Rigorous testing of modification to operational software • Usage • Automatically test 1000+ cases with each new build to verify non-regression reduces risk of new bugs and increases trust • Reduced manual repeat of tests translate to reduced testing staff with only one CM Engineer needed AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 34

  35. APPLICATIONS (II): Multi-mission focusGEO Testing Support • Design Concept • Support multiple clients using similar spacecraft bus, with different missions • Maintain strong standard baseline, while supporting mission independent requirements • Rigorous testing of modification to both operational and analysis software for satellite specific testing • Usage • Automatically test shared between multiple systems to verify non-regression in flight dynamics and satellite specific software • Shared CM engineer between projects supports V&V AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 35


  37. LESSONS LEARNED Automation can greatly support satellite mission efficiency Introduction of automation to new operators requires initial supervision Soft algorithm approach allows for adaptation to changing mission profiles and procedures Automation can reduce risk of testing and operations by removing low-level tasks, while maintaining operator/tester oversight Integration and system awareness supports continuous operations AUTOMATION IN FLIGHT DYNAMICS OPERATIONS AND REGRESSION TESTING 2008/04/15 Page 37


  39. DEMOS

  40. Thank you

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