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Monday. Calescite !. Decline agmen , agminis n . (band, group, line (of men)). Reminders. Stage 17 Word Study – due today Stage 17 Test – on Tuesday 9/27 Binder Check WEDNESDAY *LAST WEEK OF GRADING PERIOD* . Take it out. Take out a colored pen/ cil . CLEAR your desk. Word Study.
Calescite! Decline agmen, agminis n. (band, group, line (of men))
Reminders • Stage 17 Word Study – due today • Stage 17 Test – on Tuesday 9/27 • Binder Check WEDNESDAY *LAST WEEK OF GRADING PERIOD*
Take it out.Take out a colored pen/cil.CLEAR your desk. Word Study
Review Sheet • Culture Section: Read & Share in PollEverywhere • VINCO Vocab Review
Tuesday • Test!
Calescite Translate the underlined word: Barbillusgemmāssuāsquondam ostendit. ecce Plancus, quīnumquamtacet! Answer Using Your Culture Section: 1) This was a shrine begun by Cleopatra for Marc Antony, and completed by Augustus. 2) The ________ safely led travelers to the entrance of Alexandria’s port. 3) _________ was defeated in B.C. 30 and Egypt became a Roman province as a result. Conjugate “haero, haerere, haesi” in PP Tense. Latin ONLY.
“taberna” • pg. 114 • We will translate together • You do NOT have to write translation • PP Tense • Gen Case
Calescite! Conjugate “sum, esse, fuī” (I am, to be, I was) in the Present, Imperfect, and Perfect Tenses
Calescite! Conjugate “sum, esse, fuī” (I am, to be, I was) in the Present Tense
Calescite! Conjugate “sum, esse, fuī” (I am, to be, I was) in the Imperfect Tense
Calescite! Conjugate “sum, esse, fuī” (I am, to be, I was) in the Perfect Tense
“in officinaEutychi” • pg. 116 • We will translate together • You DO need to write translation • PP Tense • Gen Case
Calescite! Conjugate “dō, dare, dedī” (I give, to give, I gave) in the Present Tense.
Conjugate “dō, dare, dedī” (I give, to give, I gave) in the Present Tense.
“in officīnāEutychī” II • Groups of 3//4 Lines 1-7 (Eutychus…est) Lines 8-14 (Eutychus…coepit) Lines 15-20 (periculosum…vis) Lines 21-24 (Clemens…exiit) Translate. Choose one Latin caption. Draw picture and write caption on whiteboard.