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What are the pre-revolution norms or expectation of Iranian societal institutions such as school, religion, families, and government and how did they impact the citizens of Iran, the U.S. and/or the rest of the world?. By: Steven Lipscomb.
What are the pre-revolution norms or expectation of Iranian societal institutions such as school, religion, families, and government and how did they impact the citizens of Iran, the U.S. and/or the rest of the world? By: Steven Lipscomb
Religion played a major role in Iran before the White revolution. Women were forced to wear viels, Iran was a theocracy (government mixing religion and economics) and Shar’iah, which means Islamic law was the basis of Iran. • Families were in patriarchal households, women were not allowed to divorce their husbands the FPA (family protection acts) minimum marriage age was fifteen, birth and death rates were significantly high.
Shah Reza governed Iran before Shah Mohammed Reza. During the time, the shah’s regime was oppressive, corrupt and brutal. • Education was and still is one of Iran’s top priorities. There has been more than 18 million students in segregated schools and universities. Women during the time surprisingly made up 50% of this population. • Although over 66% of the major labor force was men with blue collared jobs like working in industries or factories.
Some impacts on Iranian citizens included lower salaries for the work force, less opportunity and rights for women, brutal oppression from Shah Reza which lead to several protests. • It also impacted the United States because Iran and the U.S. till this day do not have diplomatic relationships, especially since Iran used to and still does create nuclear weapons which can lead possible conspiracies. • Many countries that were allies with Iran would also protest for the removal of shah Reza, hold fundraisers to raise money for gender equality and much more.
Works cited: • http://www.iranchamber.com/history/islamic_revolution/islamic_revolution.php • http://www.theguardian.com/world/iranian-revolution • http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/pop_ups/04/middle_east_the_iranian_revolution/html/2.stm • http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2013/12/13/250737898/game-director-shifts-from-grand-theft-auto-to-iranian-revolution