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Making decisions. Making Decisions. Should I pick the Twix or the Peanut Butter Cup? What shoes should I wear today? Should I turn the left or right way? What job should I go for? Should I be, rich and stupid, or smart and poor? What movie is better to see?
MakingDecisions Should I pick the Twix or the Peanut Butter Cup? What shoes should I wear today? Should I turn the left or right way? What job should I go for? Should I be, rich and stupid, or smart and poor? What movie is better to see? Should I watch The Passion, or EDTV? So many things to decide. So many reasons why or why not. Too much battling the right choice thought. Hearing all these different voices. Offering so many crazy choices. What to pick, what to choose. What to do and what to refuse. They've got me caught in Quandary's vice. Should I bite the bullet or roll the dice? Written by April Self
High School students have a lot to think about! • From math tests to sports to following expectations • From staying home and studying or going out with friends • From what to wear to new social situations Not to mention the big question: What do I do after school or Where do I go to college?
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions. everywhere you turn there is another decision to make…
Decisions are made because you have certain needs physical emotional social economic cultural
Decisions you make: • Relates directly to a need YOU have • Satisfies the need YOU have • Depends on what YOU want to get out of it
impulsive decisions Examples Consequences • Cheating in school • Skipping class • Using alcohol, tobacco, or drugs • Going somewhere or being with someone your parents don’t approve of • Driving too fast • Losing trust • Letting friends down • Getting into trouble • Hurting education & job prospects • Causing illness or injury
How do we justify making Bad Decisions? By saying…
“Because I want to!” This only works if • You are alone • There are no rules • You only have yourself to consider
“Everybody does it!” People often try to get out responsibility by showing that their actions are in line with the values and likings of their friends.
“What else could I do?” This excuse is a sign of failure to see all the available choices.
“But I said I would!” People decide on something and stick to it, because no one likes to • Admit they’re wrong • Appear afraid • Disappoint others
avoid Making bad decisions based on little more than the desire for fun and approval of your friends..
Making Decisions depends on: • The type of person you are • Your likes and dislikes • Your values—what’s worthwhile and desirable to you • Your knowledge • Your beliefs
Remember all decisions come with consequences, whether they are positive or negative. You must be willing to accept the consequence of your decision. Following certain steps can help you in making a good decision.
Successful Steps to Decision Making 1. Describe the situation2. Consider the options3. how will the decision affect you4. What are the consequences5. Choose the best option6. Make a plan
High School students have the opportunity to be involved in many different activities. It is a big decision which activities to become involved in and how many activities can be handled. ♬ ♬ ♬ ♬
Don’t make decisions based on what other people think! Don’t become involved in everything just because you think it will look good on a college application.
Stressed out a lot Lack of time to do things you really enjoy Low grades Having someone always on your case Consequences for being involved in too many things
Passion & commitment Pick something that is interesting to you. Evidence of genuine passion and commitment to any activity is one of the most valuable aspects. This is more important than the number of activities
How do I make a decision about what to do after high school?
It is important to remember that you may change your mind several times before you decide what you want to do! The average person can expect to change their jobs 5 to 7 times in his or her life!
Successful career changes depends on a large amount of planning and preparation. It is vital before making any decisions regarding a change in your career that some quality time is spent: • reflecting on your career • developing some plans for the future.
1. research 2. think about questions 3. make an informed decision
Identify the likes and dislikes about your job • Try to discover your passion • Research the type of career that evolves around what you are passionate about
Change will affect not only your life but also the lives of those important people!
Planning for college, the military, or the work world starts when you enter high school. Classes in high school will help you decide what you are interested in, as well as, prepare you for college, the military, or the work force.
Deciding what classes to take in high school can be a tough decision, especially if you are not sure what you might like to do when you get out of high school. High school is a great place to explore your interests!
Don’t Do Take classes because: • your friends are • you think it will be real easy • it might not require a lot of homework • Visit with Mrs. Hansel and see what might be required courses to take in interested fields • You need 4 years of English and 3 years of math, science, and social studies. However, taking 4 years of science and math are recommended to get into a 4-year college Don’t make a decision to do something that doesn’t fit you! Explore and take a variety of elective classes in high school to see what you might be interested in!
How do I make a decision aboutCollegeWork Force Look at: • a college that offers a variety of things that interest you • location • size • cost/financial aid • requirements to be accepted Consider: • the hours you are expected to work • your pay & will it pay your bills • the type of work that will be asked of you to do • the expectations that your employer will have for you
~Take time to discover your interests and what you don’t like ~Talk with your teachers and Mrs. Hansel about possible careers in different fields ~Work hard in all your classes and do the best you can ~Take advantage of job shadowing ~Ask for advice! Think about what other people have to say and do the best to make decisions that are right for you! Don’t agonize over college the moment you enter High school!
What ever decision You Make you need to be.. Ready to accept the outcome whether it is a positive outcome or a consequence Responsible to carry out the decision or know when to ask for help Respect yourself and others your decision could affect Make sure that your decision does not put anyone in harm and it is a safe decision
Being Ready It is important to accept the challenge of making decisions to help you be ready for whatever comes your way To be ready you need to • Take initiative • Be on time • Have your work completed • Use your planner • Post important events on your calendar • Work to the best of your ability
What would you do if…? It’s late Sunday afternoon and there is a big football game on TV tonight. You and your roommate want your friends to come over and watch the game together. You know that it could get really late before the game gets over with. You know that you have to get up at 5:30 a.m. the next day to get to work on time. Your boss gets really angry when people come to work late. Do you have your friends come over or not?
What would you do if…? Before you rented an apartment the landlord told you to keep your music at a reasonable level, so it wouldn’t bother the people downstairs. They have been good tenants and lived in the building for several years. One of your friends turns the music up above a reasonable level. What would you do? The people downstairs complain even though the music is at a reasonable level? What would you do?
What would you do? You went to the movies with some friends. While driving home one of your friends starts handing out cans of beer. What do you do? In a little while the driver starts driving real recklessly. What do you do?