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Prime 4 – Summit 1B – Unit 10

Prime 4 – Summit 1B – Unit 10. Adjectives & Adverbs Order of modifiers. Modifying with adverbs. Karate challenges you physically . You have to work your body really hard if you want to be good at it. What word does physically modify ?. It modifies the verb “ challenges ”.

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Prime 4 – Summit 1B – Unit 10

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  1. Prime 4 – Summit 1B – Unit 10 Adjectives & Adverbs Orderofmodifiers

  2. Modifyingwithadverbs Karatechallengesyouphysically. Youhave to work yourbodyreallyhardifyouwant to begoodat it. Whatword does physicallymodify? It modifiestheverb “challenges”. I find origami creativelystimulating. Whatword does creativelymodify? It modifiestheadjective “stimulating”.

  3. What do younoticeaboutthepositionoftheadverbs in thefollowingstatements? Sue is emotionallydisturbedbecauseoftheaccident. Yoga is physicallyrelaxing. Thestudentsworkedcooperativelylastclass. Weallneed to developspiritually. Adverbs come beforeadjectives : emotionallydisturbed – physicallyrelaxing Adverbs come afterverbs: workedcooperatively – developspiritually

  4. Orderofmodifiers adjectives ordinal MyfirstfewbeautifulantiqueCzechcrystalsugarbowls. Determiner noun Quantifier -4- Adjectives: 1- size 2-opinion/quality 3-age/temperature 4-shape 5-color 6-origin 7-material -5-Noun Sugar cereal -3- Quantifiers: One, two, a few, some, many -1- Determiners:a, an, the, this, my, Mary’s -2- Ordinals: First, onetenth,

  5. What are these? They are bowls. They are sugar bowls. They are crystal sugar bowls. They are Czechcrystal sugar bowls. They are antiqueCzechcrystal sugar bowls. They are beautifulantiqueCzechcrystal sugar bowls. opinion age origin material noun

  6. I am an obsessivemulticoloredall-brand gloss collector

  7. Nowdescribethefollowingitemsbyusing 3 or 4 modifiers.

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