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Setting Your Goal and Eating …Achieving it too!

Setting Your Goal and Eating …Achieving it too!. Remarkable Leadership: Chapter 16. Key Points . There are both good and bad goals. Goals are productivity enhancers More than recognizing the importance of setting goals, to actually set goals successfully

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Setting Your Goal and Eating …Achieving it too!

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  1. Setting Your Goal and Eating…Achieving it too! Remarkable Leadership: Chapter 16

  2. Key Points • There are both good and bad goals. • Goals are productivity enhancers • More than recognizing the importance of setting goals, to actually set goals successfully • Basics of setting personal goals, and the basics of setting group goals

  3. Outline: • Elements of a Goal Setting Mindset • Goal-Setting Basics • Elements of a Goal-Setting Leader

  4. Goal Setting Mindset • Size • Large enough to inspire, believable enough to strive • Belief • Personal and organization belief that success is possible

  5. Mind Setting cont… • Investment • A willingness to put forth necessary resources • Commitment • Shown through action and implementation

  6. Cont… • Action • Directed focus • Purpose • Focus on the desired end result

  7. Question: Where do you fall short? • Size • Belief • Investment • Commitment • Action • Purpose

  8. The Basics of Setting Goals • Write down your dream • Avoid Excuses • Buick Example • Tangible Statement • Present tense • I will weigh 175 lbs on May 15, 2010 • The “Gap” principle

  9. Basics cont… • List the benefits • Builds motivation • Identify Barriers • Written • Sort through

  10. Cont… • Identify needed resources • Identify what needs to be learned • Whatyou need • How to get it

  11. Cont… • Set a date • Get Committed

  12. Question: Which can You Most Improve? • Write Down • Tangible Statement • List Benefits • Identify Barriers • Identify Resources • Identify what You Need to Learn • Set a Date • Get Committed

  13. Question: Which did you already do well? • Write Down • Tangible Statement • List Benefits • Identify Barriers • Identify Resources • Identify what You Need to Learn • Set a Date • Get Committed

  14. Activity Time! • Write Down • Tangible Statement • List Benefits • Identify Barriers • Identify Resources • Identify what You Need to Learn • Set a Date • Get Committed

  15. Be a Goal-Setting Leader • Creating Vision • Set Collaborative Goals • Provide ongoing Support

  16. Create the Vision • Co-created by team • Leader’s role: Context

  17. Context • Fondest wishes of the team • Future of the industry • New opportunities

  18. Set Collaborative Goals • Help others reach their goals • 4 Benefits of Collaborative Goal setting • 3 Tips

  19. 4 Benefits • Gain agreement • Creates focus and clarity • Set Collective Consciousness • Awareness of and desire to reach goal

  20. 4 benefits cont… • Create Engagement • Ownership and buy-in • Manifest Synergy • The sum of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

  21. 3 Tips • Help them create desire • Spend time on the benefits of succeeding • Help create belief • Believable goals • Gain Commitment • Signatures?

  22. Provide ongoing Suport • Be a role model • Listen to concerns • Remove obstacles • Provide resources • Value and use their expertise • Keep their focus • Help them see progress • Celebrate success

  23. Question: Which do you do well? • Be a role model • Listen to concerns • Remove obstacles • Provide resources • Value and use their expertise • Keep their focus • Help them see progress • Celebrate success

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