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Oral literary magazine “ Lesia Ukrainka – an immortal daughter of Ukrainian people”. Мета : передати силу і глибину поетичного світу Лесі Українки , виховувати любов до українського поетичного слова, до Вітчизни , до творчої спадщини поетеси , почуття прекрасного. .
Oral literary magazine “LesiaUkrainka – an immortal daughter of Ukrainian people”
Мета: передати силу іглибинупоетичногосвітуЛесіУкраїнки, виховуватилюбов до українськогопоетичного слова, до Вітчизни, дотворчоїспадщинипоетеси, почуття прекрасного.
Our magazine consists of three parts: • Biography of LesiaUkrainka. • Works of LesiaUkrainka. • Immortal daughter of Ukraine.
Yes! Through my tears I would burst out laughing, Sing a song when grief is my lot. Ever I, against hope, keep on hoping – I will live! Away, gloomy thoughts! Так! Я буду крізь сльози сміятись, Серед лиха співати пісні, Без надії таки сподіватись, Буду жити! Геть думи сумні!
Хай палаєсвічка. Хай палає, Поєднає нас вона в цей час. Друзів голоси нехай лунають, Слово ймузика нехай єднають нас.
“Out of the six children in our family, it was Lesya who resembled our father most, both in beauty and character. From what Mother told me, and from Father’s photographs, taken when he was young, it was clear that Lesya’s facial features, eyes, the colour of the hair were inherited from our Father, as well as the height, bearing and slenderness. Their temper and character were also were similar — both were very gentle and endlessly kind — but both could boil over if their feelings were wounded. At the same time they showed much patience, perseverance and reserve, both possessed very strong willpower. There was one more, particularly precious feature that Father and Lesya shared — they respected other people’s dignity, no matter who it was, a little child or a grown-up, and behaved in such a way so as not to offend or infringe upon that dignity,” wrote Lesya’s sister OlhaKosach-Kryvynyuk in her memoirs.
Леся Українказ братом Михайлом(в дитинстві)
Ivan Franko wrote: • «I can’t help thinking that this frail girl of ill health is probably the only ‘man’ in Ukrainian literature!»