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OSD May 12 Policy on IUID of Property. Property in the Possession of Contractors (PIPC)
OSD May 12 Policy on IUID of Property Property in the Possession of Contractors (PIPC) January 1, 2006: All new DoD solicitations and contracts that provide government property must contain the clause at DFARS 252.211-7003 and a requirement to assign an IUID to the property in the IUID registry and/or mark the items with an IUID. June 2005 – September 2006: Transition period for loading GFP on existing contracts. DFARS Deviation: being prepared to extend FY05 DD 1662 reporting from September 2005 to May 2006. The deviation is scheduled for signature in August 2005. Contractors can voluntarily agree to change existing contracts to incorporate the deviation by September 1, 2005. ACOs will prepare block change mods.
OSD May 12 IUID Policy on Property Property in the Possession of Contractors (PIPC) IUID Registry Status: June 2005: will be able to accept PIPC (equipment). For contractors who elect to voluntarily adopt the DFARS deviation in lieu of regular DD 1662 reporting in September, instructions for XML uploading of PIPC will be available on the OSD UID website by June 2005. PIPC (Material): will gradually enter the registry through WAWF entries. PIPC (CAP): will not go into registry unless DoD take title. Elimination of DD 1662: June 2006: DFARS rule on UID of PIPC September 2006: target date for elimination of DD 1662 reporting. The IUID registry recording will be mandatory for all qualifying items.
OSD May 12 IUID Policy on Property Property in the Possession of Contractors (PIPC) WAWFModifications for Government Property Management: February 2006: Initial on-line capability to include shipment and receipt of property as it moves between DoD and contractor. June 2006: connect to component property accountability systems. TBD: integrated capability for industry to requisition property from DoD sources. Virtual UII: Can be used for legacy items or PIPC: Contractors can use the asset ID number they use to track the PIPC as the innate serialized identity. The innate serialized identity data (e.g. enterprise designation; lot or batch number; serial number; or property control number) is affixed to the item. The enterprise identifier of the enterprise that assigns the virtual UII shall be used in conjunction with the innate serialized identity data. The enterprise that has responsibility for the property will use its enterprise identifier for assignment of virtual UIIs. The enterprise assigning the virtual UII will: Validate the accuracy of the innate serialized identity data. Assure that using innate serialized data on items from different manufacturers does not create duplicate UII.
OSD May 12 IUID Policy on Property Property in the Possession of Contractors (PIPC) The Role of the ACO in the Property Transition from DD1662 to UID Registry: ACOs will notify contractors when the DFAR deviation is signed. If the contractor elects to accept the DFARS deviation incorporation into existing contracts at no change to any contract price/funding, it will: Notify the ACO by September 1, 2005 Agree to load the IUID data for government property into the registry by May 31, 2006. Sign a block change modification to existing contracts. Additional ACO Guidance on UID Contract Implementation: The ACO has the authority to incorporate into a contract an alternate implementation schedule for IUID compliance from the implementation plan in order to alleviate a breach of contract. Where a delivery problem is imminent, this can be done prior to customer approval of the plan.
OSD May 12 IUID Policy on Property Property in the Possession of Contractors (PIPC) Significant Dates: June 2005: IUID registry can accept PIPC data. June 2005 – September 2006: registry open for upload of PIPC (equipment) August 2005: DFAR deviation issued. September 2005: Contractors notify ACOs that they want to incorporate DFARS deviation into existing contracts. Block change mod signed. February 2006: WAWF recognition of shipment and receipt between DoD and contractor. May 31, 2006: Last date for upload of PIPC(equipment) for contractors who incorporate deviation in contracts. June 2006: DFARS rule on IUID of property and WAWF capability to connect to DoD property accountability systems. September 30, 2006: target date to have all PIPC in IUID registry and the end of DD1662 reporting as a contract requirement.