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GROOVY!!!. Top 10 Songs of 1965. 1. Wooly Bully Sam The Sham and The Pharaohs 2. I Cant Help Myself Four Tops 3. Satisfaction , The Rolling Stones 4 .You Were On my Mnd, We Five 5. You’ve Lost That Lovin Feelin , Righteous Brothers 6. Downtown , Petula Clark
GROOVY!!! Top 10 Songs of 1965 1.Wooly Bully Sam The Sham and The Pharaohs 2. I Cant Help MyselfFour Tops 3. Satisfaction, The Rolling Stones 4.You Were On my Mnd, We Five 5. You’ve Lost That Lovin Feelin , Righteous Brothers 6. Downtown , Petula Clark 7. Help, The Beatles 8. Can’t you hear my heartbeat, Herman’s Shermit 9. Crying in the Chapel, Elvis presley 10. My Girl, The Temptations
The lyrics I chose were the ones to the song My Girl by The Temptations. I chose this song because this song was made right around the time where blacks were were still treated unfairly. The Temptations made this song and it appealed to every crowd including whites which was amazing at the time considering the circumstances. I think the song reflects the times because it was when whites were opening up to the idea that blacks could associate with and do the same things they liked to do MUSIC I've got sunshine on a cloudy day.When it's cold outside I've got the month of May.I guess you'd sayWhat can make me feel this way?My girl (my girl, my girl)Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl).
The Source was a best selling novel in 1965. In the grand storytelling style that is his signature, James Michener sweeps us back through time to the very beginnings of the Jewish faith, thousands of years ago. Through the predecessors of four modern men and women, we experience the entire colorful history of the Jews, including the life of the early Hebrews and their persecutions, the impact of Christianity, the Crusades, and the Spanish Inquisition, all the way to the founding of present-day Israel and the Middle-East conflict."A sweeping chronology filled with excitement." Best-Selling Novel(The Source)
Lyndon B Johnson’s presidency came about because of the assassination of President Kennedy. Johnson quickly made a name for himself passing a tax reduction law that promised to promote economic growth and the Economic Opportunity Act. Johnson created the Medicare program which provided services to the elderly, improving federal aid to elementary and secondary education, supplementing the War on Poverty, and creating the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He also passed the Voting Rights of 1965 There was also a lot of racial tension throughout the United States and urbanized areas At this point Johnson began increasing U.S. involvement in Vietnam; as early as February 1965, U.S. planes began to bomb North Vietnam. American troop strength in Vietnamincreased to morethan 180,000 by the end of the year and to 500,000 by 1968. Many influences led Johnson to such a policy. Among them were personal factors such as his temperamental activism, faith in U.S. military power, and staunch anticommunism. These qualities also led him to intervene militarily in the Dominican Republic--allegedly to stop a Communist takeover--in April 1965. Like many Americans who recalled the "appeasement" of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, Johnson thought the United States must be firm or incur a loss of credibility. Lyndon B. Johnson
When Willie was growing up, his father worked in a steel mill, and played on a semi- professional team sponsored by the mill. He began teaching Willie to catch a ball even before he could walk. By 14, Willie joined his father on the mill team. His high school had no baseball team, so he played basketball and football, but before he finished high school, it became clear that baseball would be his career. His career was at its peak in 1965. He hit 52 homeruns, the most in the majors, and was voted MVP. A sportswriter that year said that “Mays should play in handcuffs to even things up”. Joe DiMaggio said Mays had the greatest throwing arm in baseball. Mays's 7095 putouts are the all-time record for an outfielder, but Mays excelled as a hitter as well. His career batting average was .302. For eight years running, he drove in more than 100 runs a year, and his 660 home runs put him in third place for the all-time home run record. He won the Gold Glove Award 12 times Willie Mays Baseball is a game, yes. It is also a business. But what is most truly is is disguised combat. For all its gentility, its almost leisurely pace, baseball is violence under wrapshttp://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/w/willie_mays.html#8GFmMb6lUuJdwBzB.99
The Brand New 1965 Pontiac GTO featuring race car options! Get it while it’s brand spankin’ new! First 10 buys are 30% OFF Get to your local dealership now!!!!! VROOM!VROOM!
Get this Groovy Western Sari dress for half price! Only temporary. Better get it while it’s there!! Also guys if you want to be extra groovy get this all the rage tuxedo!!! RETRO
Richard Burton was nominated in the 1965 ocars for best actor. The role he played was the leading role in the movie The Spy From the Cold. Other actors in this movie are Peter Van Eyck, Sam Wannamaker, Cyril Crusak, and Michael Hordern. Richard Burton played a secret British agent being followed and recorded by a character named Mr. Ritt. He did not win the award. Richard Burton was born on November 10, 1925 in Wales,UK.He was known for his turbulent personal life and multiple marriages. He received a scholarship to Oxford University to study acting and made his first film appearance in 1940. His first film appearances were in non-descript movies. He made a name for himself in the 1950’s coming out with multiple blockbuster films. Burton died on March 5, 1984 How strange are the tricks of memory, which, often hazy as a dream about the most important events of a man's life, religiously preserve the merest trifles - Richard Burton Oscars
Fast Facts • In 1965 the war in Vietnam was worsening. Due to bombing in North Vietnam the United States continued to lose more men, at the same time the Anti-War movement grows and in November 35,000 march on Washington as a protest against the war. There is also civil disobedience with rioting, looting and arson in Los Angeles. This was also the first ear mandated health warnings appeared on cigarette packs and smoking became frowned upon. The latest craze in kids toys was the super ball and the skate board. Fashions also changed as women's skirts got shorter men's hair grew longer as the The miniskirt makes its appearance. Hypertext is introduced for linking on the Internet. The St Louis Arch is completed and The Beatles release 4 new albums including "Help
The Spy Who Came in From a Cold • Come get your tickets to The Spy Who Came in From the Cold right now!!!! • The 5 star film starring Richard Burton as British Secret Agent. • Does HE MAKE IT OUT ALIVE???
Come Get Some Grub!!! • Why don’t you come try our new roast beef sandwich at Arby's! Available now! The number one spot to get some grub with your buddies! Come eat at Arby’s today!!!
Life of A Teen • The life of a teenager in 1965 is much different then today. You could walk the streets at night and hardly find any trouble. There was a lot of racial hatred going on. They mostly listened to Motown and the British Invasion. They just started wearing miniskirts and short shorts. Jeans were not fashionable for school yet. Most families had two parents.
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