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The primary addictive component of tobacco is nicotine. Numerous bodily parts become accustomed to having nicotine in them when a person uses tobacco cigarettes. When someone gives up tobacco, they also give up nicotine and are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms. This is due to the fact that the body must adjust to not having nicotine.
Khoor, LLC Staying Tobacco & Nicotine-Free After You Quit H T T P S : / / K H O O R . C O M ORDER NOW
Khoor, LLC The primary addictive component of tobacco is nicotine. Numerous bodily parts become accustomed to having nicotine in them when a person uses tobacco cigarettes. When someone gives up tobacco, they also give up nicotine and are likely to experience withdrawal symptoms. This is due to the fact that the body must adjust to not having nicotine. H T T P S : / / K H O O R . C O M 02 / 10
Khoor, LLC It is important to remember that quitting tobacco can be hard and relapse is common. To help reduce cravings, there are several medications & alternatives that are available as part of tobacco treatment programs. These medications may contain nicotine, including nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion SR (Wellbutrin), and varenicline (Chantix). NRT includes patches, gum, lozenges, nasal sprays, and inhalers which provide a lower dose of nicotine than cigarettes to help prevent withdrawal symptoms. H T T P S : / / K H O O R . C O M 03 / 10
Khoor, LLC Taking the edge off of nicotine withdrawal symptoms can also be achieved through other forms of therapy such as cognitive- behavioral therapy or hypnotherapy. In addition to these medications, FDA- approved medications such as bupropion SR (Zyban) and varenicline (Chantix) have also been shown to help people quit smoking by decreasing the pleasure from smoking and helping them cope with nicotine withdrawal symptoms. H T T P S : / / K H O O R . C O M 04 / 10
Khoor, LLC If you are using nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), it can help you reduce your cravings and triggers withdrawal symptoms. NRT comes in several forms, including pills, inhalers, gum, patches, and lozenges. It is important to talk to your health care provider about the best form of NRT for you. For smokers who have been using cigarettes for many years or have developed a strong addiction to nicotine, it may be necessary to replace several products at once in order to successfully quit smoking. H T T P S : / / K H O O R . C O M 05 / 10
Khoor, LLC Using medications to help you quit smoking can also be very helpful. There are many different types of medications that can help reduce your cravings for nicotine, as well as help you to resist the urge to smoke a cigarette when tobacco craving strikes. Counselors and psychologists can also provide support and advice that may help you stay tobacco-free. Remember, when an urge to use tobacco strikes, it usually passes within five to 10 minutes. H T T P S : / / K H O O R . C O M 06 / 10
Khoor, LLC Staying tobacco-free after you quit means being prepared for these urges and knowing how to cope with them. You don’t have to get more nicotine to ease the symptoms of withdrawal. Instead, try activities like sipping coffee or tea, going for a walk, or talking with friends. Avoiding people, places, and activities that trigger the urge is a key part of staying tobacco- free. Also, be aware that some smokeless tobaccos and cigarettes can put you at 50% greater risk of getting mouth cancer than nonusers. H T T P S : / / K H O O R . C O M 07 / 10
Khoor, LLC Staying tobacco-free after you quit is a long-term process. Medications that provide nicotine, such as a nicotine patch, can be used to reduce the level of nicotine in your body. Nicotine gum and short acting forms of NRT such as gum lozenges can also be used to control certain levels of nicotine in your body. H T T P S : / / K H O O R . C O M 08 / 10
Khoor, LLC H T T P S : / / K H O O R . C O M The nicotine patch releases a small steady amount of nicotine over a long period of time, while nasal sprays and inhalers offer faster relief from intense cravings. These NRTs help to replace the feeling of smoking, allowing smokers to overcome intense cravings. 09 / 10
Khoor, LLC ContactUs H T T P S : / / K H O O R . C O M Address: 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd Palm City, FL, 34990, USA Phone: 855 331-4563 Email: sales@khoor.com Phone: 855 331-4563 Working Hours: 24Hours Website: https://khoor.com/