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"Join us in Izmir for a workshop on implementing support tools for empowering people with disabilities in the labor market. Learn about the European Disability Strategy, the toolkit of supported employment, and the importance of full accessibility to education and work. Explore different national perspectives on employment support and engage with experts to enhance job opportunities for individuals with disabilities. This event is part of a larger initiative to improve the integration and training of disabled individuals in the workforce across Europe."
T-EST Transfer ofEmployment Support Tools for People withDisabilities5-6 June 2014Implementation Coaches WorkshopIzmir, Turkey
A warm welcome! • Short “cometogether“ • Personal information, SE Toolkit experiences, expectations, doubts
The reasonfortheproject • Oneofthekeyareasofthe European DisabilityStrategy (2010-2020) toallowfullaccessibilitytoeducationaswellastothelabourmarket • This is still not given in many European countries becauseofthe lack ofsuitableand powerful supportconcepts
AimsandobjectivesI • Investigation anddetaileddefinitionofthebackgroundsituationofemploymentsupportfordisabledpersons in thetransfer countries • Startingwithin a detailed potential analysisforadaptationthe Toolkit tothe national systems in BG, RO and TR • Adaptation andculturalmodificationofthebaslineproduct (Toolkit) content on thebasisoftheidentifiedbackgroundsituationandneeds in thetransfer countries • LinguistictranslationoftheToolkit contentintothetransfercountrylanguages
AimsandobjectivesII • Training oftransferandimplementationcoachesfromthethreetransfer countries in theuseoftheToolkit andduringa comprehensivepilotimplementation • Evaluation andfeedbackcollectionfromthetransferactivityforfutureadaptationandfurtherdevelopmentoftheToolkit content • Goal iscreationof a hugeimprovementforthelabourmarket, vocationaltrainingandintegrationofpeoplewithdisabilities in thetransfer countries
SupportedEmployment in Europe • 80 million people with disability across Europe • Rate of Employment 50% for those of working age • Rate of poverty 70% higher than rest of society due to limited access to employment market • Differing national legislation • EUSE formed in 1993 • Has currently 19 National Associations • Aims to provide practical leadership and guidance
Toolkit ofSupportedEmployment • Achieved through using Leonardo Mobility • Partnership Approach with National Associations • Meetings held in Vienna, Stockholm, Palma, Athens, London, Dublin and Copenhagen • Process Working Groups with Team Leaders – worked in between meetings using available technology • Editorial Committee – Scotland, Austria and Denmark • Available in different languages
Definition ofSupportedEmployment “a method of working with disabled peopleorotherdisadvantagedgroups to access and maintain paid employment in the open labourmarket” European Union ofSupportedEmployment (EUSE), Toolkit, 2010, p. 9 Securingpaidwork
SupportedEmployment Engage
Implementation by Jugend am Werk GmbH • Since 1997 workingassistanceforpeoplewithphysicalorsensualdisabilities • 3 employees • Today, 2013: morespecifiedprojects (ArbeitsAssistenz, JobCoaching, Fitness forwork), wider targetgroups • 23 employees • Presentationofcasestudies – tomorrowsession– bytrainers, JobCoaches, workingassistances