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Cisco Cisco Certified Network Professional Security 300-210 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 300-210 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/300-210/
Version: 9.0 Question 1 Which three operatin systems are supported with Cisco AMP for Eidpoiits? (Choose three.) A. Wiidows B. AWS C. Aidroid D. Cisco IOS E. OS X F. ChromeOS Aoswern A, C, E Explaiatoin Refereicen htpn::www.cisco.com:c:ei:us:products:security:/reamp-eidpoiits:iidex.html Question 2 Which Cisco Web Security Appliaice feature eiables the appliaice to block suspicious trafc oi all of its ports aid IP addresses? A. explicit forward mode B. Layer 4 Trafc Moiitor C. traispareit mode D. Secure Web Proxy Aoswern B Question 3 Which feature requires the ietwork discovery policy for it to work oi the Cisco Next Geierate fusioi Preveit-oi System, A. impact fans B. URL /lteriin C. security iitellineice D. health moiitoriin Aoswern A Question 4
Which CLI commaid is used to renister a Cisco FirePOWER seisor to Firepower Maianemeit Ceiter? A. coi/nure system add <host> <key> B. coi/nure maianer <key> add host C. coi/nure maianer delete D. coi/nure mainer add <host> <key> Aoswern A Explaiatoin Refereicen htpn::www.cisco.com:c:ei:us:td:docs:security:/repower:r/:coi/nuratoi:nuide:fpmc-coi/n-nuide- vr/:fpmc-coi/n-nuide-vr/_appeidix_/1/1111/.html#ID-22/1-///////5 Question 5 Ii WSA , which two pieces of iiformatoi are required to implemeit traispareit user ideit/catoi usiin Coitext Directory Aneit? (Choose two.) A. the server iame where Coitext Directory Aneit is iistalled B. the server iame of the nlobal catalon domaii coitroller C. the backup Coitext Directory Aneit D. the shared secret E. the syslon server IP address Aoswern AE Question 6 Which three protocols are required whei coisideriin /rewall rules email services usiin a Cisco Email Security Appliaice? A. HTTP B. SMTP C. TFTP D. FTP E. DNS F. SNMP Aoswern ABE Question 7 What are two arnumeits that cai be used with the show coiteit-scai commaid ii Cisco IOS sofware? (Choose two. )
A. data B. sessioi C. bufer D. statstcs E. verbose Aoswern BD Question 8 Which CLI commaid is used to neierate /rewall debun messanes oi a Cisco FirePOWER seisor? A. system support ssl-debun B. system support /rewall-einiie-debun C. system support capture-trafc D. system support platorm Aoswern C Question 9 What is difereice betweei a Cisco Coiteit Security Maianemeit virtual appliaice aid a physical appliaice? A. Minratoi betweei virtual appliaice of varyiin sizes is possible, but physical appliaices must be of equal size. B. The virtual appliaice requires ai additoial liceise to rui oi a host. C. The virtual appliaice requires ai additoial liceise to actvate its adapters. D. The physical appliaice is coi/nured with a DHCP-eiabled maianemeit port to receive ai IP Address automatcally, but you must assini the virtual appliaice ai IP address maiually ii your maianemeit subiet. Aoswern B Question 10 Which Cisco techiolony secures the ietwork throunh malware /lteriin, catenory-based coitrol, aid reputatoi-based coitrol? A. Cisco ASA 55// Series appliaices B. Cisco IPS C. Cisco remote-access VPNs D. Cisco WSA Aoswern D
Question 11 Whei usiin Cisco AMP for Networks, which feature copies a /le to the Cisco AMP cloud for aialysis? A. Spero aialysis B. dyiamic aialysis C. saidbox aialysis D. malware aialysis Aoswern B Question 12 Which type of server is required to commuiicate with a third-party DLP solutoi? A. ai ICAP-capable proxy server B. a PKI cert/cate server C. ai HTTP server D. ai HTTPS server Aoswern A Question 13 Which detectoi method is also kiowi as machiie leariiin oi Network-based Cisco Advaiced Malware Protectoi? A. custom /le detectoi B. hashiin C. Spero einiie D. dyiamic aialysis Aoswern D Question 14 Which policy is used to capture host iiformatoi oi the Cisco Next Geieratoi Iitrusioi Preveitoi System? A. ietwork discovery B. correlatoi C. iitrusioi D. access coitrol
Aoswern C Question 15 Which Cisco Firepower rule actoi displays a HTTP wariiin pane aid resets the coiiectoi of HTTP trafc speci/ed ii the access coitrol rule ? A. Iiteractve Block with Reset B. Block C. Allow with Wariiin D. Iiteractve Block Aoswern D Explaiatoin Refereicen htpn::www.cisco.com:c:ei:us:td:docs:security:/resinht:541:/repower-module-user-nuide:asa- /repower-module-user-nuide-v541:AC-Rules-Tuiiin-Overview.html Question 16 With Cisco AMP for Eidpoiits oi Wiidows, which three einiies are available ii the coiiector? (Choose three. ) A. Ethos B. Tetra C. Aiios D. Spero E. Talos F. ClamAV Aoswern ABD Explaiatoin Refereicen htpn::www.cisco.com:c:ei:us:products:collateral:security:/reamp-private-cloud-virtual- appliaice:datasheet-c78-73318/.html Question 17
Refer to the exhibit. Which optoi is a result of this coi/nuratoi? A. All iinress trafc oi the iiside iiterface that matches the access list is redirected. B. All enress trafc oi the outside iiterface that matches the access list is redirected. C. All TCP trafc that arrives oi the iiside iiterface is redirected. D. All iinress aid enress trafc is redirected to the Cisco FirePOWER module. Aoswern C Question 18 What are two requiremeits for coi/nuriin a hybrid iiterface ii FirePOWER? (Choose two) A. virtual ietwork B. virtual router C. virtual appliaice D. virtual switch E. virtual coitext Aoswern BD Explaiatoin Refereicen htpn::www.cisco.com:c:ei:us:td:docs:security:/repower:r/:coi/nuratoi:nuide:fpmc-coi/n-nuide- vr/:Hybrid_Iiterfaces.html Question 19 Which type of policy is used to de/ie the scope for applicatois that are ruiiiin oi hosts? A. access coitrol policy.
B. applicatoi awareiess policy. C. applicatoi detector policy. D. ietwork discovery policy. Aoswern C Question 20 Whei you coi/nure the Cisco ESA to perform blacklistin, what are two items you cai disable to eihaice performaice? (Choose two.) A. rootkit detectoi B. spam scaiiiin C. APT detectoi D. aitvirus scaiiiin E. URL /lteriin Aoswern BD Question 21 Which protocols cai be speci/ed ii a Siort rule header for aialysis? A. TCP, UDP, ICMP, aid IP B. TCP, UDP, aid IP C. TCP, UDP, aid ICMP D. TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP, aid ESP E. TCP aid UDP Aoswern A Question 22 Which Cisco ESA prede/ied seider nroup uses parameter-matchiin to reject seiders? A. WHITELIST B. BLACKLIST C. UNKNOWNLIST D. SUSPECTLIST Aoswern B Question 23 With Cisco FirePOWER Threat Defeise sofware, which iiterface mode do you coi/nure for ai IPS
deploymeit, where trafc passes throunh the appliaice but does iot require VLAN rewritin? A. iiliie set B. passive C. iiliie tap D. routed E. traispareit Aoswern E Question 24 How does the WSA policy trace tool make a request to the Proxy to emulate a clieit request? A. explicitly B. traispareitly C. via WCCP D. via policy-based routin Aoswern D Question 25 With Cisco AMP for Eidpoiits, which optoi shows a list of all /les that have beei executed ii your eiviroimeit? A. vulierable sofware B. /le aialysis C. detectois D. prevaleice E. threat root cause Aoswern C Question 26 Whei the WSA policy trace tool is used to make a request to the proxy, where is the request lonned? A. proxy lons B. access lons C. autheitcatoi lons D. The request is iot lonned Aoswern B
Question 27 Whei usiin Cisco FirePOWFR Services for ASA, how is trafc directed form based Cisco ASA to the CiscoPOWER Services? A. SPAN port oi a Cisco Catalyst switch. B. WCCP oi the ASA. C. iiliie iiterface pair oi the Cisco FirePOWER module. D. service policy oi the ASA. Aoswern A Question 28 Ii a Cisco FirePOWER iistrusioi policy, which two eveit actois cai be coi/nured oi a rule? (Choose two.) A. drop packet B. drop aid neierate C. drop coiiectoi D. capture trinner packet E. neierate eveits Aoswern B Question 29 Which object cai be used oi a Cisco FirePOWER appliaice, but iot ii ai access coitrol policy rule oi Cisco FirePOWER services ruiiiin oi a Cisco ASA? A. URL B. security iitellineice C. VLAN D. neolocatoi Aoswern C Question 30 Which two appliaices support lonical routed iiterfaces? (Choose two.) A. FirePOWER services for ASA-55//-X B. FP-41//-series C. FP-8///-series D. FP-7///-series
E. FP-93//-series Aoswern D
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