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Each and every activity of the school is beneficial for the students in some or other way. That is why MIT Vishwashanti Gurukul organizes different activities to develop the students from all verticals. This makes it one of the best boarding schools in India. If you want your child to study in one of the best international schools in India, then send him/her to MIT Vishwashanti Gurukul. <br><br>To know more information you can visit here: https://www.mitgurukul.com/Importance-of-School-Activities.php
Importance of School Activities Along with imparting technical and professional education to the students, schools are also responsible for the mental and physical development of the students. It is the duty of a school to impart moral values, ethics, etiquettes, discipline, confidence, and other personality traits to the students. For this, the school conducts many different activities like morning assemblies, sessions on moral education, personality development sessions and an array of extra-curricular activities. Every activity holds its own significance in the development of students.
Activities conducted in school and their significance Morning Assembly: The motive of organizing morning assembly is not just the spiritual development of students through morning prayers. In addition to that, morning assembly aims to inculcate the feeling of oneness, enlighten students and creates a strong bond among both students as well as teachers.
Students are encouraged to participate in activities like news reading, delivering thought or enacting some meaningful plays, which develops intellect. These activities help in boosting the confidence of students as they learn to express themselves in front of others. Morning assembly also includes a valuable speech by principle to enlighten and encourage the students. • Classes according to time table: In schools, studies are carried out according to a fixed time table. This teaches time management and discipline to the students. • Moral value sessions: Moral values are very important for complete development of individuals. Moral values classes are organized in schools, where the students can learn how to behave in different situations.
Cultural activities: An array of cultural activities are organized in school. These include celebration of cultural festivals and various cultural events. When students are encouraged to participate in the programs, these allow them to understand different cultures. It enhances cultural knowledge of the students. • Sports: Sports are very essential for the physical and mental development of students. Sports also serve as great stress bursters for the students. These allow the students to unleash their passion and pursue their career. Sports also keep depression at bay.
Projects: Assigning projects to the students develop a feeling of responsibility in them. Furthermore, students also gain extra knowledge through various activities. • Exams: Exams in schools are conducted in order to test the knowledge of students. Exams help students to assess their preparation and subjective knowledge. • Competitions: School organizes different competitions like dance competition, music competition, speech & debate competition, sports etc, to allow students to work hard and develop their talents.
Education starts from the moment a child steps into the premises of the school. Each and every activity of the school is beneficial for the students in some or other way. From moving in line to maintaining a record of class work and homework, every activity is educational. That is why a school should create an environment conducive to the growth of students. MIT VishwashantiGurukul School is aware of how important of school activities are. Gurukul provide the best school activities to student.
That is why it organizes different activities to develop the students from all verticals. This makes it one of the best boarding schools in India. If you want your child to study in one of the best international schools in India, then send him/her to MIT VishwashantiGurukul.