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This power point presentation describes about ayurvedic weight gain supplements to improve muscle building process<br>
Ayurvedic Weight Gain Supplements Generally weight gain makes a person worried but on the other hand underweight people try various methods to increase weight to improve their physique. When people take fewer calories than the amount their body actually needs, body weight decreases and they appear skinny. But here are many people out there who eat a lot but do not gain weight because of strong metabolic rate.
Reasons For Underweight Problem • Being underweight causes as many problems as obesity causes. There are few reasons which definitely result in unwanted weight loss. • Hyperthyroidism – Overactive thyroid gland speeds up the metabolic rate of body processes resulting in weight loss and other health problems. • Genetic disorder – One may face difficulty in gaining weight due to genetic problems.
Reasons For Underweight Problem • Anxiety and depression – One loses interest in eating foods and thus appetite gets reduced. One is further not able to eat enough food required for muscle development. • Enzyme deficiencies – This affect absorption of nutrients from food and reduce development of muscles. • Diseases – Medicines for life threatening diseases like cancer, tuberculosis, etc., contain chemicals that reduce hunger.
FitOFat Capsules One can use FitOFat capsules which are effective ayurvedic weight gain supplements. These supplements improve digestion and absorption of nutrients. This increases supply of nutrients towards cells which use them to develop muscles properly. Nutrients prevent various deficiencies in body which cause hormonal changes that speed up metabolic rate and consumption of energy produced in body.
FitOFat Capsules Control over metabolism in body prevents disorders that forbid muscle development. These supplements increase utilization of fat accumulated in body for energy production. Reduction in accumulated fat around organs enhances body functions which further leads to weight loss. These ayurvedic weight gain supplements are very helpful for those who cannot follow diet and exercise routine due to health problems caused due to obesity.
Ingredients In FitOFatCapsules These supplements improve appetite and increase hunger so that one eats more. This increases intake of nutrient rich foods which further enhances body weight naturally. Ayurvedicweight gain supplements use herbs such as Barahikhand, Ashwagandha, Malkanganj, Safedmusli, Bhringraj, Vidarikhand, Jaiphal, Kavachbeej, Arloo, Makoy, Arandkakadi, Amla, Nagkesar, Swarna bhang, Kesar and Long, etc., to improve muscle building process in body.
Ingredients In FitOFat Capsules These herbs improve functions of various organs in body to improve hunger and support speedy muscle development. These herbs purify blood and neutralize toxins that damage cells, tissues and muscles. Healthy development of muscles improves physique which boosts confidence in men. Due to laxative properties of these herbs, bowel movements become regular reducing chances of constipation that reduce hunger.
Ingredients In FitOFat Capsules These herbs are adapt genic in nature which stabilize psychological issues like anxiety, stress, tension, etc., and prevent ill effects on appetite. Suppressed diet and reduced mental problems help in following healthy diet for weight gain without any distraction towards junk and oily foods. Use these effective ayurvedic weight gain supplements for 3 to 4 months to improve health and physique.
FitOFat Capsules Both males and females can consume these herbal supplements. FitOFat capsules help one to overcome underweight problem no matter how old the problem is. Overcoming underweight problem prevent chances of various health issues also. Weight gaining exercises and healthy diet along with these supplements can provide fast results.
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