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This power point presentation describes about herbal supplements for weight loss to get slim body<br>
Herbal Supplements For Weight Loss A person with few extra kilos in body can reduce weight by following routine exercise and diet. But obese people who have lot of fat accumulated around organs and skin face difficulty in doing exercise or workout also. Dieting is also a difficult task for such people as due to pressure on organs, body does not produce enough energy for muscles and give signs to eat more to fulfill nutrient demand of body.
Herbal Supplements For Weight Loss This adds more fat as in order to satisfy hunger, obese people eat foods that are high in fat, cholesterol and sugar. Obese people can also face difficulty in having kids as extra weight causes many health problems including disorders in reproductive system. Obesity increases the risk of life threatening diseases in any age. Increase in weight also affects healthy growth and development of kids.
Slim-N-Trim Capsules For such obese people, ayurvedic treatments are best which reduce weight without causing other health problems. To lose weight without affecting health, one can use Slim-N-Trim capsules which are effective herbal supplements for weight loss. These supplements also improve digestion of food and absorption of vital nutrients.
Slim-N-Trim Capsules Metabolic rate increases which speeds up conversion of glucose into energy used for muscle building. This provides strength to body to do physical activities. Increased supply of nutrients and oxygen enhance production of antibodies which further increase immunity and protect body from illnesses and diseases. Weight loss process goes on without any fluctuation.
Ingredients In Slim-N-Trim Capsules Micro nutrients present in these supplements help to overcome deficiencies which affect the body’s natural fat burning process. Slim-N-Trim capsules contain Sonth, Kalijiri, Bahera, Chitrak, Haritaki, Swarngeru, Kali Mirch, Neem, Long, Laksha, Amla and Babool. These herbs have been used in Ayurveda from years to treat obesity problem. Properties of the herbs present in herbal supplements for weight loss are explained below:
Ingredients In Slim-N-Trim Capsules • Sonth - It is the powder of dried ginger which contains thermogenic agents. It burns fat taken through meals as well as stored fat accumulated in body. This ingredient effectively treats obesity problem. • Kali Mirch- It increases secretion of hydrochloric acid to ease digestion and assimilation. It contains phytonutrients which breakdown fat cells and help to reduce weight.
Ingredients In Slim-N-Trim Capsules • Bahera- The herbal supplements for weight loss contain this herb which is known to improve appetite and reduce flatulence happened due to eating junk foods. • Chitrak - This herb act as a detoxifier for body which contains antioxidants. It promotes healthy digestion, metabolism and regular bowel movements.
Ingredients In Slim-N-Trim Capsules • Long - It increases digestion, reduces gas and bloating, discards fatty toxins and thus reduces body weight naturally. • Kalijiri- It is used to improve digestion and reduce weight. This herb purifies blood by removing toxins and promotes healthy muscle development. • Haritaki- It is laxative in nature which regularizes excretion of waste matter from body. This herb also aids in digestion process.
Ingredients In Slim-N-Trim Capsules All the above herbs are mixed with Swarnageru, Laksha, Amla, Babool and Neem extract to make a unique formula that reduces excess fat from body without lowering down energy level and affecting health. These supplements are capable of burning the stubborn fat accumulated in body.
Slim-N-Trim Capsules Use these herbal supplements for weight loss for 3 to 4 months regularly to get slim body. Include fiber rich foods in your diet and follow routine exercise or walking for an hour to speed up weight loss process.
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