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Aligning SMSF investor needs to their asset allocation. Aligning SMSF investor needs to their asset allocation. SMSFs represent significant opportunity for advisers due to low awareness of legislation & investment issues
Aligning SMSF investor needs to their asset allocation • SMSFs represent significant opportunity for advisers due to low awareness of legislation & investment issues • The Super System Review identified concerns relating to asset allocation of SMSFs • Found SMSF investors have concentrated portfolios • Many SMSFs maintain the same asset allocation strategy for accumulation & decumulation periods, regardless of the change in investor needs
A real opportunity • 69% of SMSF trustees said they had a good understanding of their obligations • Yet only 51% of SMSF investors said they were the trustee • When asked if contribution limits apply to SMSF contributions, 37% were unsure and 30% said no • 30% could not explain the ‘sole purpose test’ • 97% seek advice to set up an SMSF, but only 52% seek advice on their investment strategy Source: SMSF insights, CPA, Nov 09
What do SMSF clients want from their fund? Q. What are your top 3 priorities when selecting investments for your SMSF? (Multiple responses permitted) Source: Investment Trends 2009 SMSF Investor Report
What SMSF investors are getting, is far from what they want - or need…
60% 60% of SMSF assets in Aust shares & cash Overseasinvstmts0.8% Misc3.3% Mgd funds5.8% Trusts16.5% Aust shares33.5% Direct property12.5% Cash26.4% Fixed interest1.3% Average asset allocation of SMSFs. Source; A Statistical Summary of Self-managed superannuation funds. Review into the Governance, Efficiency, Structure and Operations of Australia’s Superannuation System. Table A: SMSF asset allocation percentage 2008. Australian Government 2009.
Very little exposure to overseas assets Overseasinvstmts0.8% Misc3.3% Mgd funds5.8% Trusts16.5% Aust shares33.5% Direct property12.5% Cash26.4% Fixed interest1.3% Average asset allocation of SMSFs. Source; A Statistical Summary of Self-managed superannuation funds. Review into the Governance, Efficiency, Structure and Operations of Australia’s Superannuation System. Table A: SMSF asset allocation percentage 2008. Australian Government 2009.
High asset concentration in SMSFs An asset concentration of 100% indicates all assets are held within a particular asset class A Statistical Summary of Self-managed superannuation funds. Review into the Governance, Efficiency, Structure and Operations of Australia’s Superannuation System. Table 21: 2008 asset allocation. Australian Government 2009.
Review portfolio/risk-tolerance levels Divest under-performing or over-weight stocks Increase diversification through mgd funds/ETFs Accumulation: How to get from A to B A. SMSF asset allocation Overseasinvstmts0.9% Misc3.4% Mgd funds5.3% Aust shares32.7% Trusts15.9% Direct property14.0% Fixed interest1.0% Cash26.8%
Set maximum cash position for fund Reallocate contributions into other asset classes Take advantage of tactical opportunities Accumulation: How to get from A to B A. SMSF asset allocation Overseasinvstmts0.9% Misc3.4% Mgd funds5.3% Aust shares32.7% Trusts15.9% Direct property14.0% Fixed interest1.0% Cash26.8%
Accumulation: How to get from A to B Explain benefits of overseas exposure Well-managed, diversified funds options include Russell Global Opps, Emerging Markets A. SMSF asset allocation Overseasinvstmts0.9% Misc3.4% Mgd funds5.3% Aust shares32.7% Trusts15.9% Direct property14.0% Fixed interest1.0% Cash26.8%
Decumulation phase Accumulation phase Overseasinvstmts0.7% Overseasinvstmts0.9% Misc3.0% Misc3.4% Mgd funds5.3% Mgd funds6.5% Aust shares35.8% Aust shares32.7% Trusts15.9% Trusts17.1% Direct property10% Direct property14.0% Fixed interest1.0% Fixed interest1.7% Cash26.8% Cash25.2% AA in accumulation & decumulation similar… Asset allocation of accumulation members and pension members in SMSFs. Source: A Statistical Summary of Self-managed superannuation funds. Review into the Governance, Efficiency, Structure and Operations of Australia’s Superannuation System. Table 20 2008: SMSF Asset allocations by SMSFs in accumulation and decumulation. Australian Government 2009.
…but needs significantly different Retirement date becomes ‘transition date’ Source: The fundamental differences in accumulation and decumulation, Richard K Fullmer, Senior Research Analyst, Russell Investments
The advantages of staying invested in retirement – the ’10/30/60 rule’ Assumes: investment return at 7.8% p.a., salary growth of 4.75% p.a. and income stream indexed at 3% p.a. Calculations assume 40 years of employment then payments for 25 years in retirement. Based on analysis by Matt Smith, Russell Investments.
When do investors become ‘decumulators’ • Cash flow is more important than wealth • Low opportunity/desire to earn income from work • High reliance on savings to fund living costs • Drawdown rate on assets is higher • Cash flow needs to last for longer period • Assets primarily for retirement expenditure
Framework to simplify investment strategy decisions • Deal with unknown time horizon • Balance conflicting objectives • Adequate, sustainable income vs desire to leave bequest • Keep pace with inflation • Adapt to changing circumstances • Market falls reducing assets • Market gains fuelling expectations • Unexpected expenditures
Investment Strategy Conservative portfolio with tax aware income options L E Dynamic growth strategies with an income option. Dependent on investor risk tolerance/capital growth requirement and estate planning. Three distinct pools of capital The Essentialsbucket Funds the essential, tolerable lifestyle The Lifestylebucket Funds your desired lifestyle E The Estate bucket All the additional money you have Source: Don Ezra, Planning to Decumulate
Asset allocation should be at the heart of an investor’s SMSF needs • Discuss life stages, ‘transition date’, goals & needs • Critically asses existing asset allocation • Determine steps to redistribute assets • Discuss benefits of professionally managed funds