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Patrick Murphy Program Director, Notre Dame Initiative for Global Development pmurphy8@nd.edu ; http://ndigd.nd.edu. CE3:. Connectivity, Electricity and Education for Entrepreneurship. Contents. Background Project Description Progress Plans. Contents. Background Project Description
Patrick Murphy Program Director, Notre Dame Initiative for Global Development pmurphy8@nd.edu; http://ndigd.nd.edu CE3: Connectivity, Electricity and Education for Entrepreneurship
Contents • Background • Project Description • Progress • Plans
Contents • Background • Project Description • Progress • Plans
Nearly one in five people around the world do not have access to modern energy services 1.3 billion people lack access to electricity, and an even larger number of people are under-electrified facing constant outages Global Electrification Rates 0% - 30% 30% - 60% 60% - 80% 80% - 90% 90% - 96% 96% - 100% Base of the pyramid consumers pay the highest relative cost for electricity and energy access, e.g. lighting typically accounts for 10 to 15% of total household income Over 95% of people without electricity live in Sub-Saharan Africa or Developing Asia Over the past four decades, the gap between energy supply and demand in Africa has widened Thepoor spend $37 billion on poor-quality energy solutions to meet their lighting and cooking needs
Fewer than 11% of Ugandans Have Access to (unreliable) Grid Electricity • Countries such as Uganda have made slow progress, and electrification rates remain very low (approximately 11%) • Those with access to power often experience long days of outages and intermittence in electricity (> 70 days a year, >100 hr/mo) • Ugandans (consumers and businesses) who require power are forced to pay high costs for alternative sources(diesel-powered generators can cost upwards of $1 - $3 /kWh)
Those who lack electricity lack opportunities for development Electricity access is a necessary component for growth Global Human Development Index 85% of the variation in HDI can be correlated to per capita electricity consumption
Contents • Background • Project Description • Progress • Plans
Systems Approach: C x E x E x E A partnership between Accenture and Notre Dame in the development of an renewable-powered economic ecosystem in a box C: ICT4D ND expertise, and more than 7 years of BOSCO experience at 30+ sites in Uganda, delivering reliable affordable internet and ICT training to communities at the edge. E: Renewable Energy NDIGD, and College of Engineering renewable energy expertise plus industry partners solutions to provide a rugged, energy-efficient renewable microgrids E: Education for Solar, ICT and Entrepreneurship Schools, Universities and education NGO partners to develop and implement technical and user training to develop and grow local capacity. E: Fostering Entrepreneurship Leveraging Accenture’s global Skills to Succeed platform in partnership with Educate! to deliver entrepreneurial education, experiential learning and mentoring to fuel the potential of the Ugandan people to develop new businesses and improve their livelihoods
C: Connectivity = ICT to ‘accelerate and inform development’ ICT helps restored communities develop partnerships and stay informed • ICTs reduce isolation, encourage self-expression, strengthen community, and foster hope to energize constructive change • Leapfrogging missing infrastructure, ICTs promote efficient training, formation of partnerships, and information flow concerning market conditions and best practices to guide development efforts • For every 10%increase in broadband penetration we can expect an average of 1.38% additional growth in national GDP. (Source: World Bank; Qiang 2009) Post-conflict cathartic healing and release through blogging, wikis and social media. “[ICT] is the best gift anyone could offer to the youth of Sankuru. If you can break yourself into pieces for the Congo, do it for this cause” Fr. Albert Shuyaka AcholiNun orders a well from an NGO using BOSCO Internet services
E: Electricity, sustainable from both an environmental and an economic perspective In order to scale, the energy cost model must be established and competitive with alternative energy providers Each project location is built around an anchor tenant that agrees to use significant amount of the energy, and pay a specific rate comparable to on-grid electricity (UGX 2000/kWh ~ $0.80/kWh) • In Phase 1, anchor tenants are schools and community centers • In Phases 2 and 3, agricultural users, hospitals, businesses and other anchor tenants are being considered Recovering energy production costs allows for • Long term sustainability – O&M, growth • Establishment of energy entrepreneurs (micro utility, service providers, installers, …)
EE: Entrepreneurial Education Powered by Accenture’s Skill to Succeed and Local Partnerships Leveraging partnerships and Accenture’s platform in the development of an entrepreneurial curriculum Accenture and ND are partnering with local NGOs that provide entrepreneurial education and will serve anchor tenants of energy • Educate! at the King James comprehensive school in Lira • BOSCO Uganda at the PabboEducation & Research Centre • 31 Lengths at the St. Mary’s LacorSecondary School Accenture will leverage the global Skills to Succeed platform to improve partners’ entrepreneurship training and provide people with skills necessary for employment • Accenture provides mentoring for start-up and expansion for entrepreneurs • Accenture provides project management, online module creation, and partnership design services in the development of a customized curriculum • BOSCO-Uganda coordinates pilot testing, data collection and assessment
Contents • Background • Project Description • Progress • Plans
How we are evaluating impact and outcomes Monitoring and impact evaluation will be completed by Notre Dame’s Initiative for Global Development team, with oversight by Accenture Development Partnerships (ADP) Energy System Evaluation • Are the systems getting enough solar power and energy? • How are consumers using the power? • What rate are they paying? Is this sustainable? Economic Impact • How many people are trained in entrepreneurship or with business skills? • What is the outcome of the introduction of electricity on new and existing businesses? • How will the projects benefit each community? Number of people per site • Lira – 2000+ secondary school students, expanding to community access over time • Lacor – ~1000+ secondary school students, expanding to community access • Pabbo – dozens of local businesses, training impact on ~1000s of community members
M&E Baseline – Energy, Economics and Employment 30+ Enumerators, 2 M&E Experts, 3 counties, 1483 small and micro businesses in Northern Uganda 97 …
M&E Baseline – Energy, Economics and Employment Baseline energy use statistics indicate existing demand for resilient and remote electricity. Can we decrease the cost and increase the availability? Note 10% of people connected; Enterprises more likely to need/afford power
Energy Use and Revenue Solar energy is currently being used by local entrepreneurs to power their businesses, and by CE3 ICT labs to develop the skills of more rising entrepreneurs. Solar production Pabbo ICT Center OkelloIbrahim (Phone repair & charging) Akena David (electronic repair)
Energy – Impact • AkenaDavid • Our first paying customer, electronic repair soldering shop • formerly powered 1-2 hrs/day by 80W panel or diesel genset • Now 6-10 hr/day • Paying ~UGX 25K/month to CE3 for power
Energy Evaluation – Metrics, Goals and Progress Sustainable electricity, environmentally and economically.
ICT – Goal, Metrics, Progress ICT efforts support the primary goal with local computer centers, internet connectivity and training to improve access to business resources Still gathering data on seat usage, but as shown in energy monitoring system, the computer labs operate more than 12 hours per day.
Entrepreneurship – Goal, Metrics, Progress Equip local entrepreneurs with the skills needed to initiate and improve new businesses Funded as part of Accenture’s global corporate citizenship initiative Skills to Succeed which will equip 500,000 people globally by 2015 with the skills to get a job or build a business.
Contents • Background • Project Description • Progress • Plans
Next Steps Phase 1 Completion and Assessment: • Complete first round of training • Analyze M&E baseline against progress, apply lessons learned to Phase 2 planning Phase 2 (initiates in late 2014): • 10 sites are targeted in Phase 2. • new varieties of anchor tenants • additional partnerships and • potential expansion beyond Uganda • microfinance expansion • 10 village expansion of the solar entrepreneurship mode • Impacting 2,000 people trained and equipped with entrepreneurial skills • Improving the financial return on energy, towards self-sustainment
Project Stakeholders • Accentureis a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company with deep knowledge in areas related to sustainability, IT, resource management and international expertise in developing skills to succeed. For Phase 1, Accenture Foundation and Accenture Corporate Citizenship USA has provided investment for 3 village sites. • Notre Dame Initiative for Global Development has the backing of the Notre Dame Office of Research and 12 interdisciplinary centers and institutes, it will provide independent monitoring and evaluation of the project, budget and accounting control and overall ownership of sites • Notre Dame Electrical Engineering Faculty will design power systems: Faculty are internationally recognized experts in Micro-grid design and control systems with major funding awards from several federal agencies and relevant field experience in developing countries • HP – provided approximately $150K in funding, at-cost ICT equipment for low power computing solution • BOSCO-Ugandawill deliver BOSCO-Uganda will deliver connectivity and community-based ICT training. Recipient of the 2010 Google Breaking Borders Award has strong ties to local institutions, backing of Archdiocese, currently operates in 8 locations in Uganda with expansion funding from UNICEF • Educate!will deliver entrepreneurship training: Curriculum was recently adopted by Uganda National Schools and will roll-out to 4,500 schools nationwide this Fall • 31 Lengths will delivery entrepreneurship training: the Lacor Entrepreneurship Center empowers potential by connecting resources for business education resulting in economic development to overcome strife and reinforce human dignity.
Possible Additional Project Stakeholders • Cummins – distributed energy technologies and training, focusing on fuel based, but integrated with renewables possible • LymanMorse – Developed deployable solar boxes for phase 1. • HP - Expanded role at more sites? • Ford Family Foundation – Notre Dame center with operations in Kenya, including in slum communities near Nairobi (Dandorra) • Off.Grid.Electric- sell electrical services, pre-paid in small amounts in Tanzania • EarthSpark – SparkMeter distributed metering, microgrid expertise from Haiti
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