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Numerical Calculations of Field Enhancements due to Small Grooves

Numerical Calculations of Field Enhancements due to Small Grooves. Tetsuo ABE (KEK) 5 th Collaboration Meeting on X-band Accelerator Structure Design and Test Program @SLAC, USA 2011-05-18. (v2011.02). Computation of RF Fields by CST-MWS ~ Geometry and Definition ~.

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Numerical Calculations of Field Enhancements due to Small Grooves

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  1. Numerical Calculations ofField Enhancementsdue to Small Grooves Tetsuo ABE (KEK) 5th Collaboration Meeting on X-band Accelerator Structure Design and Test Program @SLAC, USA 2011-05-18

  2. (v2011.02) Computation of RF Fields by CST-MWS~ Geometry and Definition ~ e.g. Gap=20mm, D=30mm Rectangular Waveguide with fcutoff(TE10)= 10 GHz 1.0mm 15.0mm 3 Parameters to Describe the Groove Gap ~ D Simulating: - Chamfer of the Quadrants - etc. R=50mm (fixed)

  3. FDSolver.Method "Hexahedral Mesh" Mesh.MeshType "PBA" ‘(Perfect Boundary Approx.) Mesh.LinesPerWavelength “300" Mesh.AutomeshRefineAtPecLines "True", “RAPL" FDSolver.AccuracyHex "1e-6" Meshing ParametersandMesh-Size Dependence RAPL=2(default) RAPL=5 R=50mm

  4. Using a function: “GetFieldVectorSurface()”  Better field interpolation scheme on PEC surfaces RAPL=2 (default) (PEC) (Vac) X (X<0 ) 0 (X>0)

  5. RAPL=5(Adopted) (PEC) (Vac) Emax X (X<0 ) 0 (X>0)

  6. Results Gap D R=50mm

  7. Check the Results(1): E-Static Fields by CST-EMS (v2011.02) 10.0mm 1.0mm 3 Parameters to describe the groove Gap ~ D R=50mm (fixed)

  8. EStaticSolver.Method "Hexahedral Mesh" Mesh.MeshType "PBA" ‘(Perfect Boundary Approx.) Mesh. MinimumStepNumber “100" Mesh.AutomeshRefineAtPecLines "True", “RAPL" EStaticSolver.Accuracy "1e-9" Meshing ParametersandMesh-Size Dependence RAPL=2(default) RAPL=5 R=50mm

  9. RAPL=5(Adopted) (PEC) (Vac) Emax

  10. Comparison of the Results~Cross-Check of the Computations~ Good Agreements as expected

  11. Check the Results(2): Simulation using Omega3P (by Zenghai Li) D Fairly Good Agreements

  12. Magnetic Field Enhancement e.g. R=50mm, Gap=20mm, D=30mm TE10-like Mode

  13. Conclusions • Field enhancements due to small grooves with round chamfers have been computed by using CST-MWS/EMS. • At least 20% enhancement for R=50mm round chamfers. • Increases to 40% enhancement as the D size increases to 25mm. • More simulation studies to be done • Conductor surfaces damaged by BD/discharge • Etc.

  14. End of the Slides

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