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Searching for Quality Government Outcome 1: Quality Basic Education. Quality Education Indaba 25 February 2011. Where we coming from?. Mismatch between educational outcomes and societal expectations. Classroom outcomes. Relevance ?? . Society Economy.
Searching for QualityGovernment Outcome 1: Quality Basic Education Quality Education Indaba 25 February 2011
Mismatch between educational outcomes and societal expectations Classroom outcomes Relevance ?? • Society • Economy
Key Macro-level Improvements and Successes in the Education Sector There has been significant progress on many of the key education outputs since 1994. The following are key amongst those: • Access to primary and secondary school improved to near universal enrolment and the participation of girl learners is amongst the highest in the world. • The number of pupils that have progressed to higher levels of schooling have increased significantly since 1994. • Access to school education has been enhanced by the exemption of poor learners from paying school fees and outlawing discrimination against and exclusion of learners who could not afford school fees. • Matriculation pass rates improved • Pupil to teacher ratios improved from 44:1 to 38:1
4000 8000 3000 6000 Number of learners Number of learners 2000 4000 1000 2000 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Total percentage score: Grade 3 Numeracy Assessment Task Total percentage score: Grade 3 Literacy Assessment Task FINDINGSRQ1: What is the current state of Literacy & Numeracy at the Gr3 level in public schools in GP in relation to the FFL milestones for the FP? LITERACY NUMERACY Mean: 28% Mean: 43%
4000 5000 4000 3000 3000 Number of learners Number of learners 2000 2000 1000 1000 0 0 0 0 5 5 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 40 40 45 45 50 50 55 55 60 60 65 65 70 70 75 75 80 80 85 85 90 90 95 95 100 100 Total percentage score: Grade 6 Language Assessment Task Total percentage score: Grade 6 Mathematics Assessment Tasks FINDINGSRQ2: What is the current state of Language & Mathematics at the Gr6 level in public schools in GP in relation to the FFL milestones for the IP? LANGUAGE MATHEMATICS Mean: 52% Mean: 37%
Special Schools 23 • 14 schools entered • 373 learner registered • 368 wrote • 341 passed • 93% pass rate
Analysis of the Results in the 276 schools • 44 (16%) schools had reduced performance in 2010 • 170 (61%) schools improved there performance in 2010 • 54 Schools performance range did not change 24
Background on key challenges over the next five – years (1) • A review of the 2007 Provincial Systemic Evaluation studies reveal that learner performance in numeracy in Grades 3 and 6 is on average 38%, meaning that these learners are able to answer correctly only 28% of the questions that would standardly be expected in the National Curriculum. • Learner performance in literacy in both grades is approximately 40%. Thus, the majority of the Grade 3 and 6 learners are performing two or three grades below their expected levels.
Background on key challenges over the next five – years (2) • The key contributor to this problem relates to the role of the school and educators in the classroom. Most schools that are plaqued by poor performance are characterised by the following factors: • There is incomplete curriculum coverage in classrooms and the teachers do not ensure that learners cover all aspects of the curriculum set for each grade. There is inadequate assessments and promotions are widespread; learners are allowed to proceed to the next grades despite incompetence. Schools teach for 32 instead of the 40 weeks prescribed by: national policy. • Thus schools teach for 20% less than the required time. The quality of curriculum management, planning, implementation, monitoring and assessment is generally very low or non-existent. Learners in classrooms are required to do very little reading and writing.
Background on key challenges over the next five – years (3) • This confirmed through Whole School Evaluation reports. The reports also highlights that where schools are failing, schools are not managing the delivery of learning as they are using Generic Policy guidelines from District Office and are not contextualised and are not implemented. • They also fail to address problems related to teacher latecoming and absenteeism, high numbers of learners are absent on any given day, Ill-discipline where learners are disrespectful and unlawful there are no systems and procedures to monitor the quality of teaching and learning: • In a large number of the schools not all educators received adequate training in the NCS, some educators are not qualified to teach the subject, there is no teacher development activities and teachers do not fully implement the NCS and in Grade 9, 10 & 11 teachers do not follow the NCS.
2009 manifesto • EDUCATION IS AT THE CENTRE OF OUR EFFORTS • The doors of learning and cultures shall be opened! • Education is a means of promoting good citizenship as well as preparing our people for the needs of a modern economy and a democratic society. • Building on the achievements in education, the ANC government will aim to: • ensure progressive realisation of universal schooling, • improving quality education and • eliminating disparities. • This requires a major renewal of our schooling and education system.
Purpose of Schooling 2025 In practical terms schooling 2025 must: Guide planning in provinces and schools, Provide a basis for holding the sector accountable Instil confidence in the public and in the global arena that SA has a plan to deal a key developmental stumbling block, i.e. poor quality schooling. A critical part of the Schooling 2025 process will be to better sector-wide monitoring, on a regular basis, in a better structured manner, at the national level. Department is increasing its own monitoring capacity, but collaboration with other organisations also necessary 30
13 Output -Goals of Schooling 2025 (1) Increase the number of grade 3 learners that masters the minimum language and numeracy competencies. Increase the number of grade 6 learners that masters the minimum language and mathematics competencies. Increase the number of grade 9 learners that masters the minimum language and mathematics competencies. Increase the number of grade 12 learners that has entry into university (Bachelors programme) Increase the number of grade 12 learners that passes mathematics Increase the number of grade 12 learners that passes physical science 31
13 Output -Goals of Schooling 2025 (2) • Improve parent and community participation in the governance of schools, partly by improving access to important information via e- Education strategy. • Improve the average performance in languages of grade 6 learners. • Improve the average performance in mathematics of grade 6 learners. • Improve the average performance in mathematics of grade 8 learners. • Ensure that all children remain effectively enrolled in schools up to the year they turn 15 • Improve the access of children to quality early childhood development before grade 1 • Improve the grade promotion of learners through the grade 1- 9 phases of school • Improve the access of youth to Further Education and Training beyond Grade 9 32
14 –input Goals for Schooling 2025 (1) Attract in each year a new group of young, motivated and appropriately trained teachers into the profession Ensure that the availability and utilization of teachers is such that excessively large classes are avoided Improve the professionalism, teaching skills. Subject knowledge and computer literacy of teachers throughout their entire careers. Strive for a teacher workforce that is healthy and enjoys a sense of job satisfaction. Ensure that learners cover all the topics and skills areas that they should cover within their current school year. Ensure that every learner has access to the minimum set of textbooks and workbooks required according to the national policy. Increase access amongst learners to a wide range of media including computers, which enrich their education. Ensure the basic annual management processes occur across all schools in the country in a way that contributes towards a functional school environment. 33
14 –input Goals for Schooling 2025 (2) Ensure that all schools are funded at least at the minimum per leaner level determined nationally and that funds are utilized transparently and effectively. Ensure that the physical infrastructure and environment of every school inspires learners to want to come to school and learn and teachers to teach Use the school as a location to promote access amongst children to full range of public health and poverty reduction intervention. Increase the number of schools which effectively implement the inclusive education policy and have access to centres which offer specialist services. Improve the frequency and quality of the monitoring and support services provided by district offices to schools, partly through better use of e-learning 34
Responding to the Problem • Effective support by GDE • HQ • Districts • Inputs • Learner / teacher support • Better school management Delivering quality education in the classroom, everyday Educated and skilled citizens • Civil society • Unions • SGB’s • Community
2010/11 MTEF Strategic Framework • The gains made in the sphere of education and training must be leveraged to increase numbers in higher levels of learning, especially in fields aligned to the required skills sets of growing economic sectors. • Hopefully the above mentioned and other initiatives will result in a changed skill profile of our population. Skills development outcomes must be increasingly aligned to job opportunities forecasted from growing sectors.
2010/11 MTEF Strategic Framework • There are two broad categories of challenges that must be addressed to improve the quality of learning. • The first challenge is addressing Institutional factors that are impacting negatively on learner outcomes. Poorly performing and failing schools are characterised by: • a lack of Learner and educator discipline; • insufficient School safety and security measures; • Poor hygiene, cleanliness and infrastructure; and • Poverty and social deprivation. • To address this challenge we must create an enabling environment that is conducive to support effective teaching and learning and each school is a secured, safe and adequately resourced learning environment
2010/11 MTEF Strategic Framework • The second challenge is addressing Learning Related problems that have a direct and negative impact on learning. Poorly performing and failing schools are plagued with: • inadequate Curriculum management and coverage; • Quality of teaching and assessment that is not optimal; • School-based systems for monitoring curriculum delivery that are not effective; and • Lack of standardised lesson plans and practical assignments and tasks. • To address this challenge we are going to intervene in all schools that are underperforming with a view to increasing the quality of learning in all schools.
2010/11 MTEF Strategic Framework • The key provincial goals that GDE plans to address in the next five years and the 2010/11 MTEF are: • Ensuring that Gauteng has effective schools and learning institutions. • GDE head office and districts - Providing relevant, coordinated and effective support. • Enabling young people to make the transition from school to further education and or work that provides further training opportunities. • Strengthen partnerships with all stakeholders, resulting in education becoming a societal priority.
2010/11 MTEF Strategic Framework • To achieve the these strategic goals the department has developed a four pronged intervention strategy. • The focus is on aligning the whole system to support these interventions and to ensure that we use our scarce resources in a targeted schools based-approach that supports classroom practice. • The programmes and activities of the department will ensure that schools become centres of excellence through the building of a social compact for quality learning and to improve the quality of the public schooling system through training and skills development. • This will include a strong focus on ECD creating universal access to Grade R and the promotion of Maths, Science, Technology and Languages as well as improving human resources, increase skills development and closing the skills gap.
2010/11 MTEF Strategic Framework • To achieve this we have designed an intervention plan that is premised on aligning the whole system to support the improvement of learner performance and attainment in a sustainable way. • We will align the system in a way that supports the interventions and ensures that we use our scarce resources in a targeted school based-approach that supports classroom practice.
2010/11 MTEF Strategic Framework • The strategy focuses on all four phases of education. The four targeted intervention programmes are the: • Foundation Phase intervention focusing on improving basic literacy and numeracy and improving language competence for transition to a new language of learning and teaching in the foundation phase. • Senior primary phase intervention focusing on improving language practice in the language of learning and teaching and mathematics. • Transition from primary to secondary school intervention programme will focus on improving language practice, mathematics, science and accounting. We will also focus intensively on career counselling in Grades 8 and 9. • Senior secondary intervention programme will focus on improving learner performance in six key subject areas where learner performance is the weakest. In addition, we will also focus on language skills and exam preparation.
2010/11 MTEF Strategic Framework • While each of the programmes is focusing on the different targets, key pillars of the interventions are common. These are: • Improving Teaching – We must make the teacher the focus of sustainable education change. This includes the formulation of strategies for Teacher Pre-Service and In-Service Education and Training • Improving Resources – We must focus on the role of resources in improving the quality of learning. This includes the improvement of infrastructure, appropriate fixtures and fittings, equipment and quality learning support materials. • Improving Learner Achievement – We must focus on Learners and by implementing a sustainable strategy for improving Learner Achievement • Improving Curriculum and school Management – we must build the capacity of the system schools, districts and head office to ensure the learning if effectively managed to ensure quality learning takes place optimally. This will include the improvement of management of the educational environment through a sustainable improvement strategy. • Standardised achievement testing for grades 3, 6, 9 so that we are all clear of the standard and are able to gauge how we are doing. • Parental support to assist with homework • Community pressure and partnerships to enforce the non-negotiables and mobilise additional resources
Strategies to realise Outputs • To realise the agreed Outputs, EXCO has approved: • Early Childhood Development Strategy • Maths, Science and Technology Strategy • Literacy and Language Strategy • School Safety Strategy • Master Skills Plan • Teacher Development Strategy • Infrastructure
Linkages • We have had several meetings with departments to deal with programmes that focuses on learners and schools. These include: • DHSD • Ke-Moja campaign to reduce substance abuse • ECD practioners trained by GDE for Pre-Grade R sites • Bana Pele providing school uniforms • School Social Services to provide social auxiliary workers • School health Services to promote school vaccinations • DARD • Alleviating poverty at schools through food gardens • Bontle ke Botho, the clean school campaign • Agriculture Education • DCS • Hlayiseka the school safety campaign • DSRAC • School Sport Mass participation and Holiday programmes – • SALGA • MOU with Local Government as it is not a concurrent function
Delivery Strategies • Language and Literacy Strategy based on 4 pillars: • Pillar 1: Measuring literacy and raising expectations • Pillar 2: Strengthening the teaching of literacy • Pillar 3: Improving programmes of learner support in primary literacy • Pillar 4: Improving the management of literacy and learning 48
Delivery Strategies • Safety and Security Strategy is based on 5 pillars • Pillar 1: Standardized school policy development and implementation • Pillar 2: Psycho-social support and promotion of alternate forms of discipline • Pillar 3: Advocacy programme • Pillar 4: Active law enforcement partnerships • Pillar 5: Effectively securing the physical environment of schools and hostels 49
Delivery Strategies • Teacher Development Strategy are based on 4 pillars • Pillar 1: Advocacy and support of pre-service Education and Training • Pillar 2: Teacher development through In-service Education and Training • Pillar 3: Teacher development through communities of Practice (COP) • Pillar 4: Teacher development through Circuit Support Teams and Teacher Development Centres 50