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Phagocytosis. AzzA. BACTERIUM. PHAGOCYTE. In phagocytosis, phagocytes are attracted to the area of invasion by chemical products e.g. components of the complement system. The phagocyte moves into the area of invasion the attaches to the micro-organism.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Phagocytosis AzzA


  3. In phagocytosis, phagocytes are attracted to the area of invasion by chemical products e.g. components of the complement system

  4. The phagocyte moves into the area of invasion the attaches to the micro-organism

  5. e.g. the component of the complement system coats bacteria or other particles & then binds to receptors on the phagocyte. The process is called opsidisation The attachment is mediated by surface receptors which then initiates phagocytosis

  6. The cell membrane encircles the microbe...

  7. phagosome ...then “zips up” over the microbe & pinches off the interior to form a phagosome

  8. Lysosome The phagosome fuses with a lysosome.... enzyme

  9. ... Containing enzymes e.g. protease & lysosine enter the phagosome. the structure resulting from this is called a phagolysosome. Inside the phagolysosome microbes are killed & digested

  10. Finally the digested contents of the phagolysosome are eliminated from the phagocyte by exocytosis

  11. Animation…

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