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Nancy: The following slides all have graphics on them, some of which may be more useful than what you got earlier. Thin Film Photovoltaics & Imaging.
Nancy: The following slides all have graphics on them, some of which may be more useful than what you got earlier.
Thin Film Photovoltaics & Imaging • Copper-indium-gallium-diselenide (CIGS) is a semiconductor with a direct bandgap resulting in high quantum efficiency through visible and near-infrared spectra. • HNEI is currently developing CIGS/CdS photodiodes for solar cell and imaging applications. • HNEI is growing CIGS thin films by co-evaporation of Cu, In, Ga, and Se onto both rigid and lightweight flexible substrates Deposition system Evaporation sources
HNEI’s CIGS RESULTS • Due to its high radiation hardness, CIGS solar cells are ideal for high altitude and space applications. • High efficiency solar cells are grown at substrate temperatures around 550o C. • HNEI has developed a low temperature (350-400o C) process has been developed for focal plane array near-infrared imaging applications Current/voltage behavior of HNEI’s 14.1% efficient CIGs solar cell (4 cm2) grown on a flexible lightweight substrate
Photovoltaic Energy Park • Joint project between HNEI, ONR, Navy Region Hawaii and Hawaiian Electric Company • 34.5 acre site on Ewa Plains has room for up to 3 MW of PV • Current project calls for 100+ kW single axis tracking PV array • Additional 5-10 kW test arrays proposed to evaluate emerging PV technologies • Construction expected for fall of 2004 • Possible future link to hydrogen and fuel cell research options Artist’s Rendering of Photovoltaic Energy Park
Methane Hydrates • HNEI is engaged in thermodynamic and kinetic • studies of methane hydrate destabilization including development of technology to release and capture methane in-situ for subsea power generation. Deep Sea Simulator • In partnership with the Naval Research Laboratory, HNEI is • studying methane hydrate resource characteristics and • distributions including development of undersea hydrate detection • technology, the role of methane hydrates in the ocean carbon • cycle, and characterization of microbial processes that modulate • methane levels in hydrate fields.
Hawaii Fuel Cell Test Facility • Developed in partnership with UTC Fuel Cells and Hawaiian Electric Company, with funding from ONR. • This 4,000 sq ft facility opened in April 2003 with three state-of-the-art single cell test stands for large area PEM cells. • Facility has extensive hydrogen safety systems, computerized process control and data acquisition, and secure data lines for external monitoring of experiments. • Facility has on-site hydrogen generation and storage and infrastructure for fuel cell tests fueled by reformate and synthetic reformate. Front view of Test Stand
Fuel Cell Activities • Testing Services • Cell performance and durability • Thermal and water management • Characterization of novel membranes and catalysts • Testing of alternative fuels (reformate) • Currently testing durability of UTC Series 400 and Series 600 fuel cells on synthetic reformate • Other activities • Fundamental electrochemistry • Data analysis/modeling • Biocarbons for high conductivity bipolar plates • Immobilized enzyme catalysis Cell test assembly