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POST 9/11 GI BILL (Chapter 33) Presented by Spokane Community College Veterans’ Affairs Office. We are all in this together… learning together. Ana Roney, Spokane Community College VA Certifying Official. THE GOOD NEWS… …at this point in time… . What does Chapter 33 Provide? .
POST 9/11 GI BILL (Chapter 33)Presented by Spokane Community College Veterans’ Affairs Office We are all in this together… learning together Ana Roney, Spokane Community College VA Certifying Official
What does Chapter 33 Provide? Effective August 1, 2009:
ARE YOU ELIGIBLE? Do you have the following? • 90 days of aggregate service on or after September 11, 2001? • Discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days? • Exhausted your months of entitlement… or are about to exhaust your entitlement? (Can receive up to 12 more months if Chapter 30 entitlement exhausted!) ~~Then you may be eligible for Chapter 33 benefits~~
IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE…HOW MUCH WILL YOU RECEIVE?This chart is an indication only of the percentage you may be allowed. There are many variables in how applicable active duty time is calculated. Officially applying for this new bill is the only way to find out exactly what you will receive. VA must check with Department of Defense for full service information
Transfer of Entitlement: DOD (Department of Defense) is in complete charge of this program (subject to change at any time) • To be eligible servicemember must: • Be on active Duty on August 1, 2009 • Complete 6 years of active duty • Enlist for 4 more years • More Questions? Check with your branch for further DOD information
Other Things to Consider: • You must have 36 months of active duty after 9/11 to receive 100% of the bill’s benefits. Anything less will allow for prorated amounts. • Tuition will be sent to the school. Quarterly prorated book amount and allowed college fund and education kicker payments will be sent to the student as lump sum separate payments at the beginning of each quarter. • REMEMBER: VA will pay tuition only for classes that are required for graduation in your specific program.
Housing allowance replaces current monthly payment. Housing allowance is scheduled to be received monthly but may not be received in a fluid manner and may be received later than usual. • Schools must certify each quarter/semester separately (instead of certifying the school year) to the VA. Many schools will be unable to certify a student until a completed, final registration is received from the student. • …This new certifying process will cause a delay in your monthly payments.
There is a potential for much larger VA overpayments. Now overpayments may also include prorated amounts of VA paid tuition. Best Advice to limit overpayments: Be very careful to select applicable classes. Do not submit your registration to the Veterans Office until you have completely finalized your schedule. • Rate of pursuit must be greater than 50% to receive anything more than tuition and books. VA Work Study pursuit must be 75% (9 credits) . Seven credits is usually 51% of pursuit at quarter system institutions.
If rate of pursuit is 50% or below (1-6 credits) no housing allowance available…books and tuition will be prorated down. • $600 Buy-Up kicker will not be recognized under Chapter 33 (and is not refundable) • (Other kickers, such as College Fund, Guard/Reserve kickers will apply)
Distance Learning such as online courses, telecourses, etc are not recognized for payment unless at least one class is campus based. Vocational type training , including flight training and apprenticeship/OJT are not covered under Chapter 33 and will be paid at the Chapter 30 rate. If a vocational/professional technical program is approved for a IHL (institution of higher learning such as SCC, SFCC, EWU, WSU, etc.) Program may be paid using Chapter 33 benefits.
REMEMBER Once you elect to receive Chapter 33 benefits -- it is irrevocable
REMEMBER Review everything available by accessing information contained on the VA Education Website www.gibill.va.govbefore you make a decision. Use the website to submit questions or call the VA. Schools are unable to advise you regarding this important decision.
Again… Bring your Certificate of Eligibility letter and completed schedule to SCC’s Veterans Affairs Office for processing. Please be patient The VA is doing the best they can to administer this new GI Bill without all the processing needs in place. They may be late in processing your award . A side note: The VA is in place to administer the laws …not create them. If you are unhappy with GI Bill regulations please contact your Federal legislative representative(s)
MORE INFORMATION?: VA Website: www.gibill.va.gov Military Website: www.military.com VA Phone: 1-888-442-4551 SCC Veterans Office: 1-509-533-7027 SCC Veterans Affairs Website: http://www.scc.spokane.edu/stsrv/va/