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THE BUREAUCRACY. By Loren Miller. “The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency.” Eugene McCarthy U.S. Senator, 1959-1971 . BUREAUCRACY & BUREAUCRATS.

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  1. THE BUREAUCRACY By Loren Miller

  2. “The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency.” Eugene McCarthy U.S. Senator, 1959-1971

  3. BUREAUCRACY& BUREAUCRATS A political science professor was once asked: “How many bureaucrats does it take to screw in a light bulb? She replied, “Seventeen: 3 to authorize purchase of the light bulb (at twice the price), 5 to inspect the light bulb, and 8 to turn the chair while I hold the bulb in place.”

  4. “When something is run by the government, it is usually inefficient and wasteful.” (%)

  5. BUREAUCRACY& BUREAUCRATS What is a bureaucracy? -- a form of organization What is a bureaucrat? -- an employee of an organization

  6. WHAT DO BUREAUCRATS DO? • they communicate with each other • they keep copies of all those communications to maintain a paper trail

  7. WHAT DOBUREAUCRATS DO? • Implementation • implement the objectives of the organization as laid down by its board of directors (if a private company) or by law (if a public agency)

  8. WHAT DOBUREAUCRATS DO? • Interpretation • when Congress is clear in their instructions to bureaucrats, implementation is a fairly straight-forward process • when there is disagreement as to what the instructions ought to be, then bureaucrats perform another job, interpretation

  9. WHAT DOBUREAUCRATS DO? • Lawmaking • when bureaucrats have to interpret a law before implementing it, they are, in effect, engaged in lawmaking • Congress often deliberately delegates to an administrative agency the responsibility of lawmaking The Federal Bureaucracy

  10. Acheson’s Rule: A memorandum is written not to inform the reader but to protect the writer Boren’s Laws: When in doubt, mumble. When in trouble, delegate. When in charge, ponder Meskimen’s Law: There’s never time to do it right, but always time to do it over Murphy’s Law: If anything can go wrong, it will O’Toole’s Corollary to Murphy’s Law: Murphy was an optimist Peter Principle: In every hierarchy, each employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence; thus, every post tends to be filled by an incompetent employee “LAWS” OF BUREAUCRATIC BEHAVIOR

  11. Pre 1883 to the victor go the spoils (partisan) people who supported the winning party obtained government jobs Post 1883 The Pendleton Act a system of competitive exams would be used as the basis for employment the merit system or civil service system HOW TO BECOMEA BUREAUCRAT

  12. 30 days written notice that must contain a statement of reasons—including specific examples—of unacceptable performance Employee has the right to an attorney and to reply to the charges Employee has the right to appeal any adverse action to the Merit System Protection Board (MSPB) The MSPB must grant the employee a hearing, at which the employee has the right to have an attorney present The employee has the right to appeal the MSPB decision to a U.S. court of appeals, which can hold new hearings HOW TO FIRE A BUREAUCRAT

  13. Civilian Employment • Total Number of Employees: • 2,800,000 • 124,000 in Texas (only California has more) • Total Number of Merit System Employees: • 2,797,000 2011


  15. Termination The only certain way to reduce the size of the bureaucracy is to eliminate programs. Devolution Downsize the size of the bureaucracy by delegating the implementation of programs to state and local governments. Privatization A formerly public activity is picked up under contract by a private company or companies. They are still government programs as they are paid for by government and supervised by government. CAN THE BUREAUCRACY BE REDUCED?

  16. Privatization Contracts Subject to Full and Open Competition (%) Spending on Federal Contracts (Billions of Dollars) # of Contracts for Providing Services

  17. Privatization Spending by Top Twenty Service Contractors (Millions of Dollars) On Lobbying

  18. BUREAUCRATS AT WORK Civilian Employees, 2012



  21. OVERTAXED?? Tax Burden as % of GDP 2013

  22. OVERTAXED?? Income Tax Rates Imposed on Their Citizens 2008

  23. OVERTAXED?? State Taxation 2010

  24. INCOME INEQUALITYShare of National Income Received by Each Fifth of Families (%) 2010



  27. DEBT?? Debt as a percentage of that country’s Gross Domestic Product 2010

  28. NUMBER OF GOVERNMENTS Federal Government 1 State Governments 50 Local Governments Counties 3,033 Municipalities & Townships 36,011 Special Districts 37,381 School Districts 13,051 TOTAL 89,527 2012

  29. EMPLOYMENT Number in Millions Employment in Texas 2012

  30. Who Employs the Public Servants? 2006

  31. State Employment Per 10,000 population 2007

  32. Texas Prison Population 2009

  33. FEDERAL CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT Total Employed: 2,738,589 2007 2012

  34. Characteristics of Federal Civilian Employees 2007

  35. Characteristics of Federal Civilian Employees (%) 2007


  37. THE CORPORATE WORLD Chief Executive Officer

  38. Gov't Corp. Indep. Reg. Agencies The Cabinet Executive Office White House Staff The President


  40. THE WHITE HOUSE STAFF Chief of Staff – supervises other staff members and organizing much of what the president does (the president’s gatekeeper) National Security Advisor – head of the National Security Council; meets with the president every day to brief him on events that might affect national security The exact shape of the White House Staff changes greatly from president to president

  41. THE WHITE HOUSE STAFF Domestic Policy Council National Economic Council Office of Cabinet Affairs Office of Communications Office of Digital Strategy Office of the First Lady Office of Legislative Affairs Office of Management and Administration Office of Presidential Personnel Office of Scheduling and Advance Office of the Staff Secretary Office of the White House Council Oval Office Administration Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs 2013

  42. ORGANIZING THE WHITE HOUSE STAFF Assignment Staff Member #2 Staff Member #3 Staff Member #1 The Competitive Model -- FDR

  43. ORGANIZING THE WHITE HOUSE STAFF President Chief of Staff Advisors Staffers The Hierarchical Model – Eisenhower, Nixon, Bush Clinton, Bush and Obama

  44. ORGANIZING THE WHITE HOUSE STAFF Advisor Advisor Advisor President Advisor Advisor Advisor The Collegial Model – Ford and Carter

  45. THE EOP President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed a committee on administrative management which then recommended a major reorganization of the executive branch. -- Congress created the Executive Office of the President to provide staff assistance

  46. Established in 1939 The EOP Council of Economic Advisors Office of Science And Technology Policy Council on Environmental Quality Office of the Vice President The President Office of National Drug Control Policy Office of Administration White House Office National Security Staff Office of Management And Budget 2013

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