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GWIC forms a subcommittee to coordinate third-generation ground-based interferometers for future gravitational-wave observatories. Learn about the R&D requirements and global coordination efforts for advanced detectors.

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  1. https://gwic.ligo.org/3Gsubcomm/ GWIC 3G R&D R&D coordinationforadvancedand 3G detectors Face-to-face-meeting Monday Sep. 4th, 2017 David McClellandHarald Lück

  2. GWIC News GWIC createsSubcommitteetoCoordinate Third-Generation Ground-based Interferometers Withtherecentfirstdetectionsofgravitationalwavesby LIGO andVirgo, itisbothtimelyandappropriatetobeginseriouslyplanningfor a networkoffuturegravitational-waveobservatories, capableofextendingthereachofdetectionswellbeyondthatcurrentlyachievablewithsecondgenerationinstruments. In response, GWIC isforming a standingSubcommittee on Third Generation Ground-basedDetectors. This subcommitteeistaskedwithexaminingthepathto a futurenetworkofobservatories/facilitiesandmakingrecommendationsforcoordinateddevelopmentof a 3G network. Image credit:

  3. The Charge Coordination of the Ground-based GW Community: develop and facilitate coordination mechanisms among the current and future planned and anticipated ground-based GW projects, including identification of common technologies and R&D activities as well as comparison of the specific technical approaches to 3G detectors. Possible support for coordination of 2G observing and 3G construction schedules. (H. Lueck, D. McClelland) Subjecttochangeifneeded

  4. Intention & Scopeofthe 3G R&D committee • Lots of R&D required for future GW detectors (A++ & 3G) • Limit scope of 3G R&D committee to ground based Interferometers • Need global coordination & harmonisation to cover all aspects and avoid unnecessary redundancy (sometimes redundancy is desired) • Need to define R&D requirements& timelines • No R&D work done in this sub-group – committee has a monitoring & advisory function only

  5. Members of 3G R&D Working group David McClelland, Harald Lück (co_chairs) Rana Adhikari,Caltech, USA GianpietroCagnoli, LMA, Lyon, France Martin Fejer, Stanford University, USA Andreas Freise, University of Birmingham, UK Gabriela Gonzales, Louisiana State University, USA Jan Harms, Universitàdegli Studi di Urbino, Italy Giovanni Losurdo, INFN Pisa, Italy Ando Massaki, University of Tokyo, Japan Anil Prabhakar, IIT Madras, India Fulvio Ricci, INFN Rome, Italy NornaRobertson, Caltech, USA Benno Willke, AEI, Hannover, Germany Michael Zucker, MIT, USA Co-optedfomGWIC 3G Science casegroup: Matthew Evans, MIT, USA Stefan Hild, Universtiyof Glasgow, UK Wehadsometeleconferencemeetingsand 1st face2face meetingyesterday

  6. Regular reportingof WG leadstoother WGs • Co-optexpertisefromcollaboration WGs andexternalexperts • Compilelistsof R&D required in eachtopic • Timing requirements • Financial requirements

  7. Inclusionandbalanceof all collaborations • CE (LIGO) • ET (collaboration still tobeformed) • KAGRA • New initiatives • Allowwideparticipationin theprocess Let‘sworktogether Image credit:

  8. Fundingof R&D • Howtofund expensive R&D? • NSF indicateswillingnesstofund 3G conceptual design studyifbalancedon ET side • Need European national fundingagencies‘ support Images credit:

  9. Howtoproceed? • Work backwards in time todetermine R&D timingneeds. • In the 2030s wewishtohave 3G observatoriestakedata. • Deducetimescalesforrequired R&D • List existingactivities, fostercollaborationbetweenthose, encouragefillinggaps

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