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Stay informed about important updates, including medical alerts, lunch money, school supplies, iPad usage, curriculum, reading incentives, and more!
Introduction • Mrs. Marlo Hesson • Importance of first grade • Philosophy: Hands on approach to learning! • Parental Involvement!
Student Teacher • Miss. Kelli Trost • Rutgers University • October 21st
Medical Alerts Medicines You cannot send in any medicine to school with your child. If they need to take any medication, please contact Mrs. Canfield (this includes cough drops).
Notes • Please date any notes that are sent into school. • Only send notes that are for that day. • You MUST send a note if your child is NOT going home their normal way. • The students can ONLY ride home on their own bus. This is school policy!
Lunch Money • Please label your child’s lunch money. • Please label whether it is for a lunch ticket or just one day. • If a student forgets his/her lunch money, they are allowed to charge their lunch. Please send in money the following day. • Remember you can pay or check your child’s balance on line at www.mealpay.com .
Supplies • The students may need additional supplies such as: • glue sticks, scissors, small box of crayons, pencils, small box of markers. • The only item they may still need is a one inch binder or headphones. • Please label any items that are sent into the classroom. • Please NO large boxes of crayons.
iPad Classroom • This year, every student will be one on one with iPads here at E.T. Hamilton. • The students will be using the iPads throughout the school day however they will not be going home. • If you have any great apps that you have used please let me know. • They will start using them in October.
First Grade Curriculum • Pearson Scott Foresman: Reading Street • Five day plan (not always Monday-Friday) • Pearson Scott Foresman: Math Envision 2.0 • Science : Macmillan McGraw-Hill • Social Studies: Macmillan McGraw-Hill • TPE (teacher physical education) • Specials: Music, Art, PE, Library & Health
Spelling Tests • Don’t forget to practice your words on Spelling City!
Day 5 Tests The students will be tested on spelling words, phonic skills, language concept, comprehension skill, and sight words for the week on Day 5.
Grading • There will be NO percentage grades on anything! • Stresses developing skills not numerical grade! • Report cards will only be accessed by the Parent Portal
Reading Incentive Program • Students may borrow from our classroom library or read one of their own. • Each completed reading sheet will take the students to another state. The goal will be to travel across the United States. • Rewards will be given at each 5 state increment. • This is an optional incentive program.
Traveling Tales • Each child will take the bookbag home for two days. • Please help them write one page in our class book. • Supplies will be sent along with the book.
Vocabulary Folders • Please review vocabulary words that are in the stamped box with your child. This needs to be signed and returned to school. • The students should be able to read, define, and also use the word in a sentence. • If they have any trouble with a word, please circle it. I will reinforce these at school.
Fluency Binders • This year we will keep Fluency Binders to help improve reading fluency. • When the binder comes home this will be your child’s reading homework for that night. • If it is a word list, it will directly correlate to the skills taught in class. • Your child can choose a couple of their favorite poems or songs to read. • They DO NOT have to read the whole binder each time! • Please read at least twice to your child, read together twice and then have your child recite. • Please sign the front log and return to school the next day.
Writing Workshop • The students will write, edit, publish, and share many stories this school year. • I need parent volunteers for the following activities: • Conferencing with student authors. • Typing student-made books. • I will start conferencing in late October. The program runs from 10:00-10:45 the days vary.
Mystery Reading • This is another chance to get involved, simply by reading to the students. • Readers will start in October. I will send home a notice soon to all those who are interested. • You will receive an email the month prior to when you signed up. • You need to discuss book choices with me prior to reading to the class.
Cutting Help • I am looking for volunteers that would be willing to cut out art projects throughout the school year. • I will send home all the directions and paper that you will need. • A “due date” will be on the note so you when to have the items back to school. • Thank you!!!
Homework • The students are only responsible for the pages that are marked as homework. • Teacher and students will grade homework. • I will stamp anything that will require your signature. • If your child is absent: • I can only send homework home after three days. • Please notify me of vacations at least a week in advance so I can get some work together for your child.
Book Clubs • We will be ordering from Scholastic. • A date will be stamped on the paper attached to the order form, please return before that date. • Please place a CHECK and the order form into an envelope marked with your child’s name or order online with your credit card.
Star Student • A posterboard will be sent home along with a Star Student sheet. • Please decorate and fill out the sheet and return to school by the date listed. • Students may also bring in some of the following items when they are the Star Student: • Show and tell items • Favorite books
Discipline • Explanation of rules. • Consequences. • Rewards • tickets, pretzels, Bikini Bottom and popcorn party, Feathers (school wide program) • Behavior Chart • The students will receive a note home if they are moved to “Houston, we have a problem”. • Please sign and return the next day.
Communication • I am available from 8:30am-3:40pm. The phone number to the school is 856-767-4888. My extension is 73108. This will give you my voice mail. • My email address is Hesson@voorhees.k12.nj.us. • Please feel free to contact me whenever you feel it is necessary. • CHECK OUT THE CLASS WEBSITE!
Extras • Superstar certificates • Class coordinators : Due September 23rd • Party and conference sign ups • Field Trip to Adventure Aquarium (Thursday, May 4th) • Authors’ Night (Thursday, May 25th) • Chicks • Thank you so much to the bus helper volunteers. (Mrs. Rowan, Mrs. Pearlman, Mrs. Brower) • Note to your child • Thank you so much for the supplies!