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Exploring Population Geography Metrics and Measurements

Discover the science of demographics, cohort data, and key metrics like CBR and IMR in population geography. Understand the impact of these factors on global population growth and distribution.

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Exploring Population Geography Metrics and Measurements

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  1. POPULATION GEOGRAPHYMeasurements and Metrics AP HG SRMHS Mr. Hensley

  2. Population Geography • The scientific study of population characteristics is called demographics • Typical demographics include birth rate (fertility), death rate (mortality) population density and family size • Population geography connects demographics to location and region

  3. Rates, Cohorts and Per Capita • Rates refer to the frequency of an event within a population made up of all ages • Cohort measures are data for one specific age group • Per capita means we are controlling for size or taking it to an individual level • Per capita is the default

  4. Crude Rates • Expressed as x per thousand • CBR: crude birth rate • CDR: crude death rate • NIR: Natural Increase Rate = CBR-CDR • NIR divided by 10 gives you percentage change in the population

  5. Rule of 72 • Quick and easy way to determine doublings • X = NIR • 72/NIR = time (in years) it takes for population to double • Works for any percentage metric • Make sure you are using percentages!

  6. Exercise • Current NIR is 1.2% how long until we double Earth’s population? • Club of Rome (1970) NIR was 2.2% – how long would it take to double?

  7. NIR Worldwide

  8. Another Metric: TFR • Total Fertility Rate or TFR is the average number of children each woman will have in her lifetime • Worldwide TFR is 2.7 • TFR below 2.0? Problem? • USA TFR about 2.2 • Replacement rate is 2.1

  9. TFR World Map

  10. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) • Count up the total number of deaths in children one year old or younger • Compare that to total live births - IMR • Expressed as the number of deaths per 1,000 infants • Easily converted to percentage

  11. What is IMR measuring? • Primarily, access to medical care • Also, quality of medical care • Also, access to regular food supplies • Safety and security • To a lesser extent: availability of birth control?

  12. IMR Worldwide

  13. Population Pyramids • A population pyramid is a graphical representation of age and sex distribution in a given nation • Dependency ratios: how manychildren and elderly supported by the 18-65 cohort • The broader the base the faster the growth • Asymmetries - China

  14. Three Different Pyramids

  15. What’s Going on? Predictions?

  16. Why is there a difference?

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