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"Don't miss out on the best rooms! Book in advance and enjoy a special discount. Learn about the different types of conditional sentences in English with clear examples and explanations."
CONDITIONAL 0 Ifwesell standard rooms and thebestrooms are vacant, welosemoney. Youoffer a discountiftheguestbooks in advance. Itisusedfor general truths Itisusedforinstruccions. If has thesamemeaning as whenhere.
FormConditional 0 If + present simple,present simple Ifyoupressthebutton, the machine switches off. Ifyougo in thebestseats, youget a free drink. Orpresent simpleif + present simple The machine switches off ifyoupressthebutton. Yougeta free drinkifyougo in thebestsseats.
CONDITIONAL 1 Mr. Johnson will be veryhappyif he getsanupgrade. Iftravelersaretired, theywilloftenupgradeaccommodation. We’regoingtolowerourratesifwedon’tgetmore bookings. Itreferstothefuture. Itisusedwhenthereis a possibilitythattheif – eventmighthappen. We can substitutewillbymight, canorgoingto.
FormConditional 1 If + present simple,future Ifweincreaseourorder, they’llgiveus a higherdiscount. Ifourvisitorsare late, wewon’t be abletotakethemtothetheatre. Orfutureif + present simple They’llgiveus a higherdiscountifweincreaseourorder. Wewon’t be abletotakeourvisitorstothetheatreiftheyare late.
Conditional 2 If I wereyou, I’dmakethebookingnow. If he wantedto, he couldbecome CEO. Itisusedtotalkaboutanimpossible / improbableorhypotheticalfuturesituationand itsconsequence. Itispossibleto use If I wereratherthanIf I was, especiallywhengivingadvice. Instead of would, we can use mightorcould.
FormConditional 2 If + pastsimple,would + base form Ifwehad more moneytospend, wewould beinterested. IfhewastheQueen of England, he’dsellBuckingham Palace. Orwould+ base formif+ past simple We’dbeinterestedifwehad more moneytospend. He’dsellBuckingham PalaceifhewastheQueenof England.
Conditional 0 general truthsorinstructions.If + present simple,present simpleWhena hotel doesn’tsellitsrooms, itloses money.Conditional 1 possiblefuturesituations.If + present simple,futureIfthereceptionistupsells,theguestmight re-book.Conditional 2 impossibleorhypotheticalsituations.If + past simple,would+ base formIfIgota commission, I’dsellmore rooms.