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Exploring Hierarchical Modeling and Forward Kinematics in Animation

Understand how hierarchical modeling organizes objects and forward kinematics determines motion in animations. Learn about joint constraints, kinematic chains, and data structures in computer graphics.

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Exploring Hierarchical Modeling and Forward Kinematics in Animation

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  1. CSCI480/582 Lecture 12 Chap.3.1 Hierarchical Modelling and Forward Kinematics Feb, 18, 2009

  2. Outline • Articulated motion in general • Hierarchical Modelling • Forward Kinematics

  3. Objects of “linked” parts • A “link” is a physical connection made of • Mechanical joint with visible geometric structures • Gravity force without visible structures • Magnet Field Force • “Invisible” metal wires in Magic shows, etc. • Motions of one part is relative to its “linked” part • Which forms a Motion Hierarchy • The geometric transformation model of a linked part has reduced degree of freedom due to the constraints defined by the link

  4. The Kinematics of Linked Objects • Data structure that supports link constraints • e.g. Human body defined by a hierarchy of rotational joints connected by rigid shapes • Determine geometric transformation model during animations • Forward kinematics: Joint rotation/translation parameters are directly specified to determine the motion • Inverse kinematics: Desired position of leaf-node parts (parts that has no linked part whose motion is relative to it) are specified, the application solves the rotation/translation parameters that meets the specifications.

  5. Hierarchical Modelling – Basics • The enforcement of relative location constraints among objects organized in a tree • Articulation: The movements of an appendage by changing the configuration of a joint • Joint constraints: • Joint Degree of freedom (DOF): minimum number of parameters to define the motion allowed by a joint Revolute Joint Ball-and-socket Joint Presmatic Joint

  6. Hierarchical Modeling – Data Structure • Linkage represented by a tree structure of • Nodes connected by Arcs • Contains • A constant transformation MScurr of Linkcurr relative to linkparent • A variable transformation MAcurr responsible for articulating Nodecurr • Constrains of the transformation variable Arccurr Nodecurr • Contains • Object data Root Node Abstract hierarchical representation of an articulated figure Tree structure

  7. Draw an Articulated Model in Forward Kinematics in OpenGL • Direct display without node-arc data structure Partial code in display() glutSolidSphere( 0.5, 32, 32 ); glPushMatrix(); glRotatef( earth2sunRotate, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); glTranslatef( 4.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); glPushMatrix(); glRotatef( earthSelfRotate, 0.866, 0.5, 0.0 ); glutSolidSphere( .05, 32, 32 ); glPopMatrix(); glPushMatrix(); glRotatef( moon2earthRotate,0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); glTranslatef( 0.2, 0.0, 0.0 ); glutSolidSphere( 0.03, 32, 32 ); glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix(); void idle() { if ( animationMode == 1 ) { earth2sunRotate += 0.5; moon2earthRotate += 6.5; earthSelfRotate += 20; glFlush(); glutPostRedisplay(); } }

  8. Draw an Articulated Model in Forward Kinematics – Transverse The Tree Abstract Arc class Abstract Node class Class Arc { virtual void draw() { glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrix( (GLfloat*) A_ ); glPushMatrix(); glLoadMatrix( (GLfloat*)T_); node_.draw(); for( int i = 0; I < children_.size(); ++i ) children_[i].draw(); glPopMatrix(); glPopMatrix(); } Private: Arc* parent_; std::vector<Arc> children_; Node* node_; ModelMatrix T_; ModelMatrix A_; } Class Node { virtual void draw(); }; Segments of the main program /// create the hierarchical tree Std::vector<Node> nodeList; Std::vector<Arc> arcList; /// draw the tree arcList[0].draw();

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