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Debye Instituut for Nanomaterial Science (P)

Debye Instituut for Nanomaterial Science (P). Afdeling Nanophotonics - zonnecellen, nanomaterialen (Schropp) - ultrasnelle processen (Dijkhuis/Krol) - Bose-Einstein condensaten (Van der Straten) - nanoplasmonica (Van Oosten) Afdeling Soft Condensed Matter/Biophysics

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Debye Instituut for Nanomaterial Science (P)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Debye Instituut for Nanomaterial Science (P) • Afdeling Nanophotonics - zonnecellen, nanomaterialen (Schropp) - ultrasnelle processen (Dijkhuis/Krol) - Bose-Einstein condensaten (Van der Straten) - nanoplasmonica (Van Oosten) • Afdeling Soft Condensed Matter/Biophysics - colloïden (Van Blaaderen/Dijkstra) - microscopie (Gerritsen) • FOM Instituten (AMOLF/Rijnhuizen)

  2. gold ITO p proto-Si:H n p a-SiGe:H n p µc-Si:H n stainless steel + TBR Deposition Solar Cells Plasma CVD or Hot Wire CVD Cells on flexible foils Spectrum splitting capability Optical Enhancement Structure Modules Solar Cell formation

  3. Ultrafast Dynamics materialmodification nanowire lasers nonlinearacoustics

  4. Atom Optics Quantum matter Expanding BEC Heat conduction Superradiance

  5. Soft Condensed Matter Soft condensed matter systems are materials which deform easily under the influence of external fields such as electric fields, shear, or gravity. They contain structures that are much larger than atomic or molecular dimensions. Their dynamics is governed by thermal fluctuations. We study the physics of soft matter model systems and, using these insights, synthesize new microstructured materials from them. Synthesis of new colloids Photonic crystals Confocal microscopy Scattering & Diffraction Computer simulations Optical tweezers more information: www.colloid.nl

  6. 10m Biophysics The Molecular Biophysics group works on the application and development of novel fluorescence based imaging methods that use advanced light sources, non-linear excitation methods and contrast based on fluorescence spectroscopy. Confocal microscopy Single molecule microscopy Nanoparticle spectroscopy and microscopy Non-linear microscopy Imaging of molecular interactions In-vivo imaging Single QDs In-vivo imaging Cluster size imaging see: www1.phys.uu.nl/wwwmbf/ fs laser

  7. Aanbevolen keuzes tweede jaar 1e semester • Project natuurkunde onderzoek, Experimentele stage 2e semester • Mechanica 2, Elektriciteitsleer 2, Inleiding signaalverwerking, Numerieke methoden voor fysici, wiskundige technieken 3 derde jaar 1e semester • Moderne Gecondenseerde Materie, Thermische fysica 2, Kwantummechanica 2,  2e semester • Classical field theory of Mastervak: Photon Physics, Device Physics, Soft Condensed Matter

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