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Vocabulary List

Explore the structure of DNA, phases of mitosis, and the role of genes in inheritance. Learn about nucleotides, base pairing, and DNA replication. Discover how traits are passed down through generations.

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Vocabulary List

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  1. Vocabulary List • 1. Trait- a feature inherited from parents, e.g. eye color • 2. Chromosome- strand of DNA inherited from parents, located inside nucleus • 3. DNA- deoxyribonucleic acid • 4. Gene- piece of DNA that codes for a trait

  2. DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid List the phases of mitosis? 2. List the four classes of biological molecules

  3. Components & Structure of DNA • In Interphase __________ replicates so that _______________ can occur. • In mitosis we discussed the _________ dividing. • Now we are going to learn about chromosome composition. (Composition = _______________). • Chromosomes consist of genes. • Genes: sequence of DNA that codes for a particular _________ to be formed, which will give you your __________.

  4. Structure of DNA • DNA consists of nucleotides. • Nucleotides have three components: 1. Pentose sugar: deoxyribose 2. Phosphate molecule 3. Nitrogen base (molecule that contains nitrogen) • Adenine • Guanine • Cytosine • Thymine • BONDING OF BASES • A-T (2 HYDROGEN BONDS) • C-G (3 HYDROGEN BONDS)

  5. DNA is a double helix (twisted ladder) • The sides =sugar and phosphate. • The steps = N bases • Draw this and circle a nucleotide. 

  6. QOD 3-15-11 Draw and State a relationship between touching words

  7. DNA Math • If A always bonds to __, and C always bonds to __, then we can calculate the % of each base pair in a strand of DNA. • e.g. If there is 16% Adenine in a strand of DNA, calculate the % of: • ____%T • ___%G • ___%C

  8. DNA Math: Calculate the % of all fouor base pairs if: • 1. G=15% • 2. T=20% • 3. A=10% • 4. G=14% • 5. C=22% • 6. T=32% • 7. C=28% • 8. A=13% • 9. T=42% • 10. A=36%

  9. What are the Eight Criteria for something to be Living? • 1. Reproduction • 2. Growth and Development • 3. Energy Use • 4. Response to Environment • 5. Homeostasis • 6. Evolution • 7. Organization • 8. Inheritable Info • Fire, dirt, air, heart, animal, plant, sun, heart

  10. QUIZ TOMORROW • 1. Draw this strand of DNA. • 2. Calculate % • A = 12% • T = • C = • G = • 3. Fill-in-the-Blank • Feature inherited from parents • Strand of DNA • Piece of DNA that codes for a trait • Spell DNA

  11. DNA Marshmallow Model • 4-5 per group • 40 nucleotides: 10A, 10C, 10G, 10T • Assemble into a double helix. • Exit Slip: Place your model on a piece of paper with a key and your name. • Structure=20 points • Labeling=20 points

  12. 1-7-12 • What is a nucleotide? • What are the three components of a nucleotide?

  13. DNA Extraction Lab & Lab Report • Complete the lab and begin your lab report.

  14. DNA & Complementary Base Pairing • Adenine and Thymine always bond together with two hydrogen bonds. • Cytosine and Guanine always bond together with three hydrogen bonds. • Overall DNA is described as a double helix (twisted ladder)

  15. Flashback of DNA &Traits • In Interphase DNA _______________ so that a copy can be given to each new ____________ cell. • DNA codes for our individual _____ by coding for particular ____________. • DNA codes for these proteins using the nucleic acid known as __ __ __. • RNA differs from DNA in 3 ways: • Single stranded • Uracil not thymine • Ribose not deoxyribose.

  16. EOC Level 1

  17. Relate the words in the drawing below.

  18. Vocabulary List #1: Semester 2 • 1. Gene- segment of chromosome/DNA that codes for a particular trait. • 2. mRNA- type of RNA that copies the DNA in the nucleus • 3. tRNA- type of RNA that attaches amino acids and has an anti-codon. • 4. Transcription- process of mRNA made from the DNA • 5. Translation- process of protein being made based off the mRNA

  19. 6. Codon- 3 base pairs on the mRNA • 7. Anti-codon- 3 base pairs on the tRNA • 8. Ribosome- organelle that makes proteins • 9. Amino acid- monomer of a protein • 10. Chromosome-strand of DNA in the nucleus • 11. Mutation- DNA that has become changed

  20. Transcription Looks Like…

  21. DNA & RNA Working Together • Transcription – the process that DNA strands become separated, and mRNA copies one of the strands. • Notice mRNA is being made from DNA, and complimentary base pairing except with uracil.

  22. Translation • Translation- occurs in the ribosome. • Takes the mRNA from the nucleus, tRNA from the ribosome and makes a protein. • PROTEINS = YOUR TRAITS

  23. Bell Ringer 1-13-14

  24. Transcription and Translation MovieT & T Movie

  25. 1-14-14 Level 2

  26. mRNA tRNA Protein • mRNA is made in the ____________, and then travels to the ______________, and attaches to a ___________ so protein formation can occur. • Translation- term used to describe mRNA and tRNA creating a protein. • The monomer of a protein is an ______ _____, and these are coded for by codons and anti-codons. • A codon is a _ letter sequence on the _____strand. • Each codon matches to an _______ , and an amino acid is linked together. • The amino acids link together to form a ____ which gives you your ________.

  27. Let’s Practice • DNA Replication, Transcription, and Translation

  28. Expectations: • Protein Lab Paper Due • Test Tomorrow: Vocabulary, Math, DNA • Extra Credit if Signed • Today: MUTATIONS • mRNA: G G C U A A C A G C CC

  29. 1-21-14 • 1. Where is mRNA synthesized? • 2. How many nitrogen bases comprise a codon? • 3. tRNA will match its ____ _____ to the _____ on the mRNA strand, and link the correct ____ acid to make the correct protein. • 4. The process that makes mRNA is called _________, and occurs in the __________. • 5. The process that makes proteins is called____, and occurs in the _________.

  30. If the mRNA codon is AUG which amino acid will it deliver?

  31. Mutations • When DNA is being copied during ___________, sometimes it makes mistakes. • ______________ are changes in the genetic material. • Two Types of Mutations: • 1. Point Mutations • 2. Chromosomal Mutations

  32. Bellringer 1-27-14 • PREDICT what will happen to an individual if their mRNA goes from: • Original mRNA: A U G C A G U C C U G A • Mutated mRNA: A U G U A A C C U A A G

  33. Mutations Point Mutations 4 types Chromosomal Mutations Deletion- entire piece of a chromosome is missing Duplication- two of the same gene are on the same chromosome. Inversion- gene is inserted upside down. Translocation- gene from one chromosome is put on the wrong one. • One nucleotide is inserted, deleted, or substituted. • Silent- no change • Missense- one amino acid is changed. • Nonsense- stop codon is inserted where it shouldn’t be • Frameshift- entire amino acid sequence changes

  34. Figure 12.19 Chromosomal Mutations (A, B)

  35. Point Mutations Frameshift Mutations Kabuki’s disease 1:32,000- caused by framshift & nonsense

  36. Exit Slip 1-22-13: Name the processes taking place below. (there are 3)

  37. DNA and Criminology Reading • Why do scientists use 13 different loci (locations) to DNA fingerprint someone? • When the article talks about “DNA evidence” what are they referring to? • Do you think DNA evidence is accurate enough to incarcerate or exonerate someone?

  38. Assignment • Read 12.1, 12.2 • Answer questions on 294,296, and 299 • Begin constructing a paper model of DNA • Color Code: • Deoxyribose= purple • Phosphate= black • Adenine= blue • Thymine= yellow • Cytosine= brown • Guanine= green

  39. Assignment • In 1970 a man was accused of killing his beloved wife. All that was gathered at the crime scene was a bloody knife he was holding, and some unidentified hairs on his wife’s body. He maintains his innocence, and has contacted you a DNA expert to help exonerate him from prison. • Can you help him? • Use your knowledge of DNA base pair sequencing. • Outline the steps you will take to help him repeal his case.

  40. Early Investigation of DNA • Scientists knew that DNA: • 1. Genes carried genetic information from one generation to another. • 2. Genes used DNA to code for an individual’s traits. • 3. Genes had to be easily duplicated, since each time a cell divides (mitosis) the DNA was copied as well.

  41. Vocabulary Week #2 • 1. codon- sequence of 3 nitrogen bases on mRNA • 2. anti-codon- sequence of 3 nitrogen bases on tRNA • 3. mRNA- made in the nucleus, copy of DNA strand • 4. tRNA- located in ribosome, makes the amino acid chain based off of mRNA • 7. Transcription- process that a DNA strand become separated, and mRNA copies one of the DNA strands. • 8. Translation- process of mRNA being decoded resulting in protein formation.

  42. DNA Terms • DNA has a twisted ladder shape known as _________ _______ • ___ (#)bonds hold adenine to thymine • ___ (#) bonds hold cytosine to guanine • __________, ___________, & __________ make up a nucleotide.

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