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MiMi – Health Project With Immigrants for Immigrants Intercultural Health in Germany Speaker : Chris Ezeh BA Mass Communication Founder/CEO & MD EuroAfricaCentral Network www.euroafricacentral.com Topic: Children’s Health & Accident Prevention.
MiMi – Health Project WithImmigrantsforImmigrantsInterculturalHealth in GermanySpeaker: Chris EzehBA Mass CommunicationFounder/CEO & MD EuroAfricaCentral Network www.euroafricacentral.comTopic: Children’s Health & Accident Prevention
Children’s Health andAccident Prevention 1. Nutrition 2. Dental Care • What do I do when te child is ill 4. ´U´-Checkups 5. Vaccinations 6. Fear of the Doctor 7. Avoiding illnesses 8. Accident Prevention
Breast milk for newborn babies Mothers should breadfeed their babies as long as possible (at least sixth months), especially if parents suffer from allergy. 1. Nutrition
Prepared food The sucking hole of baby’s bottle should be very small in order not to drink not too much. Do not use more powder than prescribed! 1. Nutrition In the case where the mother cannot breastfeed her baby, there is the need to use special products from the supermarket. Be careful to use the right product for the right age group :
Need For Extra Food 1. Nutrition • From 5th to 7th month breast milk is no longer enough Little by little, give porridge as supplementary. Prepared food in jars or freshly prepared (fruits, vegetables, potatoes, milk). • Always wash fruits and vegetables properly (because of chemicals) • Little children need a lot of milk to help bones grow (breastfeeding or full cream milk from sixth month onwards) • Give more water to drink!
1. Nutrition Mixed Foodstuff For Older Children • Mixture of various kinds of food: a bit of everything • Do not often use leftovers, prepare fresh food items Children need to drink a lot of: Water, Juice diluted with water Fruit tea with no sugar, rarely juice or lemonade (makes fat, harms teeth)
2. Dental Care Every morning, evening and after every meal:teeth mustbe brushed 3 minutes at least Doing so with special toothbrush and toothpaste for children is good deal of fun! • See information about teeth brushing and dental care in chapter with title ´dental prophylaxis´ in ´The German Health System. A Guide for Migrants´
2. Dental Care Fluoride protects against caries: • Babies and little children need a pill everyday containing vitamin d and fluoride • It protects against caries and rickets (rachitis), helps development of both teeth and bones • Stop the pills when when the child is allergic to lactose or galactose (sugar from milk water or whey) They should be stored out of reach of children!
3.What must be done when child falls ill Childrenget frequently ill more than adults. Illnesses such as: Typical children's diseases, fever, cough, colds. What should I do then?
3.What is must be don when Child falls ill • Keep eyes on the child to find out what has changed? Signs of illness:Fever, cough, difficulty to breath, colds, vomiting, skin rashes, pains. Is my child not feeling hungry tired? confused?
3. What must be done when a child falls ill • Take your child´s temperature • Observe every change in the child and inform the children’s Doctor (Paediatrician) later on • If serious symptoms occur (cough, diarrhoea, earaches, fever) go to the Doctor immediately! • The may probably prescribe some medicines which must be taken as advised
3. What is to be do when a child falls ill Additional Household Remedies which help additively to a medical consultation In case of vomiting: Give water, tea and grape sugar (dextrose) for protection against dehydration. No milk! When the child‘s body rejects any kind of liquid: Go to the Doctor immediately! Lack of water poses potentiall threat to life!
3. What is to be do when child falls ill Diarrhoea: Change art of nutrition! Cough: Steam baths, wrap up chest with warm and wet pads and knock the back gently!
3.What is to be done when Child falls ill At paediatrician Consultation hours: mostly on weekends, in the morning and in the afternoon. On weekends medical practices are closed, but there is always an on-duty unit nearby (who is in duty and available in emergencies one can find out in local newspapers). Your paediatrician's telephone number and consultation hours should be to find near telephone.
3. What to Do if a Child is Ill Emergencies Urgent cases: Fractures, breathlessness, strong bleeding or pains. Call your paediatrician, on weekends eventually an on-duty unit or acute day ward of children’s hospital
4. ´U´-Checkups • Even though your child is healthy it should be examined regularly by a doctor • For that purpose, „U“-checkups are available. They are covered by health insurance (first 13 years of life: U1-U9 and J1) • One’s paediatrician assesses whether one’s child is developing well and if certain disorders or illnesses are existent • Early identified, it is easier to help your child with occurring problems
4. ´U´-Checkups Health insurance card Booklet of ´u´-checkups (to be received after birth at hospital or later on from midwife) • The first checkup (U1) will be done directly after baby’s birth by a doctor or a midwife • U2 at hospital or between baby’s 3rd to 10th days of life by a paediatrician (home visit by the doctor possible) • You have to keep the next appointment in mind yourself! Go to medical practice on time! What do I have to take with me?
5. Vaccinations Vaccinations imitate an infectious disease in a harmless way. That way, the body’s defence builds up. Afterwards, one’s body is immune and no real infection is able to take place. Vaccinations are important to your child, because they are securing them against dangerous infectious diseases. They are also important for general public because they prevent spreading of infectious diseases.
5. Vaccinations Normally, your child is vaccinated against the following diseases: • diphteria • whopping cough • polio • meningitis and laryngitis • tetanus • measels • mumps • rubella • hepatitis b
5. Vaccinations • Getting vaccinated at ´U´-checkups • Most vaccinations your child is able to receive at `U´-checkups • Do not forget about your vaccination pass! • Some vaccination appointments may be fixed on dates in-between regular checkups • It is important that while U3-check up you should fix later vaccination dates together with your physician, because nobody will remind you as they are voluntary • Costs are covered by health insurance! Do not forget about your vaccination pass!!
5. Vaccinations Risks • Many children feel floppy or over winded after a vaccination • More severe reactions are very rarely found • Speak up your eventually occurring fears and doubts to your paediatrician! • In case your child gets seriously ill, contact your paediatrician by all means!
5. Vaccinations Circumstances in which children should not get immunisations • Children which are ill should not get vaccinated • Appointments for children suffering fevers should get displaced • Bring it up to your physician before vaccination if your child once reacted allergic to a vaccination, if it may be HIV positive or is disabled
6. Fear of physicians ... absolutely normal! If parents show their fear of physicians or dentists it may be devolved to their child. How can I help my child? • Talk to your child in advance about which treatments the physician may be undertaking • Do not hide anything (shots may be painful for a short time) • Maybe the child has a doctor's suitcase so it may examine, treat, bandage or apply adhesive tapes on parents or its teddy bear
6. Fear of physicians How can I help my child? • Picture books concerned with physicians and hospital may be helpful • Take favourite doll or teddy bear with you to physician • Be cool and do not show your own fears of an upcoming dental consultation, afterwards, talk positively about it • Choose a good and understanding paediatrician • Take your child with you to your own preventive check-up one time, so it may get used to atmosphere
7. Avoiding Illnesses Parents can take several actions in order to ensure that their child stays healthy: Providing appropriate clothing and shoes for every kind of season and every kind of weather. Ensure a smoke-free and well aired apartment (avoids mouldering). Your rooms temperatures should range between 18-22 degree celsius.
7. Avoiding Illnesses Sufficient exercise: Exercising is important for health and development. Children should not be allowed to be watching television or to be playing computer games for a long period of time. Children should be playing outdoors quite often. Teach your children swimming on time or make professional swimming lessons possible! Small children should always be wearing water wings while swimming.
7. Avoiding Illnesses Teach your child tricycling, bicycling and scooting. At best in a safe environment accompanied by a crash-helmet. Your may also let off steam at sports-clubs. It is very important to prevent accidents in households and road traffic. Because every year one million children are in an accidents and are strongly injured in that extent that medical help is required.
8. Accident Prevention Dangerous accident sources and how to control them:
8. Accident Prevention More sources of danger: • Stairs (safety guard, practicing climbing stairs) • Slippery floors (no waxing, no too polished) • Carpet (avoiding of crinkles, shifting) • Tablecloths, cables, furniture (should not be hanging loosely or permanently fixed because children like it to lift themselves on things and may get injured (e.g. scalded) • Footlockers, fridges (keep securely closed!) • Diaper changing table (better changing diapers on floor)
8. Accident Prevention More sources of danger: • `Finding one's feet´ -aids (abandon them!) • Plastic bags ( better to be stored out of children's range, clarifying dangers of suffocation) • Cords (cut them off!) • Toys (just age adequate ones) • Pillows and blankets (use of very light blankets) Bath tubs (use of special tubs for babies, just supervised bathing, no electrical appliance in the near of tub or shower)
8. Accident Prevention More sources of danger: • Pharmaceuticals, cigarettes, alcoholic drinks (not to be stored in range of children, use of child locks on cupboards) • Cleaning- and washing agents ( not to be stored in children's range, use of child locks on cupboards) • Toxic plants (not to be stored in households with children or gardens, clarifying possible dangers)
8. Accident Prevention More sources of danger: Backyard ponds, deep puddles (danger of drowning) Flying kites (just in surrounding without power supply lines) Dogs and cats (just supervised contacts, practicing right behaviour, cleanliness)
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