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Learn about the powerful position of the U.S. President, their roles and notable figures like Washington, Lincoln, and more. |
The United Statesof America – ThePresidents • www.zlinskedumy.cz
TheOfficeofthe President ofthe United Statesof America isoneofthe most powerful in theworld. “Under the United States Constitution, the President of the United States is the head of state and head of government of the United States. As chief of the executive branch and head of the federal government as a whole, the presidency is the highest political office in the United States by influence and recognition. The president is also the commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. The president is indirectly elected to a four-year term ……by the House of Representatives ….,…no person may be elected to the office of President more than twice. Furthermore, no person who served more than two years of a term ….may be elected more than once.“/text 1/ ThePresidentlives and works in theWhite House. His wifeiscalledtheFirst Lady.
First President ofthe US, he ishonored as thefatherof his country, he woredenturesmade outofwood and he ownedslaves. Americanscelebratedhis birthdaywhile he wasstillalive. He representshonesty. George Washington was a commanderin chiefofthe Continental Army. He grew up on his father´sfarm, enjoyedridinghorses, fishing in thestreams and ponds, climbingtrees and playingvariousgameswithotherchildren. ThefirstAmerican president wasborn On February 22, 1732 in a modestPlantationmanor house alongtheBanksofPopes Creek, thestateof Virginia. Popes Creek Plantationis part ofthe George Washington BirthplaceNational Monument, whichincludestheworkingfarm, familycemetery, a picnic area, and more than 500 acresofgroundscrossed by hikingtrails. Obrázek 1 George Washington
Republicanthird President ofthe United States, he wrotetheDeclarationofIndependence. And another major eventduring his presidencywas buyinghugeterritoryin theWestfrom France so thesizeofthenationdoubled and itwasthetimeofexplorationoftheunknownterritories in theWest. Obrázek 2 ThomasJefferson
Abraham Lincoln, the 16thpresident ofthe United States, wasborn on February 12, 1809 in a log manor house in Kentucky. His father Thomas tried to make a living as a carpenter and a farmer. Abe had littletimeforgoing to school. Thislackofeducation made himhungryfor more knowledge. He enteredthearenaofpolitics and law. In 1834 he waselected to The House ofRepresentativesand beganstudyinglaw. In 1847 as a lawyer he waselectedintoCongress. Lincoln joinedtheRepublicans and theynominatedhimfortheSenate in 1858. In 1860 he was a party´scandidateforthepresidency and won. At thetimesomestatesleftthe Union to formtheConfederateStatesof America, the country wasdivided and the Civil Warbegan. TheWarwas not onlyovertheabolitionofslavery but alsotheRightsofallindividualStates to make theirowndecisions on othermatters. On April 14, Mr. And Mrs. Lincoln attended a play attheFord´sTheatre in Washington,D.C. . Anactor, John W. Booth, whodisagreedwithLincoln´spoliticalopinions , steppedintothepresidental box and shot Lincoln whodiedthefollowingday. Obrázek 3 Abraham LINCOLN
A republican and the 26thPresident ofthe United States. He becamethe President whenhe wasonly 43. He couldbe proud of his construction and buildingoftheCanal in Panama, whichjoinedtheAtlanticand PacificOceanfleetsofthe United States Navy. Obrázek 4 Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909
A democrat and thethirty-fifth President ofthe USA, wholovedsailing and he livedwitha very badpainfrom a warinjury. He has got a famous sentence from his inauguralspeech :“Ask not whatyour country can do foryou, askwhatyoucan do foryour country.“ Obrázek 5 John Fitzgerald KENNEDY
Ronald Wilson Reagan; February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was the 40th President of the United States (1981–89). Beforethat, he was the 33rd Governor of California and a radio, film and television actor. He survived an assassination attempt, took a hard line against labor unions, and ordered an invasion of Grenada. He was reelected in 1984, proclaiming it was "Morning in America".He influencedthe ending of the Cold War, the 1986 bombing of Libya.He described the Soviet Union as an "evil empire.“ Reagan negotiated with Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev, culminating in the INF Treaty and the decrease of both countries' nuclear arsenals. Reagan left office in 1989. Obrázek 6 Ronald Reagan
Democrat and fourty – second President. President Bill Clinton wasborn in 1946 in Hope, Arkansas. He attended Georgetown University, Oxford University in Great Britain, and YaleLawSchool. Clintonwas a teacheratthe University of Arkansas. In 1978 he waselectedgovernorof Arkansas, becomingthenation´syoungestgovernor. He married Hillary Rodham. Theyhaveonechild, a daughterChelsea. Clinton defeated president George Bush in thepresidentialelection in 1992 and became 42nd US President. He wasreelected in 1996. Obrázek 7 Bill Clinton
George Walker Bush (born July 6, 1946) is an American politician,businessman who was the 43rd President of the United States from 2001 to 2009 and the 46th Governor of Texas from 1995 to 2000. After graduating from YaleUniversity in 1968 and Harvard Business School in 1975, Bush worked in oil businesses. Eight months into Bush's first term as president, the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks occurred. In response, Bush announced the War on Terror, an international military campaign which included the war in Afghanistan launched in 2001 and the war in Iraq launched in 2003. Obrázek 8 George W. Bush
Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961 is the 44th and current President of the United States. He is the first African American to hold the office. H Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was president of the Harvard Law Review. He won the Senate election in November 2004, serving until his resignation following his 2008 presidential election victory. Obrázek 9 Barack Obama
AnswertheQuestions !? WhatisthepositionoftheAmerican President ? Whowasthefirst President ofthe USA ? Whoishonored as thefatherofthe US country ? WhatimportantthingdidT.Jefferson do for his country ? Whydid A. Lincoln becomethe symbol of“theAmericandream ?“ Howoldwas T. Roosevelt when he becamethe President ? Whywas J.F. Kenedy so popular ?
Results A) TrueorFalse ?? 1.T, 2.T, 3.F, 4.F, 5.F, 6.F, 7.F, 8.F, 9.T, 10.F B) Questions ??? The head of state and head of government of the United States, George Washington Also George Washington He bought huge territory in the West from France and wrote the Declaration of Independence. He formedthe Confederate States of America, he made theabolitionof slavery He wasonly43 He was a very big democrat, lovedpeople and country.
1.Text :Wikipedie: List of Presidents of United States. In: Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia [online]. 5 July 2012[cit.24.10.2012].Dostupný pod licencí Creative CommonsAttribution-ShareAlike Licence na WWW:<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States>. Obrázek 1 George Washington STUART, Gilbert. wikipedia.org [online]. 2005 [cit. 6.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Gilbert_Stuart,_George_Washington_(Lansdowne_portrait,_1796).jpg>. Obrázek 2 Thomas JeffersonREMBRANDT, Peale. wikipedia.org [online]. 1800 [cit. 6.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Thomas_Jefferson_by_Rembrandt_Peale,_1800.jpg>. Obrázek 3 Abraham LINCOLN HEALY, George Peter Alexander. wikipedia.org [online]. 1869 [cit. 6.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Abraham_Lincoln_by_George_Peter_Alexander_Healy.jpg Obrázek 4 Theodore Roosevelt SARGENT, John Singer. wikipedia.org [online]. 1903 [cit. 6.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Troosevelt.gif>. Obrázek 5 John Fitzgerald KENNEDY AUTOR NEUVEDEN. wikipedia.org [online]. 1964 [cit. 6.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí Public domain na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Jfk2.jpg>. Obrázek 6 Ronald Reagan AUTOR NEUVEDEN. wikipedia.org [online]. 8 April 1983 [cit. 6.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencíPublic domain na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Official_Portrait_of_President_Reagan_1981.jpg>. Obrázek 7 Bill Clinton MCNEELY, Bob. wikipedia.org [online]. 1.leden 1993 [cit. 6.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí Publicdomain na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Bill_Clinton.jpg>. Obrázek 8 George W.BushDRAPER, Eric. wikipedia.org [online]. 2003 [cit. 6.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencíPublic domain na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:George-W-Bush.jpeg>. Obrázek 9 Barack Obama SOUZA, Pete. wikipedia.org [online]. 13.leden 2009 [cit. 6.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommonsAttribution 3.0 Unported na WWW:<http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Official_portrait_of_Barack_Obama.jpg>.
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