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The Direct Method: Teaching Modern Languages

Learn about the Direct Method, a new approach to teaching modern languages like English and French, focusing on spoken language and practical communication skills. Discover its characteristics, benefits, and challenges.

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The Direct Method: Teaching Modern Languages

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  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم College of Education for Girls Department of English Dr. Mohamed Younis Mohamed Applied Linguistics 1433-1434 H 5th Level

  2. The Direct Method Historically, the call for a new approach to the teaching of modern languages like French and English has both socio-economic and scientific aspects. On the social and economic level the industrialization of western European countries created a demand for a practically useful knowledge in subjects like mathematics, physics, and modern languages. Additionally, new changes in the language learning field, e.g. populations (mass of immigration), growing international trade and

  3. growing international trade and tourism, new types of students created a new kind of classroom population. Two things can be seen : 1.In these classrooms, it was impossible for instruction to proceed through first-language explanation and translation. 2.The new type of students needed spoken as well as written language, and they needed it fast. Therefore, language learning experts responded to this challenge with radical new ideas about how languages should be taught.

  4. These new ideas say that : Rather than forcing learners to accumulate abstract knowledge about rules of grammar, declensions and conjugations, with translations as a test of knowledge, it is proposed that the target language should be learnt like children learn their first language, that is by using it in class [This is why the new approach is known as the Natural Approach or the Direct Method]. The establishment of the Natural Approach ortheDirectMethod in Germany and France was around 1900.

  5. The Direct Method of teaching foreign languages, sometimes called the natural method, refrains from using the learners' native language and uses only the target language. In other words, Direct Method classrooms insisted on the use of one language in teaching and outlawing bilingualism. The general goal of the D M is to provide learners with a practically useful knowledge of language that enable them to speak and understand the target language in everyday situations. Next is DM Features.

  6. The Characteristics of the DM Characteristic features of the direct method are 1.teaching concepts and vocabulary through pantomiming, real-life objects and other visual materials/pictures. 2.teaching grammar by using an inductiveapproach (i.e. having learners find out rules through the presentation of adequate linguistic forms in the target language). With a marked change in teaching contents, the emphasis was now on knowledge of words and phrases useful for everyday life,

  7. and of factual knowledge about the target language country, its geography, major cities, industry, etc. The teaching methods recommended by the new reform movement focus on providing a useful knowledge of target language, because that can only be developed by the direct use of the target language in class. 3.centrality of spoken language (including a native-like pronunciation) 4.Oral communication skills are built up in a carefully graded progression organized around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes.

  8. That is to say the oral communication focuses on question-answer patterns . 5.teacher-centering, i.e. teachers remained very much in command and all teaching was very much teacher centred. 6.the reading of great literary texts by the greatest authors, on which the Grammar Translation Method functions, was given no priority. 7.Students, who are taught from the start to ask questions as well as answer them, should be speaking approximately 80% of the time during the lesson.

  9. 8.Everything must be done through the language under instruction since the students’ own languages are banished. 9.A typical lesson of the new teaching method uses chains of activities accompanied by verbal comments like: I go to the door. I open the door. I close the door. I return to my place. I sit down.

  10. To sum up The Direct Method is based on the direct involvement of the student when speaking, and listening to, the foreign language in common everyday situations. Consequently, there is lots of oral interaction, spontaneous use of the language, no translation, and little if any analysis of grammar rules and syntax. The focus of the lessons is on good pronunciation, often introducing learners to phonetic symbols before they see standard writing examples.

  11. Although the Direct Method continues to provoke interest and enthusiasm today, but it is not an easy method to use in a classroom situation. It requires small classes and high student motivation, and in the artificial environment of a classroom it is difficult to generate natural situations of understanding and guarantee sufficient practice for everyone. Budgets, time, classroom size, and teacher incompetence were all cited reasons for sending The Direct Method into decline in the public eye. It is still employed in private schools.

  12. Note that the course assessment is as follows : 1.One Quiz weighs 10 marks. 2.One Midterm exam 25 marks. 3.Two Assignments : One equals 5 marks, which is so far done. The Second equals 10 marks, coming soon. 4.Final Exam weighs 50 marks. Good luck

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