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Understanding Carrier Concentrations in Semiconductors

This educational guide explores the calculation of carrier concentrations in doped semiconductors using the Density of States and Distribution Function theory. Learn about energy levels, effective mass, Fermi-Dirac Distribution, Boltzmann Approximation, intrinsic and degenerate semiconductors, and space-charge neutrality. Discover how different variables like temperature, doping concentration, and energy bandgap affect carrier densities.

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Understanding Carrier Concentrations in Semiconductors

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  1. Homogeneous Semiconductors • Dopants • Use Density of States and Distribution Function to: • Find the Number of Holes and Electrons.

  2. Energy Levels in Hydrogen Atom

  3. Energy Levels for Electrons in a Doped Semiconductor

  4. Assumptions for Calculation

  5. Density of States (Appendix D)Energy Distribution Functions(Section 2.9)Carrier Concentrations(Sections 2.10-12)

  6. GOAL: • The density of electrons (no) can be found precisely if we know 1. the number of allowed energy states in a small energy range, dE: S(E)dE “the density of states” 2. the probability that a given energy state will be occupied by an electron: f(E) “the distribution function” no = bandS(E)f(E)dE

  7. For quasi-free electrons in the conduction band:1. We must use the effective mass (averaged over all directions)2. the potential energy Ep is the edge of the conduction band (EC) S(E) = (1/2p2) (2mdse*/2)3/2(E - EC)1/2 For holes in the valence band:1. We still use the effective mass (averaged over all directions)2. the potential energy Ep is the edge of the valence band (EV) S(E) = (1/2p2) (2mdsh*/2)3/2(EV - E)1/2

  8. E(x) conduction band EC EV valence band x Energy Band Diagram Eelectron S(E) Ehole note: increasing electron energy is ‘up’, but increasing hole energy is ‘down’.

  9. Reminder of our GOAL: • The density of electrons (no) can be found precisely if we know • 1. the number of allowed energy states in a small energy range, dE: S(E)dE • “the density of states” • 2. the probability that a given energy state will be occupied by an electron: f(E) • “the distribution function” • no = bandS(E)f(E)dE

  10. Fermi-Dirac Distribution The probability that an electron occupies an energy level, E, is f(E) = 1/{1+exp[(E-EF)/kT]} • where T is the temperature (Kelvin) • k is the Boltzmann constant (k=8.62x10-5 eV/K) • EF is the Fermi Energy (in eV)

  11. 1 T=0 oK T1>0 f(E) T2>T1 0.5 0 E EF f(E) = 1/{1+exp[(E-EF)/kT]} All energy levels are filled with e-’s below the Fermi Energy at 0 oK

  12. Fermi-Dirac Distribution for holes Remember, a hole is an energy state that is NOT occupied by an electron. Therefore, the probability that a state is occupied by a hole is the probability that a state is NOT occupied by an electron: fp(E) = 1 – f(E) = 1 - 1/{1+exp[(E-EF)/kT]} ={1+exp[(E-EF)/kT]}/{1+exp[(E-EF)/kT]}- 1/{1+exp[(E-EF)/kT]} = {exp[(E-EF)/kT]}/{1+exp[(E-EF)/kT]} =1/{exp[(EF - E)/kT] + 1}

  13. The Boltzmann ApproximationIf (E-EF)>kTsuch that exp[(E-EF)/kT] >> 1 then, f(E) = {1+exp[(E-EF)/kT]}-1 {exp[(E-EF)/kT]}-1  exp[-(E-EF)/kT] …the Boltzmann approx. similarly, fp(E) is small when exp[(EF - E)/kT]>>1: fp(E) = {1+exp[(EF - E)/kT]}-1 {exp[(EF - E)/kT]}-1  exp[-(EF - E)/kT] If the Boltz. approx. is valid, we say the semiconductor is non-degenerate.

  14. f(E) 1 T=0 oK T1>0 T2>T1 S(E) 0.5 0 E EV EF EC n(E)=S(E)f(E) E Putting the pieces together:for electrons, n(E)

  15. S(E) Putting the pieces together: for holes, p(E) fp(E) T=0 oK 1 T1>0 T2>T1 0.5 0 E EV EF EC p(E)=S(E)f(E) hole energy

  16. Finding no and po the effective density of states in the conduction band

  17. Energy Band Diagramintrinisic semiconductor: no=po=ni E(x) conduction band EC n(E) EF=Ei p(E) EV valence band x where Ei is the intrinsic Fermi level

  18. Energy Band Diagramn-type semiconductor: no>po E(x) conduction band EC EF n(E) p(E) EV valence band x

  19. Energy Band Diagramp-type semiconductor: po>no E(x) conduction band EC n(E) EF p(E) EV valence band x

  20. A very useful relationship …which is independent of the Fermi Energy Recall that ni = no= pofor an intrinsic semiconductor, so nopo = ni2 for all non-degenerate semiconductors. (that is as long as EF is not within a few kT of the band edge)

  21. The intrinsic carrier density is sensitive to the energy bandgap, temperature, and m*

  22. The intrinsic Fermi Energy (Ei) For an intrinsic semiconductor, no=po and EF=Ei which gives Ei = (EC + EV)/2 + (kT/2)ln(NV/NC) so the intrinsic Fermi level is approximately in the middle of the bandgap.

  23. Space-charge NeutralityConsider a semiconductor doped with NA ionized acceptors (-q) and ND ionized donors (+q). positive charges = negative charges po + ND= no + NA using ni2 = nopo ni2/no + ND= no+ NA ni2 + no(ND-NA) - no2 = 0 no = 0.5(ND-NA)  0.5[(ND-NA)2 + 4ni2]1/2 we use the ‘+’ solution since no should be increased by ni no = ND - NA in the limit that ni<<ND-NA

  24. carrier conc. vs. temperature po= no= ni intrinsic material no/(ND-NA) po/(NA-ND) 1 freeze-out insufficient energy to ionize the dopant atoms 300 100 600 T (K) Similarly,po= NA - ND if NA-ND>>ni

  25. impurity band EC ED1 + + + + Eg0 Eg(ND) EV for ND > 1018 cm-3 in Si Degenerate Semiconductors…the doping concentration is so high that EF moves within a few kT of the band edge (EC or EV) High donor concentrations cause the allowed donor wavefunctions to overlap, creating a band at EDn First only the high states overlap, but eventually even the lowest state overlaps. This effectively decreases the bandgap by DEg = Eg0– Eg(ND).

  26. EC (intrinsic) DEg EF available impurity band states filled impurity band states EC (degenerate) ~ ED apparent band gap narrowing: DEg* (is optically measured) Eg* is the apparent band gap: an electron must gain energy Eg* = EF-EV EV - Degenerate Semiconductors As the doping conc. increases more, EF rises above EC

  27. Electron Concentrationin degenerately doped n-type semiconductors The donors are fully ionized: no = ND The holes still follow the Boltz. approx. since EF-EV>>>kT po = NV exp[-(EF-EV)/kT] = NV exp[-(Eg*)/kT] = NV exp[-(Ego- DEg*)/kT] = NV exp[-Ego/kT]exp[DEg*)/kT] nopo = NDNVexp[-Ego/kT] exp[DEg*)/kT] = (ND/NC) NCNVexp[-Ego/kT] exp[DEg*)/kT] = (ND/NC)ni2 exp[DEg*)/kT]

  28. Summary non-degenerate: nopo= ni2 degenerate n-type: nopo= ni2 (ND/NC) exp[DEg*)/kT] degenerate p-type: nopo= ni2 (NA/NV) exp[DEg*)/kT]

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