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Children’s national medical center surgery expansion phase 1

Children’s national medical center surgery expansion phase 1. By: Andrea Klein Construction Management Option Spring 2008 Advisor: Dr. Messner. Washington, DC. Presentation Outline. Project Overview Technical Analyses Resize Mechanical Fans Prefabricated Walls

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Children’s national medical center surgery expansion phase 1

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  1. Children’s national medical centersurgery expansion phase 1 By: Andrea Klein Construction Management Option Spring 2008 Advisor: Dr. Messner Washington, DC

  2. Presentation Outline • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 2 

  3.  Project Overview  Presentation Outline Owner: Children’s Hospital Architect: Wilmot/Sanz Inc Project Managers: KLMK Group, LLC Contractor: Gilbane Building Company CM @ Risk Cost: $10.2 million Schedule: Planned: April 2007 – December 2007 Actual: October 2007 – September 2008 • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 3 

  4.  Project Overview  Presentation Outline Phase 1A Phase 1B • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions? • 2 new Operating Rooms + Support  Waiting Room • Male/Female Locker rooms  On- Call Station • Offices  Reception • Decontamination Area  Registration  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 4 

  5. Technical Analysis 1: Resize Mechanical Fans Presentation Outline • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 5 

  6.  Resize Mechanical Fans Presentation Outline Problem: -Fans sized for “future duty” -Operating at lower demand until future construction is built Goal: -Reduce initial cost -Reduce operating costs -Examine benefits of using smaller fans until the larger fans are needed, and replace them at a later date • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 6 

  7.  Resize Mechanical Fans Presentation Outline Procedure: 1. Compare Design Load to Demand Load 2. Select New Fans 3. Calculate Costs for Original Conditions 4. Calculate Costs for New Conditions 5. Compare Costs and Make Recommendation • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions? Step 1:  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 7 

  8.  Resize Mechanical Fans Presentation Outline Step 2: • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions? New Fans Selected SF – 26B – 1 -Original EPFN 182, Class III -New EPFN 165, Class II RF – 26B** -Original TCVX 32B6, Class II -New TCVX 21B7, Class I RF – 12B -Original TCVX 32B4, Class II -New TCVX 21B7, Class I  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 8 

  9.  Resize Mechanical Fans Presentation Outline Operating Cost Savings Step 3 & 4: • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions? Initial Cost Savings  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 9 

  10.  Resize Mechanical Fans Presentation Outline Optimal Design Cost Savings Outcome • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions? -Initial Cost Savings for All Fans = $ 5,442.00 -Operating Costs Savings for Return Fans only Recommendation Combine old and new design for best savings *Effective only if future duty takes more than 5 yrs*  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 10 

  11. Technical Analysis 2: Prefabricated Wall Panels Presentation Outline • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 11 

  12.  Prefabricated Wall Panels Presentation Outline Problem: -Multiple walls being built on interior -Generate lots of dust in hospital Goal: -Reduce material and labor cost -Reduce schedule -Examine benefits of installing prefabricated wall system and if it meets acoustical requirements Wall System Selected: PrestowallTM by DURRA • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 12 

  13.  Prefabricated Wall Panels Presentation Outline Wall Features: - 4’ x 10’ Panels - Electrical conduit in place - Patented disk connection system = easy installation - 2 -1/4” Thick - Can be finished the same as traditional wall - Can be used for LEED credit - - Still requires taping and sanding at joint-- • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 13 

  14.  Prefabricated Wall Panels Presentation Outline Cost & Time Savings • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions? -Overall cost savings = 30% -Overall duration savings = 34%  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 14 

  15.  Prefabricated Wall Panels Presentation Outline Partitions Schematic Acoustic Calculations • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions? Partitions Examined: -Office to Office -Locker Room to Staff Lounge -Locker Room to Locker Room -Locker Room to Bathroom -Hallway to Office -Bathroom to Physician’s Lounge  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 15 

  16.  Prefabricated Wall Panels Presentation Outline Speech Privacy Calculations Acoustic Calculations • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions? Speech Privacy Rating – This method was selected because patient confidentiality is the primary acoustic concern in this section of the building. Ratings Used SP < 9 - Worse than Normal Privacy 9 < SP < 15 - Normal Privacy 15 < SP - Confidential Privacy **Rating required for offices is Normal Privacy** Worse than Normal Normal Confidential  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 16 

  17.  Prefabricated Wall Panels Presentation Outline Recommendations • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions? -Attempted to add second panel layer for better acoustics -Increased cost and duration -Defeats purpose of using new system Do not use PrestowallTM system **If project were larger and had more public spaces, it may be applicable**  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 17 

  18. Critical Research: Prefabrication & ICRA Presentation Outline • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 18 

  19.  Prefabrication and ICRA Presentation Outline Problem: - Hospital renovation and expansions take place in/near occupied spaces -ICRA guidelines provide safety regulations, but no means and methods Goal: -Provide prefabrication methods to apply to ICRA regulations as a supplemental guide -Aid implementation of prefabrication in health care projects • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 19 

  20.  Prefabrication and ICRA Presentation Outline Procedure: 1. Obtain understanding of ICRA 2. Verify need for prefabrication guide 3. Interview industry contacts 4. Compile data and determine focus 5. Research methods and technologies 6. Determine guide format 7. Create guide • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 20 

  21.  Prefabrication and ICRA Presentation Outline Sample Interview Questions: Are you familiar with the 2006 ICRA guidelines established by the AIA? Have you used the ICRA guidelines for past or present healthcare projects? Did you have difficulties maintaining any of the procedures outlined in your programs? If so, what were they, and how did you attempt to solve them? Was prefabrication used to any extent during your project? What trades, methods, or specific technologies did you use for prefabrication, and how well did they work? Do you think fabricating materials and systems off site is a viable option to help maintain the ICRA guidelines? Did you have problems with construction interfering with the surrounding occupied spaces? If so, what were they, and how large was the impact? Research Gathering - Interview questions sent to industry contacts - 4 helpful email responses - 3 helpful phone interviews - Peer reviewed journals - Magazine articles -Product catalogs and websites • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 21 

  22.  Prefabrication and ICRA Presentation Outline Research Results Major Concerns: -Price compared to traditional methods -Availability -Meeting code Initial Reactions -Mixed from industry -Good addition, but needs development • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 22 

  23.  Prefabrication and ICRA Presentation Outline Research Results Standard Methods Used • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions? New/Unused Methods  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 23 

  24.  Prefabrication and ICRA Presentation Outline Research Results ICRA Guidelines and Prefabrication -Type A & B are not conducive to prefabrication -Class I & II are not conducive to prefabrication - Prefabrication needs to be implemented early in project -ICRA Panel needs to understand prefabrication • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 24 

  25.  Prefabrication and ICRA Presentation Outline Supplemental Guide Evaluation Criteria -Cost Savings -Labor/Schedule Savings -Advantages -Disadvantages -Accessibility -What ICRA Class -Other Items to Note • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 25 

  26.  Prefabrication and ICRA Presentation Outline • Reflections • Attitude change • More Information: Lack of knowledge and expertise • Owner Driven • Decision • Early Implementation • ICRA Panel Awareness • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 26 

  27.  Prefabrication and ICRA Presentation Outline • Advancement From Here • More in depth research into dust control • Extensive cost comparisons • Limitations of materials • Lead times and availability • Trade interaction • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 27 

  28.  Acknowledgments Presentation Outline Penn State Faculty Dr, Messner Dr. Riley Dr, Freihaut Professor Parfitt Profesor Holland Gilbane Building Company Manfred Leckszas KytePicheco Todd Brodsky Deckman Co Scott Adams Children’s National Medical Center • Project Overview • Technical Analyses • Resize Mechanical Fans • Prefabricated Walls • Critical Research • Prefabrication and ICRA • Acknowledgements • Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 28 

  29. Questions?  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 29 

  30. RF-26B SF-26B-1 Fan Calculations  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 30 

  31. Wall Sections  Children’s National Medical Center   Washington, DC   Andrea K. Klein   Construction Management   Senior Thesis Presentation   April 14th, 2008  Slide 30 

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